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Платная доработка на тему Ways of achievement equivalence in translation of English idioms in a literary text

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INTRODUCTION.. 4 I. THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO TRANSLATION ENGLISH IDIOMS. 7 1.1 Idioms: definition, classification and peculiarities. 7 1.2 Idiom as a stylistic device. 12 1.3 The issue of adequate and equivalent translation of English idioms. 15 1.4 Idioms translation techniques. 19 Summary of Results 1. 22 II. TRANSLATION OF IDIOMS IN POETRY AND LITERARY TEXTS. 24 2.1  Analysis of idioms translation in poetry. 24 2.2 Analysis of idioms translation in literary text 27 Summary of Results 2. 30 CONCLUSION.. 32 REFERENCES. 34




Translation implies a defined sequence
of practices and methods to be made by a translator through rendering the
source text (ST) into another language (target source). Translation is a means
of interlingual communication. Translator makes it possible to exchange the
information between the speakers of various languages making the target text of
the same communicative and semantic value as the source one. There are some
differences between the texts between the source and target texts that are
determined by the lexical and grammatical peculiarities of the relevant
languages. Still, a translation of high quality provides for a native speaker
of the target language the semantics, stylistics and communicative intentions
as those for the native speaker of the source language. The communicative
intentions of the author should be translated as well.

When we compare texts that are written in different language, it’s
crucial to determine the degree of their equivalence. This phenomenon is
treated as one of the key ideas and requirements within translation, as the
main point of translation is the correspondence of stylistics, semantics and
communicative intentions in the source and target languages. Still, the idea of
equivalence is the subject of heated discussions in modern translation theory,
due to the ideas of adaptation, localization and adequacy of the target text
compared to the source one.

The task of translating idioms is one of the hardest for a translator.
The first point is that it’s crucially important to identify an idiom. Within a
given context, idioms are usually evident as they maybe ill-formed, the
components may not correlate with the context. Still, sometimes these are used
in a figurative meaning, and this should be comprehended by a translator.
Otherwise, a part of the communicative intentions of the author would be
omitted. There also exist various types of idioms that differ in terms of
stylistics, structure, etc. The other problem of translating an idiom is its
straightforward correlation with the culture and history of the country of the
language spoken.

Any language is a constantly developing system, which
maintains customs and cultural traditions of each nation, samples of routine,
experience, and human thoughts. They are all represented in idioms. Primarily,
the value of idiomology is in its value and expressiveness. Idioms impact
special color to an every day speech and make it brighter. Idioms can have the
meaning of the whole statements, thus, make the speech more capacious. The
relevance of this work is conditioned by the fact that idioms are the expressions,
which shows centuries-old wisdom and experience of people. English idioms explicate
cultural values of English ethnic community. And its right translation lets to
know beliefs and the worldview of English speaker.

Purpose of this paper is identifying features of
achievement equivalence in translation of English idioms in literary texts.

To achieve the purpose of course paper we set the

1. to
consider theoretical approaches to the definitions of ‘idiom’;

2. to
analyze techniques of translating English idioms;

3. to
emphasize key ways of achievement equivalence in translation of English idioms in
literary texts.

object of the research
is idioms translation from English into Russian.

subject of the work is
ways of achievement equivalence of English idioms translation in a literary

of the research:

1. content-analysis;

2. method
of comparative analysis of the original and the translation text;

3. analysis
and synthesis.

significance consists in
detecting features of translation literary texts, namely, features of
translation English idioms.

The practical value of
the performed research work is determined by the idea that it’s possible to
apply the results for the analysis of conceptual structures with cultural
specificity and their verbal representatives, as well as in the development of
theoretical and practical courses on language theory and general linguistics,
courses on lexicology, stylistics of English, linguoculturology, intercultural
communication, in the preparation of various types of research papers, in
lexicographic practice.

The course paper consists of introduction, two
chapters, conclusion and references.

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One of the main tasks of the translator is to convey the content of the
original text as fully as possible, while the concepts of adequacy and
equivalence are important. Equivalence answers the question of whether the
final text matches the original text. There is a distinction between the
theoretically possible equivalence, which is determined by the ratio of the
structures and rules of functioning of the two languages, and the optimal
equivalence achieved in a particular act of translation. Adequacy answers the
question of whether translation as a process corresponds to these communicative
conditions.Bottom of Form

Mistakes in the transfer of the semantic meaning of idioms can occur
when using phraseological (the choice of a Russian idiom that does not
correspond in meaning to the original unit) and non-phraseological methods of
translation (incorrect selection of non-phraseological correspondence).
Problems in translating idioms may be related to the presence in the Russian
language of an idiom similar in form to the English phraseology, but not
identical to it in lexical meaning.

The adequate transfer of the stylistic function of the idiom both in the
poetry and in the literary text presents special difficulties in cases where
the author of the source text deliberately violates the traditional norms of
the use of idioms or when individual components of idioms are played out.
Adequate transfer of stylistic functions of idioms is possible when using both
phraseological and non-phraseological methods of translation. Inaccurate or
inadequate transfer of stylistic functions of idioms can also be observed when
using any of the listed translation methods.

Most of the examples under consideration both from the poetry and from
the literary text, are adequately translated into Russian, and the translators
manage to correctly convey the meaning of the original units, while preserving
their figurative character and stylistic functions as much as possible. When
using both phraseological and non-phraseological methods of translation, errors
may occur when transmitting the semantic meaning of idioms and their stylistic
functions. At the same time, both phraseological and non-phraseological methods
of translation can also provide an adequate transfer of the stylistic functions
of idioms. Particular difficulties in the transfer of the stylistic function of
idioms arise when the author of the source text deliberately violates the
traditional norms of the use of idioms or when allusively using individual
components of idioms.


Фрагмент текста работы:


Idioms: definition,
classification and peculiarities The Collins
English Dictionary (2006) defines idioms as expressions similar to similes,
with the words used in their figurative and contextual meanings. Idioms
comprise a set of words that are perceived in the text structure as one
specific unit.

According to the
Longman Idioms Dictionary (1998) idioms are treated as a specific set of words
used in a specific sequence that together have a different meaning comparing to
the semantics of each of its components taken separately.

So, idioms are not considered as a part of the
language, they’re primarily the part of a culture itself, reflecting the
specifics of the view of a whole nation expressed via a language. This is the
reason why idioms lose their semantics apart from its native context. Still,
the idioms of a more universal semantics may be the subject of translation as
they reflect some metaphors that are not culture-specific [5].

In any language, there is a number of idioms that have
deep roots in the culture and history that makes their semantics untraceable.
Still, there also exist idioms that can be traced in several cultures with the
same meaning thus becoming international [6].

Most idioms are naturally metaphors: ‘keep your pecker
up’, ‘at full pelt’, ‘pick and choose’ or ‘pie in the sky’, but these are not
essential for practical communication purposes. At the same time, ‘battle of
the sexes’ is idiomatic by its very nature.

Such specific deep metaphors ant their relation to
human cognitive processes have been discusses by G. Lakoff and M. Johnsons in
their research works.

As idioms contain quite a detailed semantics,
prepositions are widely used in their composition. This allows for the
differentiation of various specific meanings, for instance, "satisfaction
is up", "complaints are up" etc.

If dealing with fixed phrases, their meaning may be
understood by direct translation of its components, while for idioms such an
approach would give a poor result. ‘Sign up the document’ is a common fixed
phrase. Still, it is not an idiom as all the words are used in their ordinary
meaning, without any figurative meanings. While the expression ‘keep your shirt
on’ should be treated as an idiom, as its semantics does not derive from the
meanings of its components as the idiom means ‘stay calm’.

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