Теоретическая фонетика Курсовая с практикой Иностранные языки

Курсовая с практикой на тему The main aspects of functional phonetics. (Phonemes, allophones, phones. Methods of phonological analysis.)

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Introduction. 3

Chapter 1. Key concepts of functional
phonetics: phonemes, allophones, phones

Chapter 2. Methods of phonological
analysis: key aspects
. 7

Conclusion. 10

References. 11







exists as a means of communication between people in a sound form. Writing is
only a conventional image of the sound form of the language. Therefore, in
order to master a language, it is necessary first of all to master its sound
form, its phonetic structure, that is, the system of sounds, verbal stresses
and intonation. Phonetics studies the phonetic structure of the language.
Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies the sound side of the
language. It includes all the sound means of the language, that is, not only
sounds and their combinations, but also stress and intonation.

relevance of the topic is determined by the need to understand the principles
of studying and the methodology of phonetic and phonological research in modern

object of research is functional phonetics as a field of linguistics, the
subject of research is the key concepts of phonetics and methods of
phonological research.

goal of the research is to analyze the distinctive features of phonological
research methods.

stated goal implies the fulfillment of the following tasks:

Define key phonetic terms;

2.     Analyze the structure of phonological analysis

practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the paper briefly
summarizes the foundations of phonological research in modern linguistics.

structure of the work is determined by the goal and tasks. The research
consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and references.


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Фрагмент текста работы:


1. Key concepts of functional phonetics: phonemes, allophones, phones


phonetics or phonology is a branch of linguistics that studies the structure of
the sound system of a language and the functioning of sounds in the language
system. The main unit of phonology is the phoneme, the main object of research
is the opposition of phonemes, which together form the phonological system of a
language [2]. The difference between phonology and phonetics is that the
subject of phonetics is not limited to the functional aspect of speech sounds,
but also covers its physical and physiological aspects.

A phoneme is the minimum meaningful unit
of a language. A phoneme does not have an independent lexical or grammatical
meaning, but serves to distinguish and identify the significant units of the
language (morphemes and words). A phoneme can be either a single sound or a
combination of several sounds. Even if the phoneme is a combination of sounds,
then by ear it will be perceived as one sound [3].

The crucial importance of
phonemes is manifested in the following circumstances:

1.     when replacing one phoneme
with another, another word is created (bed — bad);

2.     when changing the order of
phonemes, another word is created (pit-tip);

3.     when deleting a phoneme,
another word is created (left — let) [7].

Researchers identify the
following phoneme functions in a language:

  • distinctive function is
    expressed in the fact that the phoneme serves for background recognition
    and semantic identification of words and morphemes
  • perceptual
    function is the function of bringing the sounds of speech to perception,
    it makes it possible to perceive and recognize the sounds of speech and
    their combinations by the organs of hearing, contributing to the
    identification of identical words and morphemes

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