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Реферат на тему Specific features of English compounds.

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1.1. The concept of «word-formation»
in English. 4

1.2. Composition as one of the
productive ways of word-formation in English. 9

1.3. Types of compounds in English. 13







words, according to the general opinion, constitute a significant part of the
vocabulary of the English language, and the method of composition is one of the
most productive in derivational processes, which is facilitated by the use of
word order as a means of expressing lexical and grammatical relations.

goal of the library research is to analyze the development and specific
features of English compounds.

on the goal the following tasks were set:

1. To analyze the main features of English word-formation system.

2. To research the composition as one of the productive ways of
word-formation in English.

3. To analyze different types of compounds in English.

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processes create new lexical units — words that express new concepts or have
new shades of concepts, and not grammatical forms of the same word.

the other hand, the study of word-formation is to a certain extent connected
with grammar and, first of all, with morphology, that is, with the studies of
parts of speech. So, the process of word-formation includes concepts that are
characteristic of a particular grammatical class of words, such as: compounding
of nouns, suffixing of adjectives, specific suffixes of nouns or adjectives,
prefixes of verbs, etc.

this context, word-formation acts as one of the additional features of a
particular part of speech, and sometimes determines its grammatical category
and form. It is one of the most productive ways of forming new words in modern
English, which is explained by the fact that the English language shows a great
ability to form complex words.

the first and the second part of a compound word can act as a leading element.
Based on this principle, two main types of compounds are distinguished: exocentric
and endocentric.


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1.1. The concept
of «word-formation» in English

in linguistics is usually understood as the formation of words that are called
derivatives and compounds, as a rule, on the basis of single-root words
according to patterns and models existing in the language using such formal
means as affixation, compounding, conversion, etc. Based on the formal means,
word-formation is subdivided on word production, word composition and
conversion, abbreviation, etc. The formation of new words using formal means is
also called derivation, and a derivative and complex word as a result of the
derivation process is denoted by the general term «derivative».

very concept of word-formation means that a new word arose on the basis of
words and bases that previously existed in the language by changing their morphological

This could mean one of the following:

· The root changing of a word (for
example, song from to sing).

· Attachment to the root of one or
another word-formation affix. For example, singer
from the root to sing.

· Combining two words or two stems into
one new stem. For example, the word headquarter
came from the combination of head and

· Transition of a word to another
grammatical class and the acquisition of a new grammatical design and
morphological characteristics without changing its word-formation form. An
example of this is the word downshifter,
which is a declinable noun derived from the infinitive to shift down, that is, the unconjugated form of the verb.

For many decades heated debates have been going on
around the doctrine of word formation. In particular, the stumbling block is
the place of word-formation in linguistics.

On the one hand, word-formation can be attributed to
lexicology, which studies the vocabulary in its entirety, since word formation
is the most important way of developing and replenishing the vocabulary, while
often affecting other paths and intertwining with them. Indeed, word-formation
processes create new




Introduction 3
Specific features of English compounds 4
1. Compound as a type of word-formation 4
2. Types of compound word-formation 5
3. Syntactic essence of coordinate connection in compound sentence 9
4. Syntactic essence of subordinate connection in compound sentence 11
Conclusion 17
References 18

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Thus, compounding is the process of joining two or more words together to form new words. As compound words are formed from two words and eventually give a new lexical unit, very often compound words mean complex nouns. But this is not entirely true, because among the compound words there are also adjectives, for example: fire-resistant (fire-resistant), high-speed (high-speed), and so on. As for the spelling of English compound words, there are several options: merged, separated and hyphenated.
It was founded that the syntactic connection in compound sentence is a formally expressed semantic connection between syntactic units, i.e. it is nothing more than a connection between words and groups of words in a speech chain, in a structure of coherent speech. Nominal syntactic relationship is the expression of the relationship of nominal (nominal) elements in a syntactic unit, that is, it serves to express syntactic relations between nominal (nominal) parts of speech, secondly, it creates the syntactic structure of a sentence and phrase, thirdly, it creates conditions for the implementation of lexical word meanings. The nominal parts of speech include: noun, adjective, pronoun, numeral and adverb.
Thus, the aim set in the work is achieved and the tasks are fulfilled. Were considered compound as a type of word-formation; types of compound word-formation. Were investigated essence of coordinate connection in compound sentence and essence of subordinate connection in compound sentence.


