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Статья на тему Развитие социальных эмоций у детей 4-5 лет в сюжетно -полевой игре

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
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на обработку персональных данных
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Статья касается вопросов ролевой игры как способа развития социальных и других навыков детей дошкольного возраста. В ней содержится детальное объяснение того, что собой представляет ролевая игра и почему она так важна для маленьких детей. Автор обращает наше внимании на пять ключевых моментов, которые являются причинами этой значимости. Среди них: 1) ролевая игра обучает управлять своим поведением; 2) ролевая игра дает детям эмоциональный выход; 3) ролевая игра учит разрешению конфликтов; 4) ролевая игра способствует грамотности; 5) ролевая игра позволяет родителям поддерживать детей и поощрять их идеи. По моему мнению, статья очень полезна для родителей дошкольников. Потому что она содержит хорошие комментарии относительно того, как поощрять стремление к ролевой игре, как вовлекаться в ролевую игру вместе с детьми. Я думаю, что статья может быть использована родителями, психологами, воспитателями в детских садах в их повседневной жизни и практике.


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5 Reasons Dramatic Play Matters for Child Development
By Ashley Brooks on 11/09/2015
What is dramatic play?
Dramatic play may sound like a fancy educational term, but it’s something you’re probably already familiar with. “Dramatic play, also called pretend play, involves acting out real-world situations and taking on the roles of different characters,” says Lily Jones, former kindergarten teacher and founder of Curiosity Pack.
There are two types of dramatic play: structured and unstructured. Unstructured dramatic play gives children the freedom to choose their own roles and play scenarios. Structured dramatic play, on the other hand, has specific guidelines. Children are presented with a pre-determined scenario and then must make choices and discover solutions.
Both structured and unstructured dramatic play are important for your children’s emotional and social development. Maybe you remember dramatic play from your own childhood as “make-believe” or “playing house.” Whatever you want to call it, it’s an important opportunity for kids to act out scenarios from the real world and fictional lands alike.
5 reasons why dramatic play is important
Dramatic play is an integral part of a child’s social, emotional and cognitive development, according to NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children). Here are five important aspects of dramatic play:
1. Dramatic play teaches self-regulation
Toddlers and preschoolers are known for acting impulsively, but dramatic play is a positive stepping stone toward self-regulation. NAEYC notes that children tend to be highly motivated to follow rules and stick to the roles of the play. This helps them grow in their ability to inhibit their impulses, coordinate with others and make plans.
2. Dramatic play gives children an emotional outlet
Dramatic play allows kids to act out scenarios they’ve seen or heard in real life, giving them an important emotional outlet. “Young children do not yet think internally,” explains Barbara E. Harvey, executive director of Parents, Teachers and Advocates. “Children use dramatic play to explore their own thoughts and feelings.”
This is especially important for children who have seen something upsetting or scary in their daily lives. Dramatic play gives them an opportunity to sort through difficult emotions and “practice being in the world,” according to Jones.
3. Dramatic play teaches conflict resolution
Both unstructured and structured dramatic play offer teachable moments about conflict resolution. Disagreements between children will crop up naturally during unstructured dramatic play, which offers a chance for kids to work through their differences and arrange a compromise.
Dramatic play encourages children to resolve conflict, consider alternative perspectives and recognize the various roles and responsibilities individuals have in our society. Structured dramatic play encourages children to consider a specific problem and propose their own solutions.

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