Прикладная информатика Реферат Информатика

Реферат на тему Прикладная информатика

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
Нажимая на кнопку, я даю согласие
на обработку персональных данных
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………. 3


1.1 Applied computer science and its main directions….. 5

1.2. Basic skills and knowledge of specialists in the field of applied
informatics………………………………………………. 7

1.3 Main features and tasks of applied information systems and
technologies…………………………………………. 8

CONCLUSION………………………………………………………… 12

Literature List…………………………………………………………… 14




Informatics as a science emerged in the
second half of XX century together with the appearance of the first computers.
Initially, it was engaged in the study of flows only of scientific and
technical information and methods of its collection, analysis, generalization
and distribution among specialists. The encyclopedic dictionary provides the
following definition of infomatics: "Informatics is a branch of science
that studies the structure and general properties of scientific information, as
well as issues related to its collection, storage, search, processing,
transformation, distribution and use in various fields of activity".

Applied computer science
is a specialty that borders between the informatics itself and many other
fields of knowledge, each of which constantly requires an IT-specialist. For
example, economics is an independent science, but the effective work of economists
depends on well-established work with different information technologies. And
for this a programmer with the necessary knowledge in economics is responsible.

For effective management
and operative fulfillment of tasks by the management, the manager needs to
control a lot of processes, which can be distributed very widely — in some
city, in different cities or even in other countries. There is no way to do without
information technologies. But for these technologies to work like clockwork,
you need a programmer with knowledge in management. Thus, a programmer is a
universal, who will always find a place in any field of human activity, where
there is information technology, be it law, management, design, economics or
anything else.

Applied informatics
covers the possibilities of formalization and mathematics of its areas of application, the
creation of knowledge bases, models of informatics, imitation; the development
of the most rational methods of information processes automation of research,
methods and means of computer technology, automation of production; the
development of theoretical foundations for the design and organization of
information retrieval and information-logical systems; the definition of
methods for the most optimal organization of communication both within science
and between science.

The purpose of this paper
is to study the concept of applied informatics.

The subject of this study
is applied informatics.

The object of research
are the directions of applied informatics

The objectives of the
work are

— definition of applied

— describe directions of
applied informatics,

— learn the basic skills
and knowledge that should be possessed by specialists in the field of applied
computer science,

— identify the main
features and tasks of applied information systems and technologies.

The structure of the work
has an introduction, one chapter, conclusion and a list of literature,
according to the purpose and objectives of the work.

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Taking into
account a wide range of problems covered nowadays by the direction
"Applied Informatics" it is expedient to include into the system of
education of this direction the disciplines characterizing and developing the
ideas about information elements, information processes and information systems
according to the generalizing definition of information science.

In addition
to the general scientific disciplines, according to the authors involved in the
development of curricula, the following blocks should take place:

— economic
and management disciplines;

information-computer disciplines;

— economic
and mathematical methods and models;

— social

Foundations of Informatics, Information Systems Theory and Enterprise
Architecture are important courses. Naturally, in the development of MSPs and
curricula of disciplines it is necessary to be based on general principles and
regularities of the theory of systems: emergentnost, equifinality, goal
setting, hierarchy of the system, regularities of target formation,
structurization of goals and systems, regularities of historicity and
development of systems, consistency, etc., on the application of methods and
models of system analysis [7,8].

The industry
of applied informatics includes enterprises producing computing equipment and
its elements; computing centers of different types and purposes (individual,
bush, collective use, etc.); enterprises producing software and designing
information systems; organizations accumulating, distributing and servicing the
funds of algorithms and programs; stations for maintenance of computer

The role of
informatics in modern conditions is constantly growing. The activities of both
individuals and organizations increasingly depend on their awareness and
ability to use the available information effectively. Introduction of
computers, modern means of information processing and transmission in various
industries served as the beginning of the process called informatization

material production and other spheres of activity are increasingly in need of
information service, processing of a huge amount of information.
Informatization based on the introduction of computer and telecommunication
technologies is the society’s response to the need to significantly increase
labor productivity in the information sector of public production, where more
than half of the able-bodied population is concentrated.

The result of
the informatization process is the creation of an information society where not
material objects, but ideas, images, intellect and knowledge are manipulated.
For each country its movement from the industrial to information stage of
development is determined by the degree of informatization of society.


Фрагмент текста работы:



Applied computer science and its main directions The processes of
informatization of the society caused the appearance of a scientific discipline
— informatics, which is now going through a period of its rapid development and
represents a strategic center of world science development. The subject of
computer science is information processes, methods and means of receiving,
transforming, transmitting, storing and using information. Thus, informatics is
an interdisciplinary direction and performs an integrative function in the
system of sciences.

