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  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



The texts ‘Resolution in a neutral forum’ by Jeremy Winter, ‘Court to hear key case on discrimination’ by Patti Waldmeir, ‘Brussels files suit over bilateral aviation deals’ by Michael Smith, ‘Australian Aborigines plan protests over uranium ruling’ by Gwen Robinson, ‘BHP makes a pipe dream come true’ and ‘Bre-X Minerals drama continues in the courts’ by Scott Morrison are taken from the World business newspaper Financial Times and collected in the book ‘Market Leader Business Law’ by Tricia Smith. Other texts are: law reports from ‘The Times’ under the titles ‘Can ‘Cannon’ be confused with ‘Canon’?’ and ‘Our bodies patently lack protection’ by Edward Fennel. There are also two examples of legal briefs: a confidential agreement and memorandum of agreement.
In these texts such topics as arbitration, discrimination, bilateral and international agreements, competition, rights on intellectual property, land ownership and fraud in different countries of the world are considered.
Vivid examples of lawsuits and problems of modern foreign solicitors are presented in detail. They are intended to teach students learning law business English.

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Фрагмент текста работы:



The text ‘Resolution in a neutral forum’ by Jeremy Winter deals with international arbitration in commercial cases. According to the text, lawyers appeal to the centres of international arbitration (the best of them are in Paris, London, Geneva, Stockholm, New York, Hong Kong and Singapore) looking for quick, effective, confident and reliable arbitrators relying on certain factors. In conclusion, the author underlines the idea that British national legislation has to lend its support to arbitration.
The next text under the title ‘Court to hear key case on discrimination’ by Patti Waldmeir mentions a case of the US Supreme Court concerning punitive damages paid for sex discrimination in an office. From the text we know the order of the USA justice system, from trial court to the Supreme Court. Summing it up, the US Chamber of Commerce Stephen Bokat assumed that punitive damages would soon become the norm, not the exception.
The article ‘Brussels files suit over bilateral aviation deals’ by Michael Smith, focuses on a case in the European Court of Justice including eight European states and the USA. It should be noted that British Airlines want an alliance with American ones because customers travel worldwide now. On the whole, one can safely say that BA plans concluding code-sharing agreement with American.
A European Law Report from Luxemburg named ‘Can ‘Cannon’ be confused with ‘Canon’?’ deals with the case between Canon Kabushiki Kaisha and Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer Inc. concerning reputation of a trademark. It is clear from the text that the court judged two positions of similarity: distinctive reputation of former marks and likelihood of confusion. All things considered, there could be likelihood of confusion even where the public perception was that the goods or services had different places of production.

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