Реферат Иностранные языки Фонетика языка на английском

Реферат на тему Тема на выбор по дисциплине Английский язык

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction 3
1. What is a Global English Language? 5
2. Modern English as a World Language 7
3. Business (Professional) English as a World Language for Special Purposes 9
3.1 Financial English as a World Language for Special Purposes 14
4. The Future of English as a Global World Language 16
Conclusion 18
References 20





There are three general problems under discussion within a framework of the present research: 1) What is a role of English as a global (world) language? 2) Why is English considered to be a world language in nowadays world society? and 3) What are the perspectives of its development in the XXI century? In the other words following on from David Crystal’s point of view, “English as a global language asks three questions: what makes a world language? Why is English the leading candidate on this position? and Will it continue to hold this position?” [12, p. XV] There are a lot of scientists and ordinary people trying to answer these questions, but there are no fully understandable answers on them up to nowadays. Such statement of facts has determined the theme and its actuality of the present study.
In this connection the objective of this research includes the sociolinguistic analysis past and present of English development tendencies. The achievement of this objective has directed the content and the scale of the following integrated goals, including but not limited:
1) to describe and characterize the role of geo-historical and socio-cultural ways, the combination of which produced world English;
2) to describe and analyze the structure of modern global world English on different levels;
3) to state and analyze the major economic trends that support the development of modern world English;
4) to state the role of languages for special purposes as world English and describe their major peculiarities;
5) to describe the major lexical characteristics of LSP on the basis of financial English as a world language;
6) to stipulate and analyze the major trends of world English development within XXI century.
The present research was executed on the basis of the foreign and Russian scientific studies of D. Crystal, D.L. Kurz, D. Graddol, M.V. Koltunova, T.B. Nazarova, V.P. Korovushkin and others. In addition to it different Web-sites materials were actively used.

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The present study has reached the following results:
From the socio-cultural point of view language is a system of written and verbal symbols which represents unique and universal ideas, while a language system is almost always be particular to a single culture. A culture’s language is a unique one. Differences in languages reflect differences in cultures.
Following the British scientist David Crystal we have stipulated two major ways of English language development: geo-historical and socio-cultural ones. The combination both of them has brought into existence English as the world language.
Then we’ve highlighted modern business and economic trends that influence on the world English: 1) internationalization, 2) globalization and 3) economic integration. All these trends in their close relationships determine and support the major ways of modern English as the world language.
Then we’ve described the major peculiarities of modern business English as a leading LSP, the appearance of which was one of the main achievements of the global English within 20th or even 21st centuries. At the turn of 20th and 21st centuries business English has become a global language of international business and professional communication, because it was recognized by UN and other authorized world organizations.
Then we’ve described the major peculiarities of marine and air languages from the phonetic, lexical and grammar points of view. As a result we may say that marine and air professional languages are fully based on modern world English.
Under the Framework of the present research we’ve noticed that the main backbone of any business and/or professional languages is their vocabulary which consists of three levels: 1) General English vocabulary, 2) General business terminology, and 3) Specialized terminology, including professional jargon.
Then on the basis of financial English and stock exchange market language we‘ve described the major vocabulary peculiarities of modern world English on the level of specialized terminology. As a result we’ve stated that most of such terms have multiple meanings dependable on a real professional context.
On the basis of our research we’ve stated that the positions of English as a global world language at the turn of 20th as well as 21st centuries are stable and endurable.
Then we’ve tried to determine the future of the global world English on the basis of four main stages:
1) shifting English from native speakers into the direction of second/ foreign-language speakers;
2) moving English from national to international level;
3) dependency of English from economic expansion of the third parties.
Our major conclusion is that if the native speaking countries overcome the mentioned problems there will be a chance to support the present position of English as the global world language within the 21st century.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1. What is a Global English Language?

The need of common language under the framework of international communications has been appeared several thousand years ago. Thus, an extremely ambitious construction project (tower up to the sky in Babylon) angered the «high management”. And as a result crowds of builders from different countries suddenly understood that they were speaking different languages and didn’t understand each other and could build nothing together. Nowadays the need of common international language is satisfied anyhow on the basis of English. But what do the terms language and English language in particular mean under the framework of cognitive linguistics?
From the socio-cultural point of view, “language is a system of written and verbal symbols which represents unique and universal ideas, while a language system is almost always be particular to a single culture. A culture’s language is a unique one. Differences in languages reflect differences in cultures. Even if two different cultures speak English each culture tends to have different sets of language units: American people say elevator, but brits for some reason say lift.” [10, p. 12] So, we should understand that language is closely connected with the cultural sphere of any country. Subject to this problem, American negotiator James Thomas said, “If international negotiating requires an understanding of the counterpart’s culture, then its language is certainly the “window” to that culture. While it is true that English is the language of international commerce, it is also true that competency in the other side’s language is an enormous negotiating asset.” [15, p. 204]
Under such framework of socio-cultural definitions we may consider English language as a “system of written and verbal symbols which represents unique British culture under its original framework.” [9, p. 30] Let’s have a short glimpse on English under diachronic perspective in order to know better the nature of its globalization.
English is a West Germanic language of Indo-European Group of several hundred related dialects. English was developed over the course of more than 1,400 years. The earliest forms of English are a set of Germanic dialects which were brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon invaders in the 5th century. That period in the development of English is called as Old English. Middle English period started in 11th century with the Norman Conquest and it was a period when English was greatly influenced by French. Early Modern English began in 15th century with the introduction of the printing press to London and starting the Great Vowel Shift. “At that time, the number of mother-tongue English speakers in the world was calculated between 5 and 7 million, almost all of them living in the British Isles.” [12, p. 30]

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