Реферат Иностранные языки Лексикология

Реферат на тему Specific features of proverbs and sayings

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1. Proverbs and sayings as a phraseological units 4
2 The difference of proverbs and sayings 7
3 Peculiarities of proverbs and sayings 9
4. Paradoxical Character 12





Proverbs and sayings play important role in language. They give emotionality. expressiveness to the speech. They have certain pure linguistic features that must always be taken into account in order to distinguish them from ordinary sentences.
Modern study of proverbs and sayings is in a state of constant replenishment and change, which proves the openness, dynamism, flexibility of the structure of phraseological units. The study of empirical material is the understanding of proverbs and sayings, their state, development, modification.
This library research work is dedicated to the study of proverbs and sayings in the system of language.
The relevance of this research paper is that the usage of proverbs in speech is very important, especially the correct usage, as it demands a person’s high skill and deep knowledge.
The aim of the research is to study the peculiarities and differences of proverbs and sayings.
The following tasks have been solved in this paper:
1. to give the definition of the phraseological unit.
2. to classify proverbs and sayings ;
3. to show the difference of proverbs and sayings.
This library research paper is based on the work by Vereshchagin E.M., Kostomarov V.G., Hildebrandt Ted, Mieder, John Simpson, David John Allerton, H. Collins, etc.
The theoretical value of this library research paper is to investigate the structural types of proverbs and sayings.


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The vocabulary of a language is enriched not only by words but also by phraseological units. Phraseological units are word-groups that cannot be made in the process of speech; they exist in the language as ready-made units.
The proverbs and sayings are the paper of folklore. which is short but deep in the meaning. They express the outlook of the amount of people by their social and ideal functions. Proverbs and sayings include themselves the some certain features of historical development and the culture of people.
Both the proverb and the saying serve to make speech more colourful, i.e. they are functionally equivalent. They are used to show true life: to typify phenomena and characters, to strengthen the author’s word, to express social ideas, to embody humanistic thoughts.
In terms of their content, both are miniature works of art, which add color to speech and writing, enhancing their content and sharpness.
As for the special features of proverbs and sayings, they both play a vital role in our life. Proverbs were always the most vivacious and at the same time the most stable part of the national languages, suitable competing with the sayings and aphorisms of outstanding thinkers. In proverbs and sayings it is the picturesqueness of national thinking that was more vivid expressed as well as their features of national character.
In conclusion, we should notice, this research work can serve as an additional material for lectures and seminars on English Stylistics and Text Interpretation, but at the same time the work may be supplemented with some practical material and aspects on Stylistics and Comparative study of language.


Фрагмент текста работы:



1. Proverbs and sayings as a phraseological units

Language is experiencing an inseparable development, as well as any social phenomenon, and performs, in addition to the communicative function, an accumulative function, acting as a repository of accumulated collective experience. It is this function that explains the fact that the linguistic units reflect the material conditions of the life of society, customs and traditions, its moral, ethical and aesthetic principles, beliefs. Language is an activity associated with national identity. Whatever the external factors of influence, the language remains individual. In language, one can find a fusion of the actual linguistic character with the fact that speech took on the character of a nation; there is no language without a nation.[21]
Each language has stable phrases that are equivalent to a word in content and syntactic function. These phrases refer to poly-lexemic language units with a specific structure and semantic meaning. They are defined as phraseological units.
A phraseological unit as a phenomenon was generated by the need to create expressive means for the needs of communication, to be able to visually express your emotions, feelings, to give a vivid and figurative description of actions, processes and phenomena. Phraseology reflects the national picture of the world. By phraseology we mean the branch of linguistics dealing with stable word — combinations characterized by certain transference of meaning. [20, p.9]
The vocabulary of a language is enriched not only by words but also by phraseological units. Phraseological units are word-groups that cannot be’ made in the process of speech. They exist in the language as ready-made units. They are compiled in special dictionaries. The same as words phraseological units express a single notion and are used in a sentence as one part of it. American and British lexicographers call such units «idioms». [9. p. 104]


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