Дипломная работа (бакалавр/специалист) Иностранные языки Лингвистика

Дипломная работа (бакалавр/специалист) на тему Языковые особенности развития литературного концепта «Война Севера и Юга на материале литературного художественного дискурса.

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction. 3

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of
the study of literary concepts. 7

1.1. The essence of the concept 7

1.2. Means of concept implementation. 23

Chapter 2. Theoretical foundations of
the study of fiction discourse. 33

2.1. The essence of the concept of
discourse. 33

2.2. Features of fiction discourse. 44

Chapter 3. Analysis of the linguistic
features of the implementation of the concept of «War of the North and South»
on the material of literary fiction discourse. 61

3.1. The structure of the concept
«War of the North and South». 61

3.2. Means of implementing the
concept «War of the North and South». 68

Conclusion. 77

References. 79





Relevance of the research topic. The concept is characterized by a system-forming
quality, which determines the study of the concept as a means of organizing
artistic discourse. According to V.Z. Demyankov, a certain discourse is
organized around certain basic concepts. Discourse contributes to the creation
of a general context describing the characters, objects, circumstances, times,
actions, etc., being determined by the common world for the creator and
interpreter, which is also built in the course of the discourse development [Демьянков

Today, within the framework of linguistic science, the
study of the specifics of the functioning of concepts in discourse and text is
of particular relevance. The concept is the object of research in various
directions, for example, linguoculturological, psycholinguistic,
linguo-cognitive. Therefore, scientists have already created detailed
descriptions of the concept from the point of view of its specific-specific
properties in various approaches. However, at the present stage of the
development of science, the state of the theory of the concept is a
transitional state to "an integrated form of production and ordering of
scientific knowledge about the concept" [Бронник 2010, с. 25]. There is a
tendency to create a unified theory of the concept, aimed at integrating
knowledge generated by different scientific fields, which will allow the
concept to be studied as a complex evolving phenomenon
[Бронник 2010, с. 25].

As you know, in the age of universal computerization
and high technologies, people’s speech becomes more impoverished, becomes
tongue-tied. The speech of young people is especially replete with cliches,
slang, jargon. But it is known that a person’s speech expresses his level of

Language (speech) is a mirror that stands between a
person and the world. Language is the most important source of the formation
and manifestation of the mentality of the people. With its help, the culture is
preserved and passed on to other generations. And the phraseological units of
the language play an important role in this.

The linguistic picture of the world is a reflection of
the general national idea of ​​the world, of concepts that are interconnected
with the ideals of society, phenomena of the external or mental world, which
were assessed by members of society, negative and positive emotions of people.

At the next stage in the development of humanitarian
knowledge, and in the course of an active transition from linguistics, focused
on learning the language in itself, to anthropological linguistics, which
studies language in connection with a person, his thinking and consciousness,
modern linguistic thought is faced with the need for a new term for an adequate
designation of the content side of a linguistic sign, which would remove the
functional limitations of the traditional meaning and sense and in which
logical-psychological and linguistic categories would be organically combined.

Active intelligence in linguistics in the 90s of the
twentieth century led to the emergence of a number of nominative units, common
to which was the desire to show the specifics of the representation of
linguistic knowledge. In the competitive struggle in the linguistic literature
such terms as "concept", "linguocultureme",
"mythologeme", "logo-system" collided. But it becomes
obvious that the concept of “concept” turned out to be the most viable. It has
become a key concept in cognitive linguistics — one of the common models of
reality awareness and linguistic categorization, an operational unit of memory.

The study of such models of representation of
knowledge and ideas of a person about the world around them as a picture of the
world, frame, stereotype, archetype, concept, etc. at the present stage of
development of linguistics is quite relevant. The most detailed and often
contradictory views of linguists accompany the central term of cultural
linguistics — a concept. Today, many works of domestic and foreign researchers
are devoted to the problem of reflecting the objective world in concepts.

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So, based on the analysis of the literature on the
topic of this course work, we analyzed the opinions of experts that a concept
is a unit of thinking that expresses the national and cultural specifics of a
given ethnic group. This is a kind of micro-model of culture.

A concept is a kind of everyday concept, an element of
a "naive", "popular", very changeable picture of the world,
while a concept is an element of a relatively stable scientific picture of the

Being multidimensional, the concept can be classified
according to different parameters. By topic, concepts can form different
concept spheres, for example, textual, emotional, etc.