The modern concept of
informatics implies its division into several scientific directions:

— theoretical

— social informatics,

— Applied informatics
(born at the junction of informatics with other scientific directions and
consists of various scientific disciplines such as "economic
informatics", "medical informatics", "labor
informatics", etc.).

Theoretical informatics
studies general properties of information, methods and means of generating,
storing, transmitting and using information in different conditions. It is a
theoretical base of applied informatics, as well as the basis for building modern
information technologies and systems for a variety of subject areas.

Today applied informatics
occupies a stable niche in the field of training specialists for the IT sphere.

Students and graduates of
this direction become specialists in information systems and information
resources, system analysts, developers of business applications. They are able
to work both in IT companies that develop software systems, and in organizations
that implement and operate information and communication technologies.

Good knowledge of the
subject area combined with deep knowledge and skills of practical work in the
field of information and communication technologies create competitive
advantages, which in many ways determine a consistently high demand for
specialists in the field of "Applied Computer Science", ensuring
their career growth and high income.

Distinctive features of
experts in the direction of "Applied Informatics" from other
specialties in the field of ICT is the ability to solve a wide range of tasks
of creation, implementation, maintenance and operation of information systems
in various subject areas: economics, management, law, education, state and
municipal administration, etc [3,5].

The main feature of
training of students of this profile is that during the training the basic
skills for training of IT specialists are studied. These skills include the
following areas: "Computer Networks, Systems and Communications",
"Information Systems Design", "Intellectual Information
Systems" are supplemented by the study of subjects of the economic cycle.

The course on e-commerce
training, design and maintenance of accounting information systems, currency
trading information technologies, security in banking information systems allow
students and graduates to quickly master the key sectors of modern information

Modern information
systems represent a set of means and methods associated with the creation and
application of computer technologies for collection, storage, analysis,
processing and transmission of information. Information systems today fairly
objectively assess economic relations, identify reserves and ensure the success
of business activities through making strategically correct decisions.
Informatist-economists perfectly know the methods of development of information
systems, databases, are able to perform basic works on introduction and use of
modern information systems in different branches of economy. 1.2. Basic skills and knowledge of specialists in the field of
applied informatics A specialist in the field of applied
informatics should know and have professional knowledge in the field:

— possess the basics and skills of
designing, developing and implementing information systems,

— be able and know the specifics of
resource management of large and geographically distributed companies,

— have knowledge of designing the
specifics of the work of the main information-analytical systems

— have practical and theoretical
experience in designing and developing information storage facilities and apply
technologies and techniques of operational and intellectual data analysis

The main objects of professional
activity of an applied computer science specialist in management are
information processes, systems in administrative management, information flows,
new activities that require the introduction of computer equipment, local area

A specialist in the field of applied
informatics is in demand in many areas — management, organizational, design and
technological, marketing, experimental research, consulting, analytical,

Areas of professional activity of
specialists in the field of applied informatics:

— Any structures, where economic
information systems are functioning

— Control system departments of banks
and large industrial enterprises;

— Enterprises of small and medium

— Provider organizations;

— Computing centers, etc. 1.3
Main features and tasks of applied information systems and technologies There are two main
directions in the structure of informatics: theoretical informatics and applied
informatics. The second uses the achievements of the first.

In the structure of
theoretical informatics the concept of information, its coding, mathematical
logic, algorithm theory, data structures, theory of programming languages and
some other areas of research are studied.

In general, theoretical
informatics is engaged in the development of methods of data management with
the help of computing machines, explores information systems, their role,
structure, functioning, regularities.

In contrast to
theoretical informatics, applied informatics develops specific information
systems for different fields of activity. In the structure of applied
informatics, the main directions are as follows:

— hardware, or computer

— computer networks,

— cryptography and
computer security,

— program development —
software, programming languages

— artificial intelligence
— the questions of recognition of images and sounds, intellectual translation,
research of possibilities of self-development of computer systems, etc.,

— databases,

— computer modeling,

— computer graphics.

Informatics is not only a
science, but also a sphere of activity of people, an applied discipline with
wide practical application. The development of informatics, the introduction of
its achievements allows increasing productivity.

The increasing influence
of informatics on all spheres of human life is associated with the transition
to an information society, which increasingly consumes and produces
information. In this connection, new directions in the structure of informatics
should be expected.

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