Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности Реферат Иностранные языки

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  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
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Introduction 3
Education in Different Countries 4
Conclusion 13
References 14





















The education system is a peculiar hierarchical structure of educational institutions, which allows a person to master the knowledge and skills in the learning process.
Educational systems in different countries of the world are as varied as the countries themselves. The system of education is influenced by historical traditions and current realities of the country, the peculiarities of the state system, the position and role of the country in the system of international relations.
An important component of each educational institution is an innovative, technologically-applied nature that has a significant impact on the implementation of the educational process.
Today, the modern educational system is a mass, clearly differentiated, multistage division of functions of different units, aimed at transferring knowledge to the next generation, but each of the systems has its own specificity, which depends on a number of circumstances of the development of each country. Therefore, it is important to study the educational systems of different countries of the world and carry out their comparative analysis.
The education system is individual for each country. In this paper, we will try to give information about the main systems that exist in the modern world.


















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Today’s education faces the need for profound, all-embracing changes, reflecting the new paradigm of the scientific picture of the world and the global socio-cultural transformation experienced by contemporary society towards the emergence of post-industrial civilization.
It is natural that the problems of education have always occupied the most important place in the activity of any state: it is education that is one of the fundamental means of reproduction and development of the culture of society and man, spiritual, intellectual and professional potential of society.
Having analyzed the current trends in the development of education systems of different countries, one can conclude that each of these countries has certain established traditions in the field of education, which are associated with the peculiarities of their socio-economic development, historical and national conditions. However, at the same time, they have a certain similarity to the problems of school reform related to the modernization of the content of education, which leads to the unification of the efforts of the entire world community to solve these problems.
Consequently, we can say that the comparative analysis of various educational systems and the identification of specific approaches to the content of education make it possible to identify the preconditions and trends of the formation of a single educational space.



















Фрагмент текста работы:


Education in Different Countries

Australian Education System
The education system of Australia is built on the British model. Institutions in this country offer courses that can satisfy any needs. The Australian education system has a good reputation throughout the world, which is the result of careful control of all educational institutions in the country. Currently, foreign nationals have the opportunity to study at the level of the Australian education system in addition to pre-school education.
Australians go to school for 12 years. Australia is dominated by public schools. 70% of schoolchildren study in public schools, the rest in private schools. School graduates receive a state certificate, called Year 12. For admission to the most prestigious universities, the child not only needs to speak English but also to pass the entrance exams. Australians receive a profession in public TAFE colleges. Higher education is available at the university. The learning process is divided into 2 parts, a bachelor’s program and a master’s program.
UK Education System
The British education system has the right to be called the most traditional and the highest quality. Having formed many centuries ago, the education system in Britain has not changed even today. By law, all British children are required to study from 5 to 16 years. Schooling begins with a pre-preparatory school, after a year, two schoolchildren go to a primary school, which lasts up to 11-13 years. After this, a high school stage begins, which ends with passing examinations for the GCSE secondary education certificate. At this compulsory secondary education ends then you can go to work or go to college. In order to go to university, students must pass the A-level exams. The IB program is becoming increasingly popular in British schools. The education system in England is completed by higher education, which, like most countries, is divided into a bachelor’s program (3-4 years) and a master’s program (1-2 years).
Education System in Ireland


















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