By belonging to people, concepts can be located in
visual, microgroup, macrogroup, national, civilizational, universal conceptual
spheres. Concepts can also be classified according to the type of discourse to
which they belong, for example, pedagogical, religious, political, medical,
economic, etc.

There are also concepts that are largely the same in
different languages, which is due to their universality. However, they cannot
completely coincide, because each nation has its own historical experience and

Discourse is a text taken in an effective aspect,
taking into account the entire set of extralinguistic (pragmatic,
sociocultural, psychological) factors inherent in a particular time, a
particular era. Discourse exists only when life itself exists. Discourse, in
contrast to the text, exists in the present time, and does not refer to the
past, that is, it is not capable of accumulating history.

The existing set of approaches to the definition of
the concept of "discourse" is very diverse. At the same time, these
approaches complement each other, studying discourse in its various aspects.
Despite the fact that there are many definitions of discourse in the works of
linguists, we note that they do not pretend to be perfect, which provokes
further theoretical and analytical observations and generalizations in the
field of discourse.

The linguistic organization of the text is determined
by its extralinguistic basis — the content and the broad communicative context.
The true meaning of textual components can be understood in the context of both
the whole work and a specific area.

The analysis of the literature allows us to draw a
number of significant conclusions.

Fiction discourse is a mentally communicative
interaction between the addressee-writer and the addressee-reader, deepened
into the context of an era, culture, society, the roots of which go back to the
sender’s ideas, beliefs, and worldview guidelines; interaction focused on the
regulation of ideas, beliefs, worldview guidelines of the addressee and
objectified texts of works of art.

The analysis of fiction discourse on the basis of the
study of a work of art gives access only to its addressee, since the reader’s
interpretations, which are multiple and difficult to predict, remain outside
the scope of such analysis.

The leading aspect of fiction discourse is cognitive,
closely related to the cultural and social aspect.

In the cognitive aspect, the priority is the
"image of the author", by which it is advisable to understand the
mental world of the writer, his artistic picture of the world, his author’s
fiction conceptual sphere, which is a reflection of individual consciousness,
general linguocultural knowledge of a certain historical period and a certain
literary trend. Each sample of fiction discourse – a work of art – also has a
more specific mental structure that forms its foundations, namely: the concept
of the text arises from the condensation of the author’s intention and
determines the volume and content of that part of the author’s conceptual
sphere that is actualized in a separate literary text.

The conceptual picture of the world of the addressee
of the fiction discourse has a regulatory potential; discourse strategies act
as a tool for implementing their influence.



Фрагмент текста работы:


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the study of literary

1.1. The essence of the concept


«Recent advances in the field of linguistic research
indicate the great interest of scientists in the study of linguistic phenomena
in an extralinguistic context
» [Лихачев 1993, с. 4].

Modern linguistics is based on the fact that language
is understood by researchers as the main constituent of the science of man. One
of the main functions of a language is to model a conceptual picture of the
world. At the same time, in the center of this picture of the world there is a
person who is a carrier of linguistic consciousness.

Note that the modern anthropocentric paradigm involves
the study of language as one that is directly involved in human cognitive
activity. In this context, language acts as a means of transmitting thought,
which a person, as it were, "packs" into a kind of language [Лихачев
1993, с. 4]. Understanding the essence of human linguistic communication
is conditioned by ideas about the social context, background knowledge, the
symbiosis of knowledge about the world, the principles of verbal communication,
etc. Researchers such as M.M. Boldyrev, A.S. Kubryakova, Z.D. Popova, Yu.S.
Stepanova, I.A. Sternin, V. Telia, V.I.
 Karasik as their object of research identified
theoretical and practical provisions on the peculiarities of storing our
knowledge about the world, on the specifics of structuring this knowledge in
the communicative process [Лихачев 1993, с. 4]. These scholars studied language
in the context of cognitive linguistics.

Brief Dictionary of Cognitive Terms E.S. Kubryakova
contains a definition of cognitive linguistics, which is as follows: it is a
linguistic direction that studies language as a general cognitive mechanism, as
a cognitive tool — a system of signs that play a role in the representation
(coding) and transformation of information (J. Kern’s definition) [Кубрякова
1996, с. 53].

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