Английский язык, лингвистика, перевод Дипломная работа (бакалавр/специалист) Иностранные языки

Дипломная работа (бакалавр/специалист) на тему Особенности передачи устойчивых выражений при переводе современных поэтических текстов с английского языка на русский/Means of Rendering Set-Phrases while Translating Modern Poetic Texts from English into Russian

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction 3
1. Theoretical aspect of set expressions functioning in Modern poetry 5
1.1 Notion and main classifications of set expression in English 5
1.2 Features of Modern poetry in English 13
1.3 Features of set expressions functioning in Modern poetry 24
Summary on the first chapter 27
2. Translation of set expressions in Modern Poetry 28
2.1 Problems of Modern Poetry translation 28
2.2 Analysis of translating set phrases 36
2.2.1. Features of the translation of phraseological unity 42
2.2.2. Features of the translation of phraseological fusion 47
2.2.3. Features of the translation of phraseological combinations 51
Summary on the second chapter 54
Conclusion 56
List of references 57




Relevance of the research topic. The mentality of each nation finds its expression to a certain extent in a language that “… always embodies the originality of an entire nation … the spirit of the nation” [21, p. 349]. The writings of many researchers found a continuation of the idea of V. Humboldt, who understood the vocabulary of the language as a whole, generated by a single force and abides continuously in this process of generation, which implies that the rooting of the native word in the systemic connections of the vocabulary of the language is a stabilizing factor in life language and provides the integrity and unity of its lexical system. Moreover, «interlanguage comparison allows us to give a typological description of the structure of unrelated languages (universals), and against their background — features specific to large language groups that unite languages into different types.» “Comparison for related languages (eg Slavic or Germanic) also leads to the establishment of a historical linguistic community, manifested not only in the structural and semantic, but also in the material proximity of the units being compared (comparative historical linguistics — comparative studies)” [60, p. 7]. The main directions of interlanguage comparisons are determined by the theory of translation and contrastive linguistics. “The theory of translation (including machine), engaged in the establishment of regular regular functional-semantic identities between the individual units of two languages; contrastive linguistics, which reveals the differences between the latter and the native language that are essential for the methodology of teaching a foreign language ”[60, p. 7].
Based on these provisions, modern linguistic research of language systems is unthinkable without a comparison of the studied objects. “The main element of linguistic comparison is the identification of identical (integrative) and differing (differential) features of the compared facts of the language” [60, p. 6].
In the light of such views, it seems necessary to further develop the theoretical aspects of translation studies related to the description of a poetic text, where analyzed are linguistic systems of images of two interconnected texts: the original text and its translated version.
The object of research is the process of translating modern English-language poetic texts from English into Russian.
The subject of research is means of rendering set-phrases while translating modern poetic texts from English into Russian.
The purpose of research is to identify the specifics of the translation of modern poetic texts from English into Russian.
The objectives of research are as follows:
1. To reveal the essence of the concept and describe the basic classification of stable expressions in the English language.
2. To characterize the features of modern poetry in English.
3. Describe the features of the functioning of stable expressions in modern poetry.
4. To analyze the problems of translation of modern poetic texts from English into Russian.
5. To analyze the specifics of the translation of phraseological units in modern poetic texts from English into Russian.
The practical significance of the research results lies in the fact that the material we collected can be used later in the study of this problem, as well as in compiling information on the specifics of the translation of modern English-language poetic texts into Russian.
The structure of the work is determined by the purpose and objectives of the study. The work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusions on chapters, conclusion and list of references.

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Phraseology is a branch of linguistic science that studies sustainable combinations in language. In addition, phraseology is a combination of stable verbal combinations in the language as a whole, in the language of a separate work of art, including poetry.
In modern poetic texts, in particular, in songs, various phraseological units are often used, which makes it difficult to translate these texts from English into Russian.
The converted phraseological units reflect the characteristics of the poet’s linguistic personality. Phraseological units are an important element of the idiostyle of the author of poetic texts.
Structural and semantic transformations create the author’s phraseological unit and allow to multiply its expressive capabilities.


Фрагмент текста работы:


Theoretical aspect of set expressions functioning in Modern poetry
1.1 Notion and main classifications of set expression in English

For a clearer understanding of the term phraseology, the studied objects should be defined. The name itself partially gives the answer, namely the phrase or part of the phrase. However, phraseologism has a distinctive feature: the words that make up its composition – grow together, become one. And only in such a combination do they have a specific meaning, which is customary to ascribe to one or another phraseological unit. Dividing the words and placing them in a different context, you can get a completely different meaning. Here you need to refer to specific examples. Everyone knows the phrase “Back to our sheep!”, Although, in fact, this has nothing to do with cattle. The phrase indicates that one should not be distracted from the main essence of the conversation. The history of the origin of this phraseological unit is a tracing-paper of the French expression, which came into the Russian language thanks to the play “Attorney Pierre Patlin,” staged around 1470. The plot of the comedy is that the plaintiff-clothmaker during the trial forgets about the essence of his stay in the courtroom and lashes out with a rebuke at his own lawyer. He begins to accuse the poor fellow of the fact that he once did not pay for his services. It is the lawyer’s crown phrase with a call to return to the essence that becomes the «highlight of the play» and thereby goes into the category of phraseological units.
Phraseology (Greek phrasis — “expression”, logos — “teaching”) is a section of linguistics that studies stable combinations in a language. Phraseology is also called the set of stable verbal combinations in the language as a whole, in the language of one or another author, in the language of a separate work of art, etc. [76, p. 68].
The tasks of phraseology are to comprehensively study the phraseological foundation of any language. Some of the important aspects of the scientific study of phraseology are: systematic phraseology; semantic structure of phraseological units; the stability of phraseological units; origin; main functions.
One of the most difficult sections of phraseology is considered the translation of phraseological units, this requires a lot of experience in the study of this discipline.
Despite the fact that various aspects of phraseology were studied by linguists, today, from the point of view of semantic cohesion, there is no unified classification of phraseological units.

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