Psychology of consumer behaviour Реферат Иностранные языки

Реферат на тему Shopping and consumer habits, place of sale, purchase terms

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
Нажимая на кнопку, я даю согласие
на обработку персональных данных
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Abstract 3
1. Product habits: how to achieve sustainable consumer attention 4
2. What is a product habit 4
3. Interesting facts about product habits. 6
4. Advantages of creating a product that will become a habit 6
5. Involuntary consumption and its impact on business development 7
6. 7 examples of marketable products that have become habits 8
Conclusion 13
Sources 14




This work reveals the trading and consumer habits of consumers, the characteristic of attracting buyers at points of sale of a particular item, the specifics of purchase and purchase of a particular item.
The most important key to the seller’s success is the formation of stable demand and the stimulation of marketing. All the necessary tools for the success of the trade deal are marketing tools.
In modern marketing, where there is strong competition between producers, it is rather problematic to focus and hold the consumer ‘s attention on own-brand products.
What tricks do manufacturers and sellers have to resort to develop a buyer ‘s need to purchase a particular item? In this work you will learn about what a product-habit is, what distinctive features it possesses and how to make it popular.
The work presents 7 products that form our habits. 

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This work of everyday life is written on the basis of own experience and contains important specific features of customer behavior. In addition, this work reflects the specifics of consumer behavior and indicates the most popular products and products that we love, and life without which we can no longer imagine, because the products that form our habits and lifestyles are already firmly in our lives.
The work uses practical methods of authors known all over the world, who wrote excellent publications about the purchasing power, and what forms our habits. After reading these books by Tony Shane, Carmine Gallo, Martin Lindstrom, Nirom Eilyaem, I began to think in a very different way and my ideas about marketing have changed a lot.  


Фрагмент текста работы:


1. Product habits: how to achieve sustainable consumer attention

Picture1. Influence of the consumer on the buyer
In social science, the concept of «habit» is interpreted as an established way of behavior or an action that has become automatic and is performed with time unconsciously, without any effort.
Having once performed an action, a human organism repeats it later automatically, without control of will or consciousness, using an internal impulse. This is how the heart, blood system, respiratory apparatus and other internal organs work. Muscles and smooth muscles, making a motor action, remember it. Often performed in a certain sequence of actions develop a habit. A number of actions performed by a person is already on its own, by its own formula. We can not only walk, stand, sit — by often repeated in a certain sequence of mechanical work we form the ability to dress, eat, write, paint, dance, etc.
We get used to living in a comfort zone, avoiding stress and maintaining a positive emotional mood. We choose familiar routes, eat delicious food cooked according to familiar recipes, attend certain entertainment events, dress up in the weather. It’s hard for us to give up what we’re used to. It’s not in vain to say that habit is a second nature. And indeed, if you think about it, the character is formed under the influence of many imperceptible, but have become accustomed to actions.

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