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Реферат на тему Pros and Cons of Hypnosis

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Introduction 3
1. The essence of hypnosis method 4
2. Pros of hypnosis as a method of treatment 4
3. Cons of hypnosis as a method of treatment 5
Conclusion 7
References 8




Hypnosis has long been used in psychotherapy for solving various issues. However, few people know how hypnosis works. Quite often hypnosis is mystified or this technique is understood wrong. Hypnosis is not a dream state, as many think. This is a temporary state of consciousness caused by self-hypnosis, the influence of a hypnologist or a spontaneously arising temporary state of consciousness in which a person is subject to suggestion. At the same time, this state cannot be caused against the will of the person, in this state it is impossible to instill someone else’s will, inspire physical force that is uncharacteristic to the person or make them do unacceptable actions.
It is well known that this phenomenon contain changes in consciousness and memory, an increase in susceptibility to suggestion and the appearance in a subject of reactions and ideas that are not peculiar to him in his usual state of mind. In addition, phenomena such as loss of sensation, paralysis, muscle rigidity, and vasomotor changes can be induced and eliminated in the hypnotic state.
The subject of research is hypnosis as a method of treatment. The aim of the study is to consider the pros and cons of hypnosis. In accordance with this aim, the following tasks are set in the study:
— to study the essence of the hypnosis method;
— to consider the pros of hypnosis as a method of treatment;
— to consider the cons of hypnosis as a method of treatment.

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An altered state of consciousness, caused by hypnosis method, is a state in which a person feels different, he has new sensations, bright old memories emerge, a feeling of universal acceptance and integrity of the world arises, special feelings arise towards a person who introduces an altered state of consciousness, and so on, depending on the type and purpose of altered state of consciousness. An altered state of consciousness can occur: under the influence of psychoactive substances (dope, nicotine, hallucinogenic mushrooms, etc.); under the influence of special procedures, including sensory deprivation (immersion of the subject in an environment without any irritants), holotropic breathing (frequent deep breathing for a long period of time); under the influence of psychotechnics (religious rites, autogenic training, hypnosis, lucid dreams, meditation); when in extreme conditions: during a fierce battle, an athlete often loses the sensation of pain or experiences special bright sensations when winning, which was difficult to achieve.
Pros of hypnosis are manifested in its use for rest, relaxation, maintaining health, as well as for behavioral correction, solving psychological problems, developing creative abilities, and as anesthesia. Cons of hypnosis include the interests of hypnotists, recruiters and other stakeholders. And also cons are avoiding a reality that does not suit a person, which later grows into dependence on the use of hypnosis.
Thus, the aim set in the work is achieved and the tasks are fulfilled. Were considered the essence of the method of hypnosis; pros and cons of hypnosis as a method of treatment.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1. The essence of hypnosis method
Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis in psychotherapy. It is usually a supplement to other methods. Hypnosis is applied by licensed doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists. It is believed that the smarter and more educated a person is and the more creative imagination he has developed, the easier he goes into hypnosis. [1, p. 14] Hypnosis otherwise can be called an altered state of consciousness.
Hypnosis is one of the most popular treatments in psychotherapy, promoted and as the most effective. However, this definition raises a number of questions, such as: what are the advantages of this method, and what are the disadvantages, and most importantly: is it suitable for everyone?
Considering the essence of the technique, it should be noted that during the session, the specialist immerses the patient in a trance. In this state, a person is able to hear the hypnotist, respond to him and perform any actions. Hypnosis is used like: [3, p. 38]
▪ Diagnostic method;
▪ Treatment method (in combination with others).
In a state of trance, the patient becomes receptive and suggestible. Therefore, the doctor can alleviate his condition by giving a certain installation. This applies not only to psychotherapy, but also in narcology.
Today there are many types of hypnosis, the doctor can practice one or several. They may differ in details, but the essence remains the same. To prevent hypnosis from harming and bringing only benefits, it is recommended to turn to a good psychotherapist.

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