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Реферат на тему Lord of the flies by William Golding

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



  1. Introduction 2
    1. William Golding’s brief look 2
    2. Writing Style 2
    3. Analysis 3
    Conclusion 4
    References 5





  1. The work of W. Golding “The Lord of the Flies” (“Lord of the Flies”) is symbolic. The symbols of the work are activated in the so-called strong positions, since they contribute to the correct understanding by the reader of the content of the work and the intention of the author. Being a non-verbal means of intercultural communication, the symbol appears in a specific image and is intended to reveal the hidden meaning in the work. The symbolic work expands the possibilities of interpretation and enriches the content of the text. The interpretation of a symbol may be infinite, but the meaning that a given symbol receives is closely related to the person, his intentions, and the environment.

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  1. In Golding’s The Lord of the Flies, there are several distinct heroes that make it possible for the author to show how a person can degrade when he is far from civilization, regardless of whether he is an adult or a child. With the help of literary images, the writer showed how quickly a person can return to his savage roots. How quickly the beast can wake up, that lives inside each of us. However, this crowd can and must be fought, which is what the main character, Ralph, does.
    We believe that the use of characters by the author to create images of heroes, reflecting their world and emotional state, which contributes to conveying to the reader the main idea of the work.



Фрагмент текста работы:


  1. 1. William Golding’s brief look

    Sir William Gerald Golding − English writer, winner of the 1983 Nobel Prize in Literature. For nearly forty years of literary career, W. Golding published 12 novels. The first of them, the “Lord of the Flies”, considered one of the outstanding works of world literature of the 20th century, provided him worldwide fame.
    The novel “Free Fall” (1958), devoted to the study of the question of the limits of the free choice of a person. In the novel “The Spire” (1964), W. Golding, as S. Medkalf wrote, again showed “interest in the turbid areas of the human character”, continuing the study of the human will, ready to sacrifice everything for himself .

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