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Реферат на тему Prepositional and postpositional attributes. (Препозитивные и постпозитивные определения)

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THE NOTION OF AN ATTRIBUTE……………………………………………………….5


3.     TYPES OF ATTRIBUTES…………………………………………………………………….8







There are many various means to explain
the notion of an attribute. As established earlier according to Cambridge
Dictionary an attribute is a quality or characteristic that something or
someone has. In general an attribute can also be understood as a feature that someone or something has
(Collins Dictionary Online),
as a quality, character, or characteristic ascribed
to someone or something (Meriam-Webster Dictionary Online) etc.

agree that, despite the features caused by different languages, the attribute
is a characteristic indicator of the subject members of the sentence — subject
or supplement. An attribute also answers the following Wh-questions: What? What
kind of? Which? Whose? (Shramko, 2014: 23)

should also be noted that in the Russian language the term ‘attribute’
possesses the same meaning, as in English. According to Big Encyclopedia an
attribute is a part of a sentence that is grammatically subordinated to a name
and indicates a feature (property, quality, belonging) of an object,
phenomenon, etc. and answers the same questions What? Which? Whose? (Big
Encyclopedia Online)

the most important features of an attribute in the sentence are determined by
its function — to characterize and qualify subject in the sentence which can be
expressed by noun or a pronoun.

is important to notice that there is no difference in the definition of an
attribute in Russian and in English, in both languages an attribute is defined
as a part of a sentence that expresses a specific quality or a feature of an
object or phenomenon.

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         It is a
well-known fact that the Russian and the English languages are structurally
different, what can be seen not only in the grammar or phonetics of both
languages, but also in their syntax. While English is an analytical language,
all the relationships between words in a sentence are expressed by functional
words, such as modal verbs, prepositions etc., and through word order in a
sentence, structure etc. Unlike English, the Russian language is a synthetic
language in which agglutination and inflection are used to express syntactic
relationships within a sentence. That is why it is interesting how the
difference of approaches to the term ‘attribute’ is expressed in English and in

         The most important
traits of an attribute in the sentence are determined by its function — to
characterize and qualify subject in the sentence, which can be expressed by
noun or a pronoun. It is important to notice that there is no difference in the
definition of an attribute in Russian and in English, in both languages an
attribute is defined as a part of a sentence that expresses a specific quality
or a feature of an object or phenomenon, and it answers the questions: ‘what?
what kind of? which? whose?’

         Both in English and in Russian attributes can be expressed in the
sentence by means of various parts of speech, such as adjectives, nouns,
pronouns, numerals, Participle I and Participle II, infinitive, adverbs, it
even can be expressed by the so-called "quotation nouns" and attributive
clauses. But it also should be noted that the position of an attribute in a
sentence affects the way by which it (attribute) is expressed in that sentence.
In the Russian language an attribute can also be expressed by different parts
of speech, but it depends not on the position of an attribute in a sentence,
but on its type.

attribute in the English language does not possess a permanent position in the
sentence. According to the position in the sentence, all attributes are derived
into two groups — prepositional
and postpositional
. As in English, an attribute in Russian also does not have a
specific place in a sentence. An attribute is not subdivided into categories
according to the headword position but according to the connection with the
defined word. So all attributes in Russian are subdivided into two categories —
coordinated (согласованные
определения) and non-coordinated (несогласованные определения).

It can be summed up, that an
attribute in Russian language is more attached to the defined word by means of
grammar; attributes in Russian are also subdivided into two categories but on
another feature: while in English they are subdivided according

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It is now established that an attribute is a secondary part of the
sentence modifying a part of the sentence expressed by a noun, a substantivized
pronoun, a cardinal numeral, and any substantivized word, and characterizing
the thing named by these words as to its quality or property.

An attribute can be expressed
by different parts of speech and constructions:

1. By (a) adjectives or (b)
adjectival phrases
, which characterize the person or an object
qualitatively or express the speaker’s attitude.

a) white sugar,
sunny day;

b) He stood and raged within himself with
sour despair, unable to move or say
a word.

         2. By pronouns or pronominal phrases: my pencil, those kids of mine etc.

         3. By ordinal and cardinal numerals: four
weeks ago, the second place;

         4. By nouns in the common case: garden
wall, cinnamon roll;

         5. By nouns in the genitive case: Michelle’s
mother, young man’s voice;

         6. By Participle I: shining water, smoking

         7. By Participle II: opened bottle, dressed

         8. By participial phrases: boots bought
yesterday, Nicole sewing by the fire;

         9. By (a) gerunds, (b) gerundial phrases,
or (c) gerundial complexes

a) Her running
sneakers were stylish.

b) He had a
terrible habit of joking at the wrong

c) There was no
chance of our speaking of him again.

         10. By (a) infinitives, (b) infinitive
phrases, or (c) complexes

a) I was the only one to

b) They looked around for a stick to hit his insulter with.

c) This conflict is
for you to manage

         11. By sentences used as a whole (the
so-called “quotation nouns”):

She looked at me with a kind of don’t-touch-me-or-I’ll-slap-you air.

     12. By
a clause
(called an attributive
) which makes the whole sentence a complex one:

Some called me by the name which no one here knew.

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