Введение в теорию межкультурной коммуникации Реферат Иностранные языки

Реферат на тему Major Values of Russian Culture (or any other culture).

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  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления











The history of
Russian culture, its values, role, and place in world culture in the early 90s
of the XX century aroused great interest both as a subject of scientific study
and as a training course.

The relevance of the work is that the education of a
citizen and patriot who knows and loves his homeland is an extremely important
task today and it cannot be successfully completed without a deep knowledge of
the spiritual wealth of the people and the development of folk culture.

The purpose of the work is to study and analyze the
value system of Russian culture. Based on the goal, the following tasks are set:

— analyze the conditions for the formation and
development of Russian culture;

— to characterize the Russian culture;

— consider the features of the values of Russian

The object of the work is Russian culture.

The subject is the main values of Russian culture and
their interrelation.

Features of the formation of Russian culture are seen
in the following main factors: the need to develop a huge geographical space
where numerous ethnic groups and nationalities joined and interacted; the
establishment of Orthodoxy as a special branch of Christianity focused on
spirituality and adherence to established traditions; the long-term isolation
of development from Western European civilizational processes and the intense
struggle to overcome such isolation; the predominance of the idea of the
priority of statehood over personal interests, the subordination of the
interests of the individual to the interests of the state.

In the conditions of the great ‘change of all’ and the
formation of the Russian civilization of the XXI century, the solution of the ‘single
and indivisible’ problem of continuity with the cultural heritage and its
renewal became a condition for the spiritual revival of Russia.

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Russian culture is certainly a great European culture.
It is an independent and original national culture, the keeper of national
traditions and values, and a reflection of the peculiarities of the national
character. Russian culture in the process of its formation and development has
experienced the influence of many cultures, absorbed some elements of these
cultures, reworked and reinterpreted them, they have become part of our culture
as its organic component.

Russian culture is neither the culture of the East nor
the culture of the West. We can say that it is an independent type of culture.
As a result of various reasons, Russian culture has not fully realized its
potential. In Russia for 100 years there was such a unique historical and
cultural phenomenon of serf intelligentsia, which has no analogue in the
history of civilization.

There is no doubt that the Russian traditional system
of values has many attractive features. Comparing it with, say, Latin American,
you can see a number of positive features, including from the point of view of
creativity. Despite the shady sides, the desire to work together, work for
pleasure, scope, non-standard and originality contain a great productive

For Russians, the goals and interests of the
collective are always higher than the personal interests and goals of an
individual — everything individual is easily sacrificed to the general. Another
basic Russian national value is justice, since without its clear understanding
and implementation, life in a team is not possible. Russian understanding of
justice is based on the social equality of the people who make up the Russian

Another characteristic nodal points in the system of
Russian national values are patience and suffering. Immortal glory was given to
people who sacrificed themselves for others and in front of their community.
Russian Russian military heroism and selflessness of the Russian soldier has
always been based on contempt for death, and only then-hatred of the enemy.


Фрагмент текста работы:


OBJECT OF RESEARCH The concept of ‘Russian culture’ is synonymous with
the concept of ‘Russian national culture’. The concept of ‘culture of Russia’
is broader, since it includes the history of the formation and development of
the culture of the old Russian state, individual principalities, multinational
state associations — the Moscow state, the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union,
and the Russian Federation.

In this context, Russian culture acts as the main
system-forming element of the culture of a multinational state. The
multinational culture of Russia can be typologized on various grounds:

— confessional (Orthodox,
Protestants, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.);

— economic structure
(agricultural culture, cattle breeding, hunting), etc.

It is highly unproductive to ignore the multinational
nature of state’s culture, as well as the role of Russian culture in this
state. Ethnographers and cultural scientists are more interested in the
peculiarities of the culture of different peoples of Russia.

The simultaneous existence of different cultures,
mixed marriages, multidirectional traditions within the same family, village,
city requires careful attention of researchers. Good relations in the country
and the successful solution of tasks for the development of Russian culture
largely depend on the harmonization of these relations and mutual knowledge [6].

Unfortunately, the study and understanding of Russian
culture is burdened with the burden of ambiguous assessments expressed more
than two centuries ago, as well as clichés that have become established in
science and public thought, which make it difficult to identify a scientific
view of our culture.

The end of the XX century creates some prerequisites
for this. It seems that it is more productive not to regret our failure in
comparison with the West, but to try to understand what we really are. It is
necessary to determine what is valuable and expensive for us, to learn to treat
ourselves and our culture with due respect, without which it is impossible to
fully gain respect for our country and a sense of personal dignity as a person,
citizen, representative of our national culture.

Studying Russian culture is not only an educational
task. Russian culture is closely linked to another one, which is no less
important: to grow up bearers of Russian culture and followers of its
traditions, which will help preserve it as part of world culture, expand the
borders of Russian culture, and promote a dialogue of cultures [1].

Every national culture is a form of self-expression of
the people. It shows the peculiarities of national character, worldview, and
mentality. Every culture is unique and has its own unique way of development.
This fully applies to Russian culture. It can be compared with the cultures of
the East and West only to the extent that they interact with it, influence its
Genesis and evolution, and are linked to Russian culture by a common fate [10].

Attempts to understand the national culture, to
determine its place and role in the circle of other cultures are fraught with
certain difficulties. They can be divided into the following: a strong
attraction of researchers to the comparative approach, a constant attempt to
compare Russian culture and the culture of Western Europe, and almost always
not in favor of the former; ideologization of specific cultural and historical
material and its interpretation from various positions, during which some facts
are brought to the fore, and those that do not fit into the author’s concept
are ignored [5].

When considering the cultural and historical process
in Russia, there are clearly three main approaches:

— the first approach is
presented by proponents of the one-line model of world history — according to
this concept, all the problems of Russia can be solved by overcoming the
civilizational, cultural lag or modernization;

— the second approach is
based on the concept of multilinearity of historical development, according to
which the history of mankind consists of the history of a number of original
civilizations, one of which includes the Russian civilization. Moreover, the
main features or ‘soul’ of each civilization cannot be perceived or deeply
understood by representatives of another civilization or culture, i.e. it is
unknowable and not reproducible;

— a third group of authors
tries to reconcile both approaches — these include well-known researcher of
Russian culture, author multi-volume work ‘Essays on the history of Russian
culture’ by P. N. Milyukov, who determined its position as a synthesis of two
opposing constructions of Russian history, one of which is forward similarity
of the Russian with the European process, bringing this similarity to the
identity, but the other proved a Russian identity [6].

should be noted that the approaches to the study of the cultural and historical
process of Russia identified by Milyukov at the beginning of the XX century retained,
with some modifications, their main features until the end of our century [3].

As our ancestors moved from
the southern regions (Kiev) to North-Eastern Russia and further North, East, to
Siberia from the chernozems to the worst soils in terms of fertility, to more
severe climatic conditions, economic activity, which was based on agriculture,
became more complicated.

The extensive nature of
agriculture and its risk-taking played a significant role in the development of
the Russian people’s ease to change places, readiness to search for a ‘better
life’, which was greatly facilitated by the huge undeveloped territories, the ‘burden
of the land’. All this led to the extreme stability of community institutions
in Russia, which were certain social guarantees of the survival of the

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