Фрагмент текста работы:


The developing of a language is closely related to the history of the Society. Social processes have an impact on the changing of the external level of languages and a structure of a national language in the ratio as forms of its existence and social strata. The consolidation all sciences of a human (sociology, psychology, physiology, ethnography) was observed with the resource of linguistics to a speech. The emergence of new sciences (psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics and etc.) was based on it. It became apparent that it is impossible to study a speech without a speaker: as a representative of definite culture; of a definite social collective; and as an individual who have own subjective characteristics. A language is constantly inseparable from a human and there is no human without own subjective perceptions and subjective assessment.
The relevance of this study is that the results obtained in it contribute to obtaining a more holistic view of English compounds and can be used in further mastering the grammatical structure of the English language. Compounds and their grammar features considered in their works such linguists as M.Y. Bloch, I.P. Ivanova, V.V. Burlakova, G.G. Pocheptsov, V.V. Vinogradov, C. David, R. Huddleston, G.K. Pullum, B.E. Zernov, B.A. Ilish, T.M. Nikolaeva and others.
The aim of the study is to consider specific features of English compounds. In accordance with this aim the following tasks are set in the study:
− to consider compound as a type of word-formation;
− to consider types of compound word-formation;
− to investigate essence of coordinate connection in compound sentence;
− to investigate essence of subordinate connection in compound sentence.



Specific features of English compounds
1. Compound as a type of word-formation
Compound nouns are nouns built from two or more stems. Compound nouns often have one stress. In general, word production is the creation of words by changing the root without adding any other roots. It often happens that a portion of the speech changes.
Compositions are the formation of new words from two or more root morphemes. Such words are called complex words. In linguistics, compound words can be both native and borrowed. In English, there are three types of compound nouns: open (parts of which are written separately), hyphenated (parts of which are written through one hyphen or more) and closed (parts of which are written together, a single word).
The meaning of a compound often differs from the meaning of its elements.
The main types of compound nouns are as follows:
(a) noun-stem+ noun-stem: appletree, snowball;
(b) adjective-stem+ noun-stem: blackbird, bluebell;
(c) verb-stem+ noun-stem: pickpocket; the stem of a gerund or of a participle may be the first component of a compound noun: dining-room, reading-hall, dancing-girl.
Some complex nouns of French origin, in which the last word is adjectives, form plural forms in different ways, and they need to be checked by dictionary. It is even possible that the ending «-s / -es» will be applied to both parts of the compound noun, or different forms will be allowed:
• attorney generals or attorneys general;
• court martials or courts martial;
• film noirs, films noirs or films noir;
• runner-ups or runners-up.
Complex nouns are formed constantly as the world moves around us, and with it technological progress, and many were once at first complex nouns that were written separately, then through a hyphen, and finally, already together. Given the current trend to avoid, as far as possible, the writing of complex words through a hyphen, re-invented compound nouns quickly achieve a merged spelling rather than once before. Some complex nouns that are written together in the United States, in a word, in British English are written through a hyphen.
«I followed still, up a very narrow staircase to the attics, and thence by a ladder and through a trap-door to the roof of the hall.» [1, p.15]
▪ The last item on the programme was a grand display of fireworks, to be let off exactly at midnight.
Most complex nouns form their plural forms in the same way as other nouns — adding the ending «-s / -es» to the word, for example: onlookers, washing machines, wheeler-dealers.
Only some, such as mother-in-law and hole in one, take the ending «-s / -es» to the first word: holes in one, mothers-in-law.
Thus, as compound words are formed from two words and eventually give a new lexical unit, very often compound words mean complex nouns. But this is not entirely true, because among the compound words there are also adjectives, for example: fire-resistant (fire-resistant), high-speed (high-speed), and so on. From the points of view of inflectional morphology is obvious the insufficiency of «prepositional declension».

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