Реферат Иностранные языки Лексикология

Реферат на тему Phraseological units versus free word-groups

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
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Introduction 3
1.1. Main distinguishing features 4
1.2. Classification of phraseological units by origin 11
Conclusion 15
List of references 16




Phraseological turns have quite wide use. In English, phraseologisms are used in both oral speech (spoken style) and written. In written speech, they are used in artistic works and publicity. Phraseologisms are strictly prohibited in scientific articles, technical texts and official documents. But when writing the essay, sketches, biographic or informative articles phraseological units are welcomed as give to the text an emotional color, identity of language and also just embellish and refresh the text.
Given the speed with which humanity develops, the formation of phraseologisms also does not make itself wait. The sources of phraseologisms in modern English can be considered many spheres, but perhaps only a few of them can be put on the leading positions: politics, military conflicts, sports, technology and science, health and medicine. The phraseological wealth of English, which became a reflection of the life of modern man, attracted the attention of domestic linguists, the harms of which can be noted N. N. Amosov, A. V. Kunina, Yu. D. Apasyan, and others.
The material of this work can be used to study the course of linguistics, lexicology, stylistics, translation practice and text analysis.
The purpose of this work is to study the classification of the concept of phraseological units and free dictionary groups of English on the basis of printed publications, articles, theses in the field of lexicology.
In order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
— Define the essence of the concept of phraseologism in English;
Study the basic concepts of «phraseology» and «phraseological units,»
— Consider different classifications of phraseologisms.
This work in its structure has an introduction, a main part, a conclusion and a list of literature.

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The phraseological foundation of English is so large that its full study would not fit within the scope of this work. Nevertheless, on the example of the phraseologisms considered, one can clearly imagine how diverse the semantics and expressiveness of the phraseologism of modern English are. Thanks to the literary works of writers and poets, both in Great Britain and around the world, English now has a huge number of phraseologisms. But it should not be forgotten that a huge number of phraseologisms have also entered English from the history and culture of various countries of the world.
Unfortunately, modern English speech does not see the use of expressions taken from Asian literature. Only phraseologisms borrowed from the literature of countries, in one way or another, close to Great Britain, have become widespread. It should be noted that there is a particularly large number of Biblical in English, this may indicate the religious nature of the English.
An important fact is that all non-English literary borrowing represented in a given work is complete calc from a given language. In modern English, these phraseologisms are not used in foreign language form. Therefore, we cannot talk here about the process of assimilation of phraseologisms borrowed from the fiction of various countries.
The opinions of linguists on a number of problems of phraseology differ, and this is quite natural. Nevertheless, the important task of linguists working in the field of phraseology is to unite efforts and find common ground in the interests of both the theory of phraseology and the practice of teaching foreign languages.


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1.1. Main distinguishing features

In order to separate phraseology from other language units, in particular from the word and free word combination, it is necessary to determine the characteristic features of phraseological units. The main features of the phraseology [5].
1. Reproducibility of phraseology in speech as ready-made units. Stable combinations exist in language as a set of ready-made, already created earlier language formations, which should be remembered in the same way as we remember words. For example, we need to say that we have very little money, almost none, we use a short but expressive phrase: We have money — the cat cried. Or vice versa, there is a lot of money, in this case they say: He has money — chickens do not bite.
2. The integrity of the meaning of phraseology
The integrity of the meaning of phraseology lies in the fact that, in spite of the structure’s dismemberment, it has a generalized-complete meaning, which, as a rule, represents a rethinking of the word combination with a specific semantic content. Clear examples of the fact that the meaning of phraseology does not consist of the values of its components are stable combinations, one member of which is outdated and has no use in modern language outside the expression. However, the speaker does not feel that this word is unfamiliar to him because he knows the general, holistic meaning of the whole phraseology. For example, the meaning of the phraseological turn to beat baklusha (idle) is obvious to the speaker, despite the fact that the meaning of the outdated word «baklusha» has been lost in modern language. In Old Russian, this word meant a short stump of wood, and the whole combination of beating kaklusha originally had the literal meaning of breaking the stump of wood into short pieces from which spoons were then made, i.e. to do a very easy, simple job. Compare also the meaning of phraseology to get kaprosak (by its mistake to find themselves in an unpleasant position), where the word kaprosak in modern language is not used at all and its meaning is unclear (in Old Russian the word kaprosak meant a machine for twisting ropes).

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