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Реферат на тему Peculiarities of semantic structure of English words

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Introduction. 2

1. The concept of the semantic structure of a word. 3

2. Semantic peculiarities of English words. 8

Conclusion. 16

References. 17




Special interest in the problems
of semantics in modern linguistics is a natural process associated with the
development of science in general. As in other branches of knowledge in
linguistic research, there is a desire to penetrate deeper into the essence of
the phenomenon, to move from the directly observable (sound, structure) to the
unobservable (to the content side of the language). It is semantic analysis,
like no other aspect of language learning, which allows discovering the very
essence of language as a phenomenon.

The relevance of the topic of
this study is due to the need for a more detailed study of the systemic
organization of the English vocabulary. The purpose of this work is to
determine the peculiarities of the semantic structure of English words.

The object of this work is the
syntactic structure of words in the English language. The subject is the
peculiarities of the semantic structure of English words.

The purpose of this work is to
establish how various features of words are expressed within the semantic
structure of the English language. Achieving this goal requires solving a
number of tasks, the main of which are:

1. Define the concept of the
semantic structure of a word.

2. Reveal the semantic peculiarities
of English words.

The methods of this research are
the analysis of scientific literature on the topic, as well as the analysis of
the semantic structure of English words, the comparison of the semantic
features of the words of the English language.

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The connection between word and
concept is very close. The concept is the most essential element of the word,
but not always the only one. The form of the word, which is most often a
complex of morphemes, expresses a certain content — the lexical meaning of the

Lexical meaning is a complex
value; it includes conceptual, categorical, emotional-evaluative and stylistic

The lexico-semantic variant as an
elementary lexical unit is the totality of all grammatical forms of a word
correlated with one of its meanings. The lexico-semantic variant is the unity
of the lexeme and sememe.

The structure of the main,
conceptual part of the lexical meanings of words is a unity of grammatical, lexical-grammatical,
categorical-lexical, differential and potential semes, connected by
clarification relations. In addition, the content of the lexical meaning of
words contains semantic components of an emotional-evaluative and stylistic
nature, which create the connotative part of these meanings.

The peculiarities of English
semantics are the widespread use of polysemous words, and with this, the wide
variability of the use of these lexemes, the need of context.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1. The concept of the semantic
structure of a word

Semasiology is a branch of
linguistics that studies the meanings of linguistic units. This word comes from
the Greek roots “sēmasiā” (meaning) and “logos” (knowledge).

The semantic structure is a
complex system.

It highlights four main aspects:

1. Each word combines lexical and
grammatical meanings, for example, «to go» — verb of motion. The grammatical
meaning is the meaning of the part of speech to which the word belongs.

2. The word does not just denote
an object; its semantic structure also includes a system of associations, with
the help of which the speaker expresses his attitude to the object, phenomenon,
and process. The meaning of a word includes a denotative component that names
an object, a concept (referent). The connotative component includes emotional,
evaluative, expressive and stylistic components of meaning.

3. The denotative meaning of the
word is decomposed into semantic components or components, which are called

4. A word can be polysemantic,
i.e. have in its semantic structure several lexical-semantic variants or
meanings. All these words are interconnected by a common seme and constitute
the semantic structure of the word. For example:

To manage:

1. To succeed in doing something

2. To succeed in dealing with
problems, living in a difficult situation etc .;

3. To succeed in buying things
you need to live even though you do not have very much money;

4. To be able to do something or
carry something without help;

5. To do something that causes

6. To direct or control a
business and the people who work in it, to be the manager of;

7. To use your time or money

8. To succeed in keeping

Lexico-semantic variants,
represented formally by one lexeme (having the same sound (graphic) shell) and
internally connected, form the structure of the lexical meaning (or the
semantic structure of the word). Such a structure is based on various and
related relationships: functional, component and so-called associative, i.e.
semasiological proper. Associative connections, psychological by their nature,
appear in the language as a semantic motivation of lexical-semantic variants or
elementary meanings (sememes). The connectedness, or semantic motivation, of
the meanings of a word is manifested in their ability to reveal a continuous
sequence or commonality of "internal forms".

The concept of semantic
motivation as a community and continuity of internal forms of lexical-semantic
variants (their seme) is central to the analysis of the structure of lexical
meaning. To make up such a structure, lexical meanings corresponding to formally
identical signs must reveal in their internal forms a basis for comparison, an

Semantic connections, which form
the internal linguistic motivation of the elements of the structure of lexical
meaning, constitute a superficial, directly expressed plan. In addition to it,
there must be another, more abstract and deep level of connection between the
elements of the semantic structure of the word. It could be obtained by
revealing the invariant, constant, unchanging elements of the content of all
lexical-semantic variants.

The lexico-semantic variant,
which implements the primary semantic function of the word, contains the main
sememe — the main meaning of the word, which is most paradigmatically
conditioned and least syntagmatically conditioned. [1] Лаврова Н. А. Контаминация как словотворческая
модель: структура, семантика, стилистика, прагматика (на материале современного
английского языка) //М., 2013. 49 с. – 2013. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=22322924

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