Теоретическая грамматика Реферат Гуманитарные науки

Реферат на тему «The Predicate; its structural and semantic types in the English language»- Сказуемое,его семантические и структурные типы в английском языке.

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Contents 2
1. Characteristic of the component composition of the structural-semantic aspect of the Predicate 5
2. Structural classification of the predicate in English language with indication of its main features 8
2.1. Types of Predicate 8
2.1.1. The Verbal Predicate 8
2.1.2 The Simple Verbal Predicate 8
2.1.3. The Composite Modal Verbal Predicate 9
2.1.4. The Composite Aspect Verbal Predicate 9
2.1.5. The Nominal Predicate 9
2.1.6. Mixed Predicate 10
3. Identification of semantic discharges of the Predicate in the English language 11
Conclusion 14
Glossary 17
List of References 21





Today, in the process of studying linguistics, it is very important to have what is said. In almost all linguistic directions, interpretations of this member of the proposal were developed on various grounds: on logical (рredicate — subject of prediction), on psychological (рredicate — idea of action, condition), on formal (рredicate — main member of the proposal, depending on the subject).
Various kinds of рredicate are in numerous syntax studies. Anglistics has developed different versions of the typology of predicate and describes almost all ways of expressing it in the works of many language scientists.
Nevertheless, certain aspects of рredicate and its typology are far from exhaustive. Since the very concept of рredicate is firmly included in the linguistic and didactic support of the practice of teaching foreign languages. Therefore, contrasting descriptions of рredicate in language learning are in demand. All this was the basis for writing this work as particularly relevant and requiring special consideration.
The main purpose of the work is to study what is рredicate in English in structural, semantic and communicative aspects as the basis of its classification.
In order to achieve this objective, the objectives are:
— Characteristic of the component composition of what is predicate in the structural-semantic aspect;
— Structural classification of рredicate in English with indication of their main features;
— Identification of semantic categories of рredicate in English;
The object of this work is a study of рredicate in English.
The subject of this work reveals the theoretical aspects рredicate and the structural-semantic composition of this member of the proposal in English.
The empirical base of the work was art texts from English works, translated English literature.
The methodological basis of the work was the works of famous scientists — linguists A.I.Smirnitskii, G.G. Silnitskii, Barkhudarov, M.Y.Bloh, G.A.Zolotova, B.Niyazmukhammedov, L.S.Peisikov, I.P. Ivanova, L.L. Yofik, L.P. Chahoyan Yartseva V.N., Zolotov G.A, etc.
The following methods of observation and generalization, techniques of comparative method, component analysis were used to solve the set tasks. In processing this work, the internal interpretation method and the graphical-schematic method were used.
The structure of the work has in its composition, introduction, content, main part, conclusion, list of terms and list of used literature.

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1. The predicate is considered one of the main components in the supply structure. His study includes the definition of the role of predicate in the structural organization of the proposal, the category of predicativity and the role of what is said in its (predicative) realization, the characteristic of predicate, the semantics of predicate, its relationship with other members of the proposal, etc.
Therefore, the subject and the predicate matter are equal members of the proposal, which are mutually implied. In formal terms, the main role is played by the person to be told, as the person and the number are consistent with it, and in substantive terms the significance of the person of predicate is higher than that of the person to be said, as it expresses the predication itself, being the predicate component of the proposal.
2. Predictivity is an important property of a sentence without which a sentence cannot perform its communicative and thought-shaped functions. This syntax category rests mainly on the forms of the spoken person. The person as a component of predication is realized in the forms of the person and number of the verb-predicate.
In English, a person’s grammatical performance is extremely limited. Therefore, this predictive component is expressed not only in the form of the person predicate, but also in the mandatory presence of the person to be, which acts as the main lexical indicator of the person.
The second component of predictivity is time, which in comparable languages finds expression in prominent modern forms of predicate. In English this aspect of predictivity can also find expression by syntax means, such as various detailed constructs and appendage sentences of temporal semantics.

