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1. Introduction
2. Ten innovative oil and gas startups to watch
2. Drilling — the New Technologies and Innovations
3. Innovation to produce tomorrow’s oil and gas
4. New opportunities in oil and gas
5. Innovative Tools in Oil and Gas Technology
6. How to achieve technology innovation in the oil and gas industry

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At the state level, the degree of preparedness for the innovations can be evaluated using the innovative ranking of UNESCO. In the global innovation ranking of 2014 prepared by UNESCO, the Russian Federation took the 49th place among 143 countries. The UNESCO study has not identified any fall in the total costs in R&D resulting from the crisis of 2008—2009 in the majority of countries of Eastern Europe, and in major European countries, such as France and Germany, in some Asian economies with high income (the Republic of Korea ), and in countries with developing economies (China and the Russian Federation). However, the energy industry today faces serious challenges that require adequate attention, both from the government and corporations. IEA and international patent offices noted a huge potential for scientific research in this area.
The experience of developed countries shows the special role of industrial and innovation policy in stimulating promotion and commercialization of new technologies in the market. In the 2008—2009 crisis and the subsequent recovery phase in 2010—2014, the level of costs in R&D from the state and business structures in the Russian economy was kept at a stable yet low level.
The ban on the technological transfer of technologies for deepwater drilling and LNG projects has shown the dependence of the domestic oil and gas industry on the advanced projects of Western suppliers. The analysis carried out by the experts of the Russian Ministry of Energy showed that most of the equipment imported by Russian oil and gas companies can be replaced today by Russian or foreign analogues produced in countries that do not support sanctions. However, only a partial replacement of such equipment can be performed within the three-year period. Full replacement will only be possible by 2020. Of course, there is a reserve for the technological development of the industry in Russia, but the current high dependence on foreign technology in the commodity sector remains and is, unfortunately, unavoidable in the midterm.
Further directions of research include the study and analysis of the characteristics of financing innovations in oil and gas companies, as well as defining country specifics for the types of companies under consideration.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1. Introduction
The advanced technological development of nations, national companies and the private sector is now one of the key strategic vectors. Economies based on advanced technological structure allow exporting modern goods and services in return for intellectual rent, while recipient countries, often without advanced technologies, pay currency received from the exports of natural resources, taking away the resource rents some of which are non-renewable.
In the postindustrial society, the development of innovative productions is carried out with a «clean slate» and is not burdened with a mass of obsolete fixed assets that do not correspond to the spirit of modern times.
Completely rejecting industrial production and replacing it with the post-industrial service economy and clean energy is not possible in our opinion. One has only to refer to the experience of de-industrialization of the UK industry that was reduced in size by two thirds over the last 30 years. The country’s leadership was confident that the priority of industries had been left in the past, and the future of the ascending branches was only associated with the knowledge-driven economy. As a result, a number of industrial sectors were destroyed and no alternatives to them have been found so far. The share of employees in manufacturing decreased by 2.7 times, the unemployment rate increased, because the economic system of the country was not prepared to train programmers and researchers from yesterday’s workers [1]. It is obvious that the country’s industry is the foundation of material production, and makes a fundamental contribution (from 25 to 40 %) to the gross domestic product [2].
Modernizing the Russian economy is extremely urgent and actively discussed at various levels of the institutional system. The modernization of the country is traditionally associated with not only permanent updating but also a fundamental change in the direction and pace of economic development. The modernization of the Russian economy, the course of which was adopted by the Russian Government in 2006, should include its innovative development and new industrialization. Industrialization in the classic sense is the process of replacing the primitive, poorly equipped hand labor by machine work. New industrialization is the repetition of this process, but under new conditions, while the re-industrialization is the process of recovering industrial, technological systems, individual sectors and types of production, together with solving major problems related to the stock, technological and human resource base of the industry, as well as with a common vector for creating innovative domestic products with high added value [3]. In general, technological modernization is a change in the structure of the technological mode of various economic entities in favor of advanced technologies. Industry is the main subject for the changes.
A new financial and economic strategy aimed at accelerating economic growth on the basis of the new industrialization, a sharp increase in industrial investment, and import phase-out was offered by Glazyev [4, 5], Polterovich, Ivanter, Nekipelov, Primakov, Greenberg, Dmitriev, Kuzyk [6, 7] and other leading domestic economists. The problem of strategic development and reindustrialization of old industrial regions also has quite a serious scientific-theoretical basis. The works of both Russian scientists (Amosha, Novikova, Lyashenko, Makogon, Novak, Belinskaya) and foreign ones ( Glonti, Boshmy, Lembuya, Steiner, Muller) have been dedicated to it.
Assessing the significance of the scientific research carried out not only by the abovementioned scientists but also by many others, it should be noted that certain aspects of the problem remain largely controversial or do not find a clear solution under the conditions of a complex geopolitical situation.
In Russia today, there is a gap between modern breakthrough technologies that should serve as an engine of economic development and industries that operate using technological equipment of the previous generation. At the same time, the modernization of production cannot be centered on only the renewal of companies’ fixed assets, as both the state and the business completely neglecting to implement new technologies results in the loss of long-term competitive advantages of domestic companies.

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