Теоретическая фонетика английского языка Реферат Иностранные языки

Реферат на тему New Zealand English and its phonetic peculiarities.

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1. History of New Zealand 5
2. Language of international communication — the spread of English 7
3. The New Zealand variant of the English language — phonetic features 11


 Relevance. As you know, English is spoken not only in England, but also abroad. English is the official language of many countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. The population of these countries, pronunciation, which is considered their national language, has a choice. Any national language has different, officially fixed pronunciation options so the existence of American, Australian and Canadian English is not surprising to anyone. English is thus represented by many variants, each of which is different, primarily phonetic and to a lesser extent — lexical and grammatical. Modern education dictates always to always be governed by classical English. In the best language higher education institutions of the British choice, Russia has traditionally been taught, and as foreign consultants and methodologists, mainly teachers from the UK have been invited. From other literature sources it is possible to trace this, we have some professional teachers of American option. But, carriers and «American», eventually, meet . Schools where professionals, however, try to explain to students the difference between different English language options and teach that choice of English that is necessary for the student. 
In the XXI century, we are rapidly mastering information technologies, and observing the modern development of English language teaching. And it is impossible not to take into account the fact that pupils or students almost daily come into contact with different versions of the English language . They watch movies, listen to foreign music and, for example, read labels on products and goods of both European and American production. The global computer network Internet, as well as correspondence with foreign peers, contributes to the language practice of modern schoolchildren. Of course, they notice differences between the language variant they encounter in practice and the one they learn in school. Therefore, an English teacher must be competent in the differences between the American and British versions, as well as between Australian, New Zealand and Canadian, in order to work successfully with students. Therefore, in the modern methodology, much attention is paid to the linguistic and cultural aspect in the preparation of a foreign language teacher. This aspect includes not only regional studies, but also linguistic training, including knowledge of lexical features of various territorial and social varieties of the studied language. Approximately 1.6 billion people on earth speak English, it is noteworthy that English is the mother tongue of only 380 million people. Most of the media, TV and radio companies use English. According to recent statistics, more than 80% of Internet content is in English, given that 44% of users speak a different language . Could not agree more with the fact that in the history of mankind has no language was so widespread and popular, while English each state has its own characteristics and traits that were formed during the historical development of a particular country and language of the indigenous population.
In my opinion, the New Zealand version of the English language is unique, because in this case we can trace the mutual influence and interaction of two languages-English and Maori, which is the language of the indigenous population, as well as one of the official languages of the state.
The object of research in this paper is the English language as a way of spreading lexical features. 
The subject of the research is lexical variants of New Zealand English. 
The purpose of the study is to identify the features that characterize the varieties of New Zealand English.
For this purpose the following tasks were set:
-to consider the features of the functioning of New Zealand English as a language of international communication;
-to identify the lexical features of New Zealand variants of the English language.

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English is used as the national, state and official literary language not by one but by many Nations. We found that different versions of the English language has its own specific area of use .
This directly depends on the terrain, the terrain, the presence of a social group, which, accordingly, is determined by the way of life, the level of education, all this leaves its mark on all aspects of the English language, in particular the vocabulary.
Hence the conclusion: the formation of atypical word usage in the literary norm.
Having studied the material related to the history, geography and life of New Zealand, we can conclude that the language of New Zealand was formed under the influence of English, Maori, Australian version of English, and more recently, the American version.
The real problem with New Zealand English is well illustrated by the following proverb «From the British frying pan into the American fire». Some linguists believe that the country is formed and Maori version of the English language.
The uniqueness of New Zealand’s sociolinguistic situation lies in the combined influence of British, American, Australian, local variants of English and Maori.
All these factors marked the beginning of the formation of the New Zealand national version of the English language.





Фрагмент текста работы:


1. History of New Zealand
The development and formation of the New Zealand national version of the English language is directly related to the history and geographical features of New Zealand. Scientists have established that the ancestors of the Maori-the indigenous people of New Zealand arrived on its shores around the middle of the 14th century. 
Everyone knows that in 1642 the Navigator Abel Tasman discovered New Zealand and in the 18th century it was explored by the great Navigator James cook.
The emergence of the first permanent European settlements in New Zealand dates back to the early 19th century. This was followed by a rapid process of seizure of Maori lands. In 1839, the New Zealand land company sent the first organized group of British settlers to New Zealand, who founded Wellington.
In 1840, the British imposed a Treaty on the Maori chiefs, under which the Maori ceded all rights and powers to the British crown. New Zealand officially became an English colony, and in 1843 began the so-called «Maori wars» — the struggle of the Maori against the English colonizers. In 1872 the last attempts of resistance of Maori were suppressed. In the 1860s, immigrants flooded into New Zealand in search of gold. In 1847-60 the number of Europeans increased 2 times and reached 65 thousand people. All economic and political power in the country was initially concentrated in the hands of the land oligarchy. In 1893, in New Zealand, for the first time in the world, full universal suffrage was introduced, when women also had the right to vote. Then set a minimum wage, shortened work week, introduced by the pensions (1898) and so at the turn of the 20th century, New Zealand became the country with the most advanced labor legislation. 
In those years there was a rapid growth of capitalism in New Zealand, which emerged and developed as a branch of the English. At that time, New Zealand was an economic and industrial platform for English monetary investments producing mainly wool, meat, oil. In 1907, New Zealand was granted dominion status. By this time, the population reached 1 million people. in 1916, the process of organizing the leading labor party of New Zealand was completed. In the First World War, New Zealand participated on the side of Great Britain. Her troops in the British army fought in France and the middle East.


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