The third component of predication, which is called modality, also finds its expression in the forms of the verb — predicate. Modality can also be realized by modal words, special particles, intonation, and naturally modal verbs, which in both languages are part of the structural composition of the predicate. In short, the role of the predicates are said in the expression of modality as the ridge of the proposal is enormous, which once again emphasizes the status of predicate in the semantic structure of the proposal.
3. The predicate, which is expressed by verb vocabulary alone or in combination with other words and syntax constructs, exposes the predicate of judgment. Predicates are active or passive. Active predicates find expression using procedural verbal lexicon. And passive predicate is realized by predicate, expressed service verbs in combination with named parts of predicate another lexico-grammatical digit or even some other syntax constructs.
With a predicate active, the subject denotes the subject that creates and is itself the causer of the predicate. Its action may be closed in the subject itself or directed to another object. In case of passive predicate, the subject does not act, but gets a qualified characteristic. This type of predicate usually expresses a named predicate.
The categorical meaning of predicate is the predictive trait, which is subjective because it is attributed to the subject and has a temporal characteristic.
An unbiased feature constitutes an essential characteristic of the subject, it is not attributed to the subject and has no temporal characteristic. All this constitutes an essential characteristic of predicate.
4. Having its own specific semantics, the predicate may be with other members of the sentence in different types of relationships. First of all, it is related to the subject with which it is in a predicative relationship, the essence of which is the coordination of the predicative feature and its carrier. In addition, the subject is consistent with the person and number spoken in the form.
The predicate cannot be in certain syntax relationships with the definition because the definition is part of the subject.
5. It is common to classify what is predicate by structure and by semantics. In structural terms, it is more appropriate to single out not for simple, composite and complex, but for simple and difficult. The difficult type includes a composite and complex predicate. The division of predicate is based on the number of concepts referred to as words. Since both simple and difficult speakers may consist of two or more components, the number of components is not the basis for dividing the predicates into simple and difficult ones.
Finally, it should be noted that the structural and semantic types of predicate mentioned in English have specific characteristics, which is not sufficiently covered in linguistic science.
It is necessary to leave that the syntax category of the predicate is included in the category of grammatical concepts with a wide structural and semantic range, this topic can become in the future the object of deeper and more research.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1. Characteristic of the component composition of the structural-semantic aspect of the Predicate

As a structural-semantic component of a sentence, a typical оf рredicate has the following properties [2]:
1) is part of the structural scheme of the proposal (is the main member of the proposal);
2) is expressed by the hidden form of the verb and names of nouns, adjectives, etc.;
3) is structurally subordinate to the subject;
4) takes a position after the subject;
5) corresponds to a logical predicate;
6) denotes a predictive (modal-temporal) feature of the subject of speech (subject of thought);
7) it is put predicate into words;
8) designates «new».
These properties of the subject form a complex of differential features of the concept of the typical predicate and are included in its definition in various combinations [6].
It is difficult to give an exhaustive definition of predicate, since even the inclusion of all the features of predicate above does not cover all the cases of predicate in speech, so some manuals do not define is predicate at all.
In specific statements, the predicate may not have the full set of the above properties. Thus, the predicate can denote not only the rem («new»), but also the theme («given»); Note here that predicate person may take a position ahead of said person.
Example: Silent water mirrored (Balmont).
In the second sentence, the predicate is silent, the lexical meaning associated with the predicate of first sentence, stands for «given.»
It is known that not all linguists call the predicate as the main member of single-part verb sentences, as from a long time the subject and predicate are considered as a pair of interconnected and mutually agreed members of the sentence, and the presence of one as if necessarily presupposes the presence of another. The question of the syntax qualification of the principal member of verb one-part sentences became an «issue» because the predicate was interpreted as the principal member, which denotes the trait of the subject. Indeed, in accordance with this understanding of the semantics of predicate, one can speak of predicate only when there is a person who is predicate is present [8].
But the predicate not of the subject, but of the subject of speech/thought. «The reported (predicate) refers precisely to the subject (corresponding to the event), not to the word calling it.»
«The subject belongs to the world, and predicate to thinking about the world» [4]
On this property of the said, riddles known to all are built:
In the water bathed, dry remained. (Goose.)
In the water will be born, and the water is afraid. (Salt.)
Round, not a month, green, not oak, with a ponytail, not a mouse. (Turnip.) First flies, then runs, then lies on the street. (Rain.)
The mysteries indicate the signs of the subject of speech/thought to be named, given these signs. Such proposals are two-part incomplete, since the purpose of the riddles is to find the subject — the name of the carrier of predicate said features of the object.
Considering the predicate as a member of a sentence denoting a predictive feature of the subject matter of speech/thought that may not be named in the subject, we obtain a theoretically justified interpretation of the principal member of single-part verb sentences of predicate, forming a structural scheme of the sentence without the subject and thus expressing the significance of the predictive feature they express [12].
In the two-part sentence, the predicate semantic
The orientation of the predicate one-part sentence on the characteristic of the subject of speech/thought without an intermediary — in the form of the subject — determines its structural and semantic properties: the predicate becomes not only the semantic, but also the structural center of the sentence; The speaker selects for his structure such forms that can express the necessary idea of the figure without calling him: the 1st person of the singular number allows to present the figure as a person certain, the 2nd person — as a certain and generalized, etc.
Of the characteristics of the predicate, mentioned above, only the relationship with the subject is not noted for the subject one-part proposals. But the focus of what is spoken about the subject of speech/thought, characteristic of what is spoken as a member of the sentence, also nullifies this distinction, which in turn allows to note only some specificity of predicate about in single-part sentences. This «almost» allows not to question the obvious properties of the predicate spoken, available both in one-part sentences of one typology, as in two-part.

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