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Реферат на тему Lingo-stylistic Peculiarities of Newspaper Functional Style

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Introduction 3
1. The definition of newspaper functional style of speech 4
2. Lingo-stylistic features of newspaper style 8
3. The language specificity of newspaper headlines 13
Conclusion 16
Bibliography 17




The types of texts that are distinguished by the pragmatic aspects of communication are called the functional styles of language.
A functional style may be regarded as the product of the certain concrete tasks set by the sender of the message. Functional styles appear mainly in literary standard of language. The literary standard of English language is not so homogeneous as it may seem. In fact the standard of English literary language in the course of its development has fallen into several subsystems each of each has required all peculiarities which are typical for the given functional styles.
The works of such famous researchers as Atman O. V., Vvedenskaya L. A. Vishnyakova P. V., Olkhovikova Yu. a., Kaufova L. A., Levshenko Yu. I., Khazagerov G. G., Chudinov A. P., Sheigal E. I. and others are devoted to the study of stylistic features of «journalism» style.
In this paper we will consider mainly newspaper functional style in English, its development, stylistic features and techniques. This problem has been studied in depth, but in our opinion, there are new problems that still need to be studied, which have not been given enough attention.
The purpose of this work is to consider different styles of speech, in particular newspaper functional style. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
— to define the concept of the media in England;
— consider the features of the title of the English newspaper material;
— to identify the linguistic and stylistic features of newspaper functional style.
The object of the research is the contractive description of English newspaper functional style.
The subject of the research is the lingo-stylistic peculiarities of newspaper functional style in English literature.
The structure of the paper is following:
Introduction, that shows the actuality of theme, sets the object, subject and
tasks of the work, determines the structure of the paper.
Chapter I. Study about tendencies and trends of functional style in English.
Chapter II. Study about llinguistic features of newspaper style in English.
Conclusion draws a line under the investigation and shows the total results of the theoretical research.
Bibliography represents the sources used during the investigation.

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The texts of newspaper articles are dynamic, focused on the general population, informative, reflect a certain ideological direction, national and cultural specificity, are perceived by the participants of communication in the context of the events. All this allows us to refer them to the journalistic discourse.
The peculiarities of the journalistic discourse of newspaper articles are confirmed linguistically, namely by the linguistic means with the English journalistic text is saturated. Such texts contain special terms related to social and political life, abbreviations, proper names, onyms that have passed into the category of appellatives, elements of irony, sarcasm, wordplay, idiomatic expressions, etc. English-Language news texts are characterized by the presence of rigid structural features:
— availability of title, subtitle, beginning,
— the syntactic structure of news headlines is characterized by the use of two-part, elliptical sentences.
Phraseological units, clichés, pun, intentionally altered stable expressions, allusions and various stable combinations are used by formative of headline.


Фрагмент текста работы:


The media is an integral part of our lives. Entertainment and media always go hand in hand, but apart from entertainment, media are also an effective means of communication, dissemination of information, advertising, marketing, and in general, to express and share one’s views, opinions and ideas.
There are several types of print media:
-Booklets and brochures.
It is necessary to separate the concepts of «journalism» and «text of the media», the concept of «journalism» is more general, since journalism can be represented in many forms, for example, in verbal, iconographic and others, and the text of the media takes only a speech form. Media texts are newspaper-magazine and texts of various sounding materials: TV reports and interviews [18].
Thus, the periodicals should include a newspaper, magazines, almanac, bulletin,and other publications with a permanent name, the current number and published at least once a year.
All newspapers in the UK are divided into quality (newspapers, magazines) and popular press (tabloids).
High-quality press usually transmits news from the country and abroad with a detailed and extensive coverage of sports and cultural life of the population. In addition, they may contain financial reports, news reviews about books and movies. It is often chiropractic newspapers and magazines.
Popular daily newspapers are also called tabloids. The tabloids are in a specific format. Tabloids are fundamentally different from newspapers; they have a lot of advertising, various entertainment scenes and questions. In its traditional sense, tabloids tend to convey sensational stories and tend to create their own news. The UK’s national tabloids include the Sun, the Daily Mirror, The Daily Mail, The Daily Express and The Daily Star.

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