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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



1. Satire in the 21st century 3
2. Alexander Kanevsky’s creation 5
3. Features of the satire of Alexander Kanevsky 7





Satire (from gr. Satira — variegated mixture, all sorts of things) — one of the types of comic, mercilessly ridiculing human vices and phenomena of public life.
The satirical image, as a rule, is based on the grotesque or hyperbole, intentionally distorting, exaggerating the features of the described. However, ridiculing and denying a particular flaw, the author always makes it clear what the aesthetic ideal is. For example, satirically depicting bureaucracy in the comedy The Inspector General and in the poem Dead Souls, N. Gogol sought to impress the viewer and reader that bribe takers, embezzlers and extortionists should not rule in Russia, that its people deserve a better fate. Therefore, the real examiner demands all the bribe-takers to themselves, and they stand as if struck by thunder. According to the writer, Chichikov, having wandered around the country and having failed in all his swindles, in the second volume of the poem was to become an honest «entrepreneur», benefiting the state.
There is no single point of view in literary criticism regarding the genre definition of satire, and there are examples of satirical works in epic, dramatic, and lyrical texts.
A satirical view of the world is inherent in man both in everyday life and in the field of art, manifesting itself not only in “special” satirical genres: epigram, anecdote, feuilleton, caricature, pamphlet, parody, comedy, fable, but penetrating the novel and the poem, in genre painting and a song. A person who enters the realm of satirical worldview ridicules primarily modern evil, or the “abnormality” of the past, which is still relevant today. Moreover, not only the most significant defects of reality are exposed, but also at least the «little things in life» that prevent people from living normally.


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Satire makes it possible to point out all the shortcomings and vices in a veiled form, without resorting to directness and aggressive statements in relation to someone or anything. Tables worthy enough to build a satire needs a sharp mind and rich life experience. With the help of exaggeration or personification, you can portray your criticism in a special, humorous form, which is perceived much easier and better, and only an intelligent and wise person can understand and reveal it. Satire is one of the few forms of humor that allows a person with a laugh to look at his life from a special angle, from the side. Awareness of the problem is the first step towards correcting it. Thus, we can say that satire can lead to a positive development and change in society.
Satire will completely obsolete itself only when facts that can be ridiculed and need to be corrected completely obsolete and disappear. Today, society has a huge number of shortcomings that can not be destroyed in an instant. That is why satire is needed today, because if people can see themselves from the outside, then this will be an incentive to correct these shortcomings. That is why satire is an integral part of modern art. 

Фрагмент текста работы:


1. Satire in the 21st century

There are many opinions regarding the need for satire in our time. However, the answer is obvious. Naturally, it is vital.
After analyzing the work of classics and contemporaries, we can conclude that in all centuries and ages the creators had something to criticize: the flaws of society and its foundations, the political system, philistinism, the bourgeoisie, corruption, duplicity, stiffness, greed, arrogance, cowardice — all this and much another was denounced in the immortal creations of writers, who perfectly understood that humor and truth are those great tools that will make society think about urgent problems.
It is impossible not to admire the founder of Russian accusatory literature Saltykov — Shchedrin, whose sparkling talent has repeatedly pointed out to readers (naturally in a humorous form) on seemingly completely not funny, but even deplorable topics. In fact, the arrival of this creator to the satire genre can be associated with a certain shield, with the help of which the creator tries to protect himself from persecution for freethinking, but while maintaining the ability to subtly ridicule acute social issues. [7]
Skillfully exposing the exploiters and oppressors, the writer uses both hyperbole and grotesque. Representatives of the upper classes appear before us in the role of predators, and ordinary peasant people — in the form of defenseless animals and birds that suffer oppression, suffer, but are silent. It is against this silence that the author protests. He protests with all nature, with all his soul, and what a pleasure it brings that he fights with it precisely with the pen and his sparkling word! [5]
Moreover, strangely enough, little has changed since the time described by the creator. Quite the contrary, many problems and contradictions only escalated. Therefore, there are a decent number of modern satirical writers who continue this good work. This fact allows us to state with full confidence that the satire is not only alive, but blooms in a violent color against the background of political and social injustice.

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