Фонетика Курсовая с практикой Гуманитарные науки

Курсовая с практикой на тему Современный статус американского и британского произносительных стандартов

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



1. Introduction 3
2. British Pronouncement Standard 4
3. The emergence of a standard 11
4.The Present-Day situation : RP 22
Bibliography 34




Theories and practices of intercultural communication are currently being taught in the country’s higher education institutions. Mastering the knowledge and skills of communication is mainly dictated by the practical requirements of real life. New knowledge is acquired in tourist trips, at scientific conferences, symposiums, from media reports, personal meetings, i.e. by means of various forms of people’s communication. Today, it is difficult to find ethnic communities that are not influenced both by the cultures of other peoples and by the broader social environment that exists in individual regions and in the world as a whole. The proliferation of interactions between cultures and peoples makes cultural identity and cultural differences a particularly significant challenge. Differences in character, upbringing, education and level of culture among individuals create a favourable environment for individuals to acquire new knowledge and abilities and to improve existing ones. Thus, the object of the course work is the notion of a pronunciation norm and territorial variants of the norm. The subject of research is the pronunciation norm in Great Britain and the USA: vocal and consonant systems, accent, intonation. In this regard, the purpose of our work can be defined as follows: to identify and analyze the similarities and differences between pronunciation in the UK and the USA. In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks have been defined:
To study the theoretical aspects of pronunciation norms in intercultural communication;
To analyze the similarities and differences between the pronunciation norms in the UK and the USA (vocal and consonant systems, accent, intonation).
The structure of the coursework corresponds to the aims and objectives of the study and consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of literature. The questions touched upon in the paper seem to be interesting, worthwhile to us to pay attention to and further study.

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2. British Pronouncement Standard
The British Relative Norm When analyzing the history of the English language, we can notice that in the UK dialects conformed to a certain model. In the 15th century England was a continuous alternation of regional dialects. With the growth of cities, the normative language appeared, it was mainly the London form of the south-eastern dialect. Over time, it lost some of its local characteristics and finally established itself in the speech of the educated class who graduated from private schools. It is thanks to the schools that the pronunciation has survived. Until recently, this pronunciation was a social standard that was associated with a certain position in society. In the public mind, it was associated with the language of the BBC broadcast, and this standard is taught in English textbooks for foreigners. However, only 3 percent of the UK population can boast this pronunciation. Moreover, the current Pronouncement Standard (PS) is no longer homogeneous. It is distinguished by 3 main types: conservative forms used by the older generation and traditionally by representatives of certain professions and social groups; general forms used by BBC announcers; advanced (new) forms in speech of the younger generation. As a result of the influence of certain factors in the post-war period (increased urbanization, higher education level, mass culture), Pronouncement Standard was significantly influenced by regional dialects. Recent studies of the British version of English have shown that the pressure of normative English is so great that many native speakers have essentially become bilingual, i.e. they speak PS with teachers and switch to native accent in the society of their own kind. This state of linguistic duality, in which the same individual uses both the literary norm and the local dialect depending on the social situation, is called diglosion. Diglosion cannot be confused with bilingualism, which is the command of two different languages. In the case of coexistence of diglosion and bilingualism, there is a so-called switching of codes, which are engaged in sociolinguistics and psychology. Analyzing the state of modern PS, Crystal notes that «with the disappearance of the rigid boundaries of honey, Pronouncement Standard is no longer a symbol of the social elite. Rather, it is an emphasis on education, and it breaks down into several varieties. The most widespread variant is the BBC, but even here there is a division into conservative and new-fashioned forms. The former meet in speeches of older speakers, the latter are associated with certain social and professional groups. Early BBC recordings clearly demonstrate how much the PS has changed over the last few decades, and it has also become clear that any accent, even the «best», is subject to change. However, the most important conclusion is that PS is no longer as widespread as it was 50 years ago. It still remains the language of the royal family, Parliament, the Church of England, the Supreme Court and other national institutions, but the fact remains that this accent is spoken in its purest form by less than 3% of the UK population. The most educated people speak a mixture of Pronouncement Standard and regional norms – moderate (modified) Pronouncement Standard.

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