Реферат Иностранные языки Деловой иностранный язык

Реферат на тему Protecting Your Data in the Internet

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
Нажимая на кнопку, я даю согласие
на обработку персональных данных
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction 2
1. Problems of Data Protection 4
3. Methods and Ways of Data Protection 7
Conclusion 10
References 11




At present, it is undoubted that the Internet as a global network has opened a completely new world for us – a world of unlimited opportunities and open information space. The Internet has become so popular and needful that every day thousands of people register on websites, various forums, in applications, and thousands of companies create their business in its vastness. “According to IDC (International Data Corporation), from 2005 to 2020 the digital universe will increase by 300 times – from 130 exabytes to more than 5,200 gigabytes for every man, a woman, and a child in 2020. Between now until 2020, the digital universe will double every two years.” [1]
While working in the Internet, we get a lot of useful information and do not always think that our personal data are under the great threat. Thereupon, all participants of high-technologies market including both the legal entities and the individuals began to have problems related to the preservation of the correspondence secrecy in the network, their commercial and banking secrets and operations as well as the confidentiality preservation of personal data.
Nowadays, any competent hacker is able to hack the personal account or any user’s website in order to gain the access to personal information. This is partly because there is practically no normative legal base that would be able to regulate the relationship of the Internet users as the legislation does not keep pace with the rapid development of digital technologies. That is why the emerging problems related to the information data protection being a key issue for the web resources owners are relevant and need to be solved as at the state level as by the users themselves who are ready to apply various mechanisms to ensure the security of information without violating the laws.
The purpose of this paper is to consider the problems of information security, study and identify the most effective methods and ways of data protection as well as to study terminology in this subject area. To achieve this goal we have to solve two main tasks:
1. to search and to analyse of sources on the mentioned theme;
2. to generalize the information under the framework of the learned materials.

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Summing up it should be noted that in the present paper we have tried to consider some problems and principles within the framework of information protection as well as the most effective methods and ways to protect our data.
The problem of information security has been and remains relevant and important as none of us can guarantee hundred percent that our personal data will be protected. Of course, in this paper we have considered only part of the issues related to the security of our computer resources. The learned material led to the conclusion that nowadays, despite the presence of a number of problems to ensure the security of information, the experts have developed many ways to protect information. They include, but are not limited to, the installation of anti-virus programs, proper password management, software protection for systems and data protection, the prohibition of the use of unreliable Wi-Fi connections, the creation of data backups, etc.
However, despite all mentioned facts, we still often hear about the criminal actions of hackers who manage to hack into various servers and computer systems. All this shows that the problem of information security has not been solved yet and it will take a lot of time and effort to solve it. At the same time, we should not forget that each of us using the possibilities of the Internet is personally responsible for our actions, and all our commands are registered by the computer and placed in special log files. Therefore, the reliable protection of information in the Internet will be possible when we comply with the security rules and follow the clear instructions of system administrators or other professionals in the field of computer systems protection.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1. Problems of Data Protection

In the era of digital technology development, the problem of information security is very acute. Undoubtedly, the Internet world network has contributed to the emergence of a large number of positive moments in our lives. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to keep any confidential data, as all of them are more or less accessible to all members of the Internet community.
None of us can be insured against the outsides’ intrusion into our personal space in order to obtain personal information at our discretion. “The numbers reported by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) are staggering, revealing that millions of consumers become victims each year.” [2] Therefore, the solution to the problems of information security in the network is a top priority related to our own security.
Now thousands of specialists all around the world are engaged in solving these issues, but digital technologies are becoming obsolete very quickly, and we have to look for the new ways to protect our information. In this regard, the computer hackers are trying to come up with new and more sophisticated ways of deception of information security systems, freely penetrating into other people’s databases. Because of such evildoers’ actions, both companies and private networks become victims of computer terror.
As it was mentioned above, this situation can be connected with the imperfection of the penalties system existing within the framework of legislation, because it is very difficult to prove the fact of information data theft or hacking, especially to bind them to any particular person. Therefore, today we are obliged to take care of our secret files safety, using certain protection methods and ways. Nevertheless, how can we solve these problems?
In the field of information protection in particular and computer security in general, three main groups of problems are the most relevant:
1. Breach of confidentiality. These actions can cause significant damage to the owner’s interests as all the information storing and processing in the computer
network, can be of great importance to him.
2. Misinformation, misrepresentation of the message integrity or its substitution. In the course of such actions, the valuable owner’s information or the valuable information about him may be lost, corrupted, deleted or altered as a result of unauthorized access, and the damage may be much greater than the breach of confidentiality.
3. Data theft and copyright infringement. As a rule, because of the commission of similar crime, the owner of information data is caused not only moral, but also material damage.
Based on the above, we can conclude that the diverse introduction of information technology in all areas of our activities contributes to the actualization of information security problems. A large amount of personal data in the Internet makes us strengthen the control to ensure the protection. Therefore, the solution of these problems will undoubtedly contribute to the security of computer systems and networks.

2. Principles of Data Security

When considering the problems of information security, we often emphasize the importance of information security systems being presented as a set of tools, methods and measures to protect information. The creation of such systems is based on the certain principles, which we will consider in this part of the paper.
1. The principle of a systematic approach to the construction of information security system. This principle is an optimal combination of interconnected organizational, physical, hardware, software and other properties used at all stages of the technological cycle of information processing.
2. The principle of continuous development of the security system. This principle is very important and relevant for the entire information security system. As we know, the ways of damage and harm to servers and computer systems are constantly being improved. Accordingly, the methods and ways of information protection should also be developed, in particular, it is necessary to eliminate flaws in the security system, weaknesses in protection as well as upgrade hardware and software protection systems. The continuous development of the system only will contribute to the effective protection of the system and the networks.
3. The principle of separation and minimization of authority to access the processed information and procedures for its processing. According to this principle, the users and the employees use information systems only for specific tasks.
4. The principle of registration of unauthorized access attempts and completeness of control. Based on this principle, the users attempting to perform unauthorized actions in the network will be subject to constant monitoring.

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