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Эссе на тему Poverty as a social problem

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Almost every country of the four corners of the earth has to do with the poverty. The most flourishing countries and cities have those gray areas that are plagued with poverty. It does not mean the lack of an average income and stable life; it is the lack of opportunities to lead a tolerable life.
According to Nwaobi’s research work, both rich and developing countries suffer from poverty. But cold statistics are different. If for developed countries, it is 1 of 100 children who die before the fifth birthday, in poor countries 1 in 5 children does not reach 5 years, often because of hunger or contagion. There is also a huge different in terms of nourishment. In rich countries, less than 5 percent of children are malnourished but in poor countries, more than 50 percent are malnourished. Some people live by $0.65 a day and this number is even growing at an exponential rate [2, p. 3].
However, poverty is not an unsolvable problem. In solving poverty on the governmental level several assumptions are to be initially proposed. According to Pogge, the poverty problem should be solved using an economic approach [3, p. 2-3]. The government can invest in expanding companies within the country, which will, in turn, demand a new workforce. Additionally, the public should also be trained and educated on different health issues.
Solving poverty does not demand a single governmental solution. It needs a complex solution since there are different non-profit organizations helping to solve the poverty issue. So, non-governmental organizations (NGO) need to go to a direct cause. They fund a well-building project and send teachers and emergency doctors to provide poor areas with decent education and medical aid [1, 278-280].
Seriously, I think, even an ordinary person or local community can contribute to solve poverty in the particular area. You can run a clothes exchange market and offer free meal days. Also you can save money for different donation funds to implement useful public projects. One more worth initiative is to organize a club to provide free babysitting to working parents. That would sure help a lot of people. All this as it seems “little” helpful issues are things that cost a lot.
In conclusion, poverty is the source of all social problems, so solving poverty should always be one of the first steps that the government should take. There are also a great number of non-governmental funds and organizations that provide significant assistance to this problem. Even a single person or local community can contribute to solve poverty in the particular area.

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