Реферат Иностранные языки Лексикология

Реферат на тему The theory and practice of word combination

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The theory and practice of word combinations
Despite the fact that a phrase is one of the main units of syntax and the study of a phrase, along with the study of a sentence, is the subject of syntax, to date there is no generally accepted definition of this syntactic unit, and there are serious differences in its interpretation in Russian linguistics and abroad.
In Russian linguistics, the doctrine of word combinations was born in the first Russian grammars. During the long development of Russian grammatical thought, the problem of word combinations attracted the attention of the most prominent Russian scientists. All the proposed theories were United by the same interpretation of the subject of research: Russian linguists of the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries understand the phrase very widely and call this term any syntactically organized group of words based on any of the existing types of syntactic relations.
This interpretation of the phrase has undergone radical changes in the early 50s of the 20th century. with the appearance of works by V. V. Vinogradov, dedicated to the problem of phrases. V. V. Vinogradov narrowed the meaning of the term «phrases» and began to apply it only to syntactic groups consisting of at least two significant words related to the relationship of subordination. From this statement of the question, it naturally followed that both predicative combinations and compositional structures and prepositional combinations, as well as compositional structures and prepositional groups, fell out of the doctrine of the word combination. However, for composing groups that include only two components, an exception was made and the question was raised about the possibility of classifying them as phrases.
Currently, many works are devoted to the topic of phrases in modern English. The problems of comparative typological characteristics of phrases in English are covered in the works of many Russian scientists. Arakin V. D. developed a complete comparative classification of English phrases, defined the concept of «type of phrase as a unit of typological comparison» [16]. Kovalchuk N. K. characterized the substantive phrases of the English language by the nature of the dominant means of grammatical communication and identified three constructive grammatical elements [ 1].
The relevance of the topic is due to the small number of special studies devoted to the problem of idiomatic and free constructions in modern English, as well as the fact of constantly increasing and changing ways of forming phrases and words [1].
The phrase as a syntactic unit has long attracted the attention of linguists, especially after the teachings of V. V. Vinogradov, who defined the boundaries of this syntactic unit and gave its systematic description [ 17]. In recent years, scientists have regularly turned to the study of attributive phrases. These phrases are studied from different positions: in colloquial speech (N. I. Kuznetsova, 1974); in the language of the newspaper (S. A. Petrov, 1990); in the language of scientific and technical literature (Zh.Gombosh, 1982).
A phrase is a group of syntactically related significant words in a sentence that is not itself a sentence.
A phrase, along with a sentence, is the main unit of syntax. The minimum word combination is two-component, and the maximum word combination can theoretically be arbitrarily large, although there is no special research on this issue.
For example:
to disregard the remark,
busy life, very new,
or service and significant words of the type
on the beach,
under the net,
in the corner,
linked by any of the existing types of syntactic connection. As part of the phrase, the core component (or dominant) and the dependent component (dependent components): the core component is the grammatically dominant word, which determines the relationship by its lexical and grammatical properties; the dependent component is the word form (word forms), grammatically subordinate (subordinates).

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