Реферат на тему Phraseology as a subsystem of language.
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1.1. The concept
and distinctive features of phraseology. 4
1.2. The position
of phraseology in the language system.. 5
1.3. Phraseological
units and their types. 10
Today it is difficult to find the aspect of the language
study which has not be considered by the Russian or foreign scientists.
Nevertheless, phraseology is a field of science where not all the questions
have been resolved. The problem of classification of phraseological units, for example,
still remains one of the most controversial. Therefore, the study of
phraseological units in the modern English language is relevant in the present
goal of the library research is to consider the phraseology as a subsystem of
on the goal the following tasks were set:
1. To study the distinctive features of phraseology.
2. To research the position of phraseology in the language
3. To analyze phraseological units and their types.
All said above confirms the thesis
about the universality of the structure of the language system as a whole and
its individual parts, about the advisability of separating phraseology as an
independent subsystem of the language, about the need to distinguish individual
levels in the composition of the phraseological subsystem, as well as about the
right of existence of the theory of general phraseology as an independent
linguistic discipline.
Phraseological units belong in
the sphere of research of phraseology. In different sources phraseological
units are referred to as either «inseparable units», «stable combinations» or
«set expressions» that is the unities in the structure of which there are
several words which express a single integral concept.
Phraseological units fill up
the spaces in the lexical system of language, which are unable to provide the
designation of the objects of reality to full extent. And in many cases such
set expressions appear to be the only denotation for objects, qualities,
processes etc.
Phraseology is a treasury of
the language. History of people, peculiarities of nation’s culture and the way
of life are reflected in phraseological units. Idioms very often bear vividly expressed national
Фрагмент текста работы:
1.1. The concept and
distinctive features of phraseology
is a section of linguistics dealing with set phrases characterized by a certain
transfer of meaning. Despite the differences of opinion, most authors agree on
the distinctive features of phraseological units, such as:
1. Integrity (or transference) of
meaning means that none of the components of an idiom is separately associated
with any referents of objective reality, and the meaning of a whole unit cannot
be deduced from the meanings of its components;
2. Stability
(lexical and grammatical) means that lexical substitution in an idiom is
impossible in comparison with free or variable phrases (except in some cases
when such substitutions are made by the author deliberately).
stability is usually accompanied by grammatical stability, which prohibits any
grammatical change;
3. Separability means that the structure
of an idiom is not something indivisible, within certain boundaries certain
modifications are possible. Here we meet the so-called lexical and grammatical
variants. To illustrate this point, we will give a few examples: to be hungry as a wolf / as a hunter, as safe,
as a house / houses in English, low
in spirits, to think over in
Russian [1].
4. Expressiveness and emotionality means that idioms are also
stylistic. In other words, they evoke emotion or add expression.
In general, phraseological units, even if they
represent a certain sample, do not generate new phrases. They are unique.
Interlanguage comparison, the purpose of which is to identify phraseological
correspondences, forms the basis of a number of theoretical and applied areas
of modern linguistic research, including the theory and practice of translation
and phraseography. But the question of determining the factors of interlingual
phraseological correspondences as the main concept and the criterion for
choosing phraseological equivalents and analogs as aspect concepts remains
open. For example, be in the same boat /
blue blood / hungry like a wolf, etc.