Английский Статья Иностранные языки

Статья на тему Онлайн обучение: плюсы и минусы

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления






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Online learning: pros and cons This study demonstrates the pros and cons of online learning. The
article concludes that this method has more advantages than disadvantages and
is suitable for most categories of young people.

Key words: pedagogy, online learning,
webinars, modern technologies. The pandemic has suddenly spread
across the world. Today, all educational institutions in our country and many
others are closed for quarantine. This is how the government of different
states is trying to reduce the threat of the massive spread of a new type of
virus (Covid-19) [1, pp. 5-22]. And this is understandable. But the question
arises, what should the healthy population do? How can people use their time to
benefit the future?

After all, it is not worth
counting on the fact that technical schools, institutes, and universities will
open shortly. Government agencies are trying to use various mobile apps like
Viber and Zoom to bring the year to its logical end. However, advanced training
courses, mastering professions, languages ​​, and others certainly have
problems and are often completely blocked due to the ban on movement and work.

Today there is a huge selection
of educational programs. Anyone can sign up for online courses on interests, go
through various distance programs. This format allows a huge number of people
to master their favorite specialty who do not have enough time and money to
obtain higher education in a classical way. Especially online education is
relevant in the light of recent events when the world is waiting for a
pandemic. However, the question of the benefits of distance learning is
controversial. How affordable and effective is it?

So, the purpose of our work is to identify the pros and cons of online
learning. Following this goal, we set the following tasks:

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