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Реферат на тему Linguistic Features of the Belles-lettres Style. The substyles of the Belles-lettres Style.

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Introduction 3
1. Belles-lettres style and its place in the system of genres 4
2. The substyles of the Belles-lettres Style 6
2.1The language of poetry 6
2.2 The language of fiction 8
2.3 The language of drama 10
Conclusion 12
Bibliography 13




The basis of any style is common vocabulary, as it is represented in all types of literary, book-writing and oral-speech material, because this vocabulary creates the basis that is necessary for a certain style. Common vocabulary creates the background that is characteristic of a particular style.
The researchs of Russian and foreign scientists involved to the study of the peculiarities of belles-lettres in English literature is of significant importance for this work. Such scientists as K. A. Dolinin, L. R. Galperin, M.A.K. Halliday, A.V. Isakova, Peter Verdonk, L. Ronald, T. Shiela, David Birch and many others have devoted their work to the studying of belles-lettres. This problem has been studied in depth, but in our opinion, there are new problems that still need to be studied, which have not been given enough attention.
The purpose of this work is to consider different styles of speech, in particular in literary texts. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
— To define the concept of “belles-lettres”;
— to identify the sub styles of belles-lettres;
— To describe the features of the sub styles of belles-lettres.
The object of the research is the contractive description of the belles-lettres features in English.
The subject of the research is the sub styles of belles-lettres in English literature.
The structure of the paper is following:
Introduction, that shows the actuality of theme, sets the object, subject and
tasks of the work, determines the structure of the paper.
Chapter I. Study about tendencies and trends of belles-lettres.
Chapter II. Study about llinguistic features of substyles of the Belles-lettres Style.
Conclusion draws a line under the investigation and shows the total results of the theoretical research.
Bibliography represents the sources used during the investigation.

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Belles-lettres is a category of writing, originally meaning beautiful or fine writing. In the modern narrow sense, it is a label for literary works that do not fall into the major categories such as fiction, poetry, or drama. The phrase is sometimes used for writing that focuses on the aesthetic qualities of language rather than its practical application. A writer of belles-lettres is a belletrist.
A distinctive feature of belles-lettres is fiction, and fiction can be called all the creators of fictional events and characters. Initially, this word meant fiction in General-as opposed to scientific literature, religious and philosophical, memoir, documentary. The peculiarity of belles-lettres is, according to the linguist Vandries, that » the style of belles-lettres is always an action against ordinary language; to some extent, it is a jargon, a literary jargon that can vary.»
The style of belles-lettres is divided into three sub-styles, which embody its basic principles and goals.
These are:
1. The language of poetry or just poetry.
2. Emotional prose or artistic prose.
3. The language of drama.
The novel is a representative of the underlying emotional prose.
The sub-style of emotional prose has the same characteristics as the style of belles-lettres; but they are specially brought into relationship in it.
The imagery in emotional prose is not rich, and the percentage of words with contextual meaning is not as high as in poetry, and the originality of the author is not so clearly discernible.
The lack of rhythm and rhyme is the main thing that distinguishes emotional prose from poetic style. Emotional prose is a combination of a literary variant of a language, both in words and syntax, with its colloquial variant.
The most accurately defines emotional prose is that it is a combination of colloquial and written versions of the language, because it always contains these two types of communication-a monologue (in the form of the author’s words) and a dialogue (in the form of the characters ‘ speeches).
The language of the author corresponds or should correspond to the literary norms of a certain period of development of the English literary language.
The language of the hero of the novel or story is chosen so that he can characterize this person. In fact, this language is subject to some modifications. This is an invariable condition of any literary work.
The Language of Drama is about the critical strategies that can be used to understand the dynamic processes of writing, reading, dramaturgy, rehearsal, production and reception of drama performance in both the classroom and the professional theatre. It draws upon many of the recent insights developed in discourse analysis, literary theory, social semiotics, popular culture studies and performance analysis, in order to present a detailed critical theory and practice of how the language of drama means as a process of drama praxis.


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1. Belles-lettres style and its place in the system of genres
The sphere of human activity is vast. Perhaps that is why the field of knowledge of the new is inexhaustible. Since then, as a person faced with the need to communicate, he concluded that not all situations are familiar to him the way of communication, or rather; language means can fully convey the desired information to the addressee. Primitive man in his speech used completely different words (or sounds) when communicating with the family and with the head of the tribe.
From this time we can talk about the emergence of speech styles. From the historical point of view, we can not specify the exact date, because the choice of style depends on the scope of human activity and the ultimate goal of informative messages. The need for the use of certain styles arose with the development of mankind, or rather, with the spheres of its activities.
The style of language has a social nature, is created in the process of speech development and is an integral part of the national speech. The number and structure of functional styles, the peculiarities of their use are closely related to the historical conditions of the development and functioning of the literary language itself.
Style is one of the essential properties of the text, which consists in its speech system, that is, the systematic use of certain linguistic means, structures, text units within the text of this style [3, c.7-13].
Functional Style is a system of interrelated language means, which serves a definite aim in communication. Each style is recognized as an independent whole. The peculiar choice of language means is primarily dependent on the aim of the communication, on the function the style performs.
The study of different styles is engaged in such a section of linguistics or philological discipline as stylistics. This section discusses the principles and methods of using styles.
Functional style is a subsystem of a language that has individual characteristics in terms of lexical means, syntactic constructions and even phonetics. The emergence and existence of different styles is associated with the conditions of communication in various spheres of human life.
As a matter of fact there exist a number of classifications of functional styles, but the most common one was introduced by I.R. Galperin. It includes the belles-lettres style, the publicist style, the newspaper style, the scientific prose style, and the style of official documents.
The classifying of styles is a very difficult task. For example, I.R. Galperin considers functional styles as properties of written language, thereby excluding conversational style. He notes that each functional style can be recognized by one or more key features and considers them in terms of the use of language tools and stylistic techniques [11].
I.V. Arnold considers speech styles in connection with the peculiarities of their use in the sphere of communication [1, c.320].
Each functional style is characterized by a special use of language means and thus establishes its own norms that obey the norm invariant and do not violate the General literary norm [13, c.330-365].
There are five main styles in English: belles-lettres, publicity literature, newspaper, scientific prose, official documents. Publicist style is intended for objective transmission of events (in written or oral speech). This style is not inherent in the subjective nature or emotional assessment.
Officially — business. All important documents and all business correspondence are based on this style.
Scientific and technical prose is characterized by consistency and logic.
Every functional style of language is marked by a specific use of language means, thus establishing its own norms which, however, are subordinated to the norm-invariant and which do not violate the general notion of the literary norm.

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