Реферат Иностранные языки Английский


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  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
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на обработку персональных данных
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



1. General facts. 2
2. The territory of state. 3
3. Language 4
4. Cuisine 5
5. Art and sport 6

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Фрагмент текста работы:


1. General facts.
The United States of America, for short of the USA, or the United States, colloquially — America — a state in North America. The area is 9.5 million square kilometers, which (вопросительное) is the fourth place in the world. The population is about 329 million people, which (вопросительное) is the third place in the world in terms of population. (Перфектная временная форма во всех предложениях)
The USA has a federal form of organization, administratively divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia; they (личное) also have a number of island territories (Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam and others). (Перфектная форма во всех предложениях)
The capital is the city of Washington, DC, and the largest in terms of population is the city of New York. The United States borders Canada in the north and Mexico in the south, and also has a maritime border with Russia in the west. They (личное) are washed by the Pacific Ocean from the west, the Atlantic Ocean from the east and the Arctic Ocean from the north. (Перфектная форма во всех предложениях)
The United States of America was formed in 1776 with the union of thirteen British colonies, declaring their (притяжательное) independence. The war of independence lasted until 1783 and ended with the victory of the colonists. In 1787, the US Constitution was adopted, and in 1791 — the Bill of Rights, which (вопросительное) significantly limited the authority of the government in relation to citizens. In 1861, the contradictions between the slave-owning southern and industrial northern states led to the start of a four-year Civil War. The victory of the northern states led to the widespread prohibition of slavery, as well as the restoration of the country after the split that (указательное) arose during the unification of the southern states into the Confederation and their (притяжательное) declaration of independence. (перфектная форма во всех предложениях)
The United States is a highly developed country with the first economy in the world in nominal GDP and the second in GDP (PPP). Although the country’s population is only 4.3% of the global population, Americans own about 40% of the world’s total wealth. (перфектная форма) The United States holds a leading position in the world in a number of socioeconomic indicators, including average wages, HDI, per capita GDP and labor productivity.(длительная форма) While the US economy is post-industrial, characterized by a predominance of services and knowledge economies, the country’s manufacturing sector remains the second largest in the world. (длительная форма)

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