Теоретическая грамматика Реферат Гуманитарные науки

Реферат на тему The category of case in the English language (категория падежа имени существительного в английском языке)

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Introduction 3
1. Morphological characteristics of Nouns 4
2. The category of case of nouns in English 7
3. The function of the Genitive case 11
Conclusion 15
Bibliography 17



 Noun in all periods of development of the English language occupied a Central place, and its categories were the cause of discussions of many scientists. In the noun system, the categories of gender, number, and case are clearly expressed.
The work is devoted to investigation of the category of case in English language. The problem of English case has always been much debated and has become one of the vexed problems of the theoretical discussion. Nowadays the problem of the category of case in English grammar is a complex issue. Therefore, the number of scientists (I.P. Krylova, E.M. Gordon, N.A. Korbina, E.A. Korneeva, M.I. Ossovskaya, K.A. Guzeeva, K.N. Kachalova, E.E. Izrailelevich, T.A. Barabash, I.G. Koshevaya, B.S. Khaimovich, B.I. Rogovskaya) are agree with the afforested statement. They say that English language has only 2 cases (common and genitive).
The aim of work is to prove the existence of more than two cases in English language. There are a lot of opinions according to the category of case in the English language. That’s why this question is problematic.
The aim of our work is to investigate the category of case in the English language. The present study aims to achieve the following objectives:
1. To reveal the importance of the noun in English grammar.
2. To investigate the category of case of nouns in English.
The Subject: the noun in English grammar.
The object: the category of noun’s case.
Method of research. To solve these problems, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis of scientific literature sources, generalization, comparison, and specification.
The structure of the study. The course work consists of an introduction, two paragraph’s, conclusion and a list of references.

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Nouns play an important role in human speech, as they express the names of things, events, and phenomena.
According to their morphological composition, nouns can be: simple, derived, and compound. The noun has morphological characteristics such as: number (singular and plural), case (common case and genitive). Cases are probably the most complex concept in English. In old English there were cases, but in modern English, as we noted above, the question of the category of case in English is currently debatable. This depends on the approach that the author uses in this task; the English language was given a different number of cases.
Thus, from the typological characteristics of the case category of a noun, it can be noted that all nouns in English are divided into two classes: words denoting animate things, which do not have a category of case; and words denoting animate things and time, which have two cases — nominative and possessive. If we accept this point of view, it will correspond to the modern system of case; this means that there is really no category of case. At this point, we have a new grammatical category called the genitive category, which is represented by the morpheme – ‘s’.
The meaning of most Russian case forms is passed in English by the common case form with or without a preposition:
he boy мальчик именительный падеж
of the boy мальчика родительный падеж
to the boy мальчику дательный падеж
the boy мальчика винительный падеж
by the boy мальчиком творительный падеж
about the boy о мальчике предложный падеж

Nouns in English have two cases:
common (common) — boy, teacher, hair,
possessive-formed using ‘s for singular and just the apostrophe sign ‘ for plural — girl’s, classmate’s, car’s/ directors’, pupils’ (if the plural form is formed not according to the rule, then ‘s — women’s is used).
The possessive case is used when it is necessary to show the belonging of one object to another or to some person. Nouns in the possessive case are almost always accompanied by a definite article or possessive pronoun:
my father’s car, the cat’s basket
Sometimes after a predicate there are two additions, which are expressed by nouns without a preposition. In this case, the first will be indirect (translated in the dative case), and the second will be direct (translated in the accusative case): I gave my friend a good book to read.
As an adjective, a noun can be used either with or without a preposition. In the first case, it comes after the word being defined and basically corresponds to a Russian adjective or noun. In the second case, it is placed before the defined noun after the article. It can also correspond to an adjective in Russian: a book of interest – an interesting book; table lamp – a table lamp.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1. Morphological characteristics of Nouns

As any part of speech, the noun, or substantive, is established on the basis of semantic (notional), morphological, and syntactic criteria. Thus, nouns have been notionally defined as names of things, persons and places. This semantic definition is clearly inadequate because it excludes, for example, a number of words which denote abstract ideas but behave grammatically and morphologically in the same way as names of things: occupation, friendship, movement, existence, etc. In more general terms, the noun may be taken to be a name of something that is viewed as substance or an object.
The word «noun» comes from the Latin nomen, meaning «name, name». Classes of words like nouns were first described by Sanskrit and ancient Greek grammar. In particular, Dionysius Trax defined the morphological properties of nouns. For example, in ancient Greek, nouns can be declined by case, have a dative or accusative case.
Verbs, on the other hand, can be changed by tenses such as past, present, or future, while nouns cannot. Aristotle also had concepts such as onomata (nouns) and remata (verbs), which do not exactly correspond to our ideas about verbs and nouns. In her dissertation, T. A. Vinokurova examines in more detail the historical origin of the noun concept.
According to A. S. Akhmanova, a noun is a part of speech characterized by the categorical meaning of objectivity, lexical and grammatical categories of gender and grammatical categories of case and number, syntactic use in a sentence as a subject, complement or predicative member, and the noun is also used in fairly developed models of word formation [1].
The noun denotes an object in a General sense. So nouns are the names of things (book, table),
— living creatures (man, tiger),
— localities (valley, London, England),
— material (iron, oil),

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