Реферат Иностранные языки Английский язык

Реферат на тему Syllable structure in English & Russian

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  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction 3
Syllable Structure in English and Russian 5
Conclusion 12
References 13














Language systems are the tool by which a person is able to encode a title about the world and his own experience of interacting with him, transmit information, influence other people and human groups, simulate various scenarios, unfold in the well-known “primary” world and create imaginary worlds as alternative reality.
The specificity of each of these types of human activity to a certain extent depends on the characteristics of the language code used.
First of all, we are talking about the physical parameters of the external form of linguistic signs, in particular, the sounds of natural languages. On the one hand, we note the ethno specific properties of the morphemic and phonemic complexes (both root morphemes and inflections), reflecting the ethno-cultural specificity of the internal mechanisms for creating national images of the world. On the other hand, the efficiency of interaction between users of a language code depends on the adequate articulation of language-speech constructs. Accordingly, the “valence spectrum” of theoretical and applied phonetic-phonological studios turns out to be broad, and in terms of methodological shifts in modern linguistics, they have a special explanting, interpretative and applied potential.
So, phonetics (from gr. Phone — sound) is a section of linguistics in which the sound structure of a language is studied. The main object of study of phonetics are sounds — the smallest units of speech that form words in a language [9].
Each language has its own system of sounds, and there are no two languages that would fully coincide on this indicator. Sounds are divided into vowels (composed of voice) and consonants (composed of voice and noise). The sound of vowel and consonant sounds depends on the position in the word, speech, speed, rate of speech, even on the circumstances and place of communication.
The smallest among the segment units after the sound is the syllable, and in the speech flow the syllable is generally the segment segment itself, since we speak not with sounds, but with syllables. The syllables are formed from sounds, but their isolation from the composition is already an artificial, intentional operation. The speaker uses syllables, not individual sounds. This is clearly noticeable with specially slow speech; the speech flow in this case splits into syllables, however, syllables into individual sounds are not separated with any delay in the rate of speaking, whatever language it is.
The aim of this work to investigate the syllable structure in English and Russian.











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A syllable is realized not as a sequence of sounds of which it consists, but as a whole articulation complex. From the point of view of speech aerodynamics, a syllable is the minimum sound segment, which accounts for the increase and decrease in the size of the air stream.
In each language, syllables may differ with respect to the structure and their allocation in various ways within the boundaries of the word.
From the point of view of structure, a syllable is called open if it ends in a syllable-forming element (usually a vowel), or closed if it ends in a non-syllable-forming element (usually in a consonant).
Summarizing, we can note the presence in the English language of syllable structures with a syllabic sonant, the absence of such types of syllable structures in the Russian language; a greater accumulation of consonants in the preposition to the top of the syllable and their diversity in the Russian language, the limited nature of the consonants in the preposition and in the number and composition of the English language; -the predominance of syllables with the structure of CCVC, CVC; CVCC in Russian and syllables with CVC structure, CV in English.












Фрагмент текста работы:


Syllable Structure in English and Russian

The division of words into syllables refers to phonetic issues that cause difficulty, since in a linguistic society there was no consensus on the correct syllable section.
A syllable is a part of a word that is pronounced with one push of exhaled air. A syllable can form one or several sounds, but among them there must be a loud one. It is a loud sound that acts as a syllable (composite) and makes up the top of the composition. Before him and after him there may be consonants that are called non-syllabic.
So, a syllable is a minimal phonetic-phonological unit, characterized by the greatest acoustic-articulatory fusion of its components, that is, its constituent sounds.
Acoustically, a syllable is understood as such a segment of speech, within which one sound is distinguished in comparison with others, being in close proximity to it, the greatest degree of sonority.
Along with the description of the articulation and acoustic characteristics, which make it possible to distinguish a syllable as a phonetic unit, the study of its segmental structure takes place in phonetic studies.
There are three theories of syllable: respiratory, muscular tension and sonoric.
Expiratory theory. According to this theory, syllables are formed with the help of exhalations. It was experimentally proved that the speakers make a new breath at the end of the syntagma, and an increase in the expiratory force does not necessarily accompany each new composition. Now this theory is rare and is considered scientifically unfounded.
The theory of relative sonority relies on the fact that each sound has a different power, which depends on its sonority — relative loudness compared to other sounds, provided that all other properties of these sounds are equal (pitch, etc.).The founder of the theory, the Danish linguist Espersen, proved that when pronouncing the least sound sounds ([p], [t], [k]), the mouth is closed; while in pronouncing the most sonorous sounds ([a:]), it is wide open. All other sounds are between the above extreme points of the sonority scale. According to this theory, a syllable is considered as a combination of more and less sonorous sounds. All sounds with the highest level of sonority are in the center of the composition, and the rest of the sounds join them. This theory helps to determine the number of syllables in a word, but it does not explain the mechanism of reposition and therefore makes it difficult to determine the boundaries of compositions [6].











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