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Introduction 3
1 The Theory of Leadership 4
2 The Maslow’s Need Theory 7
3 The Motivation Theories and Practices 10
Conclusion 16
References 18





The theory of leading and motivating (leadership and motivation) probably is the most important theory under the framework of modern management. Within the whole history of leadership managers tried to understand how to manipulate and motivate their subordinates in order to decide the key problem of business and/or any other professional spheres of activity – earning the profit. There a lot of theories and practical recommendations subject to this question, but all of them can’t fully describe the nature of the motivation system. Such statement of facts has determined the theme of the present research and its actuality.
In this connection the objective of this research includes sociolinguistic analysis of the theory of leadership and motivation. The achievement of this objective has directed the content and the scale of the following integrated goals, including but not limited to, the followings:
1) to describe and analyze the theory of leadership under the framework of modern management;
2) to describe and analyze the Maslow’s need hierarchy as a fundamental motivation theory of human needs and wants;
3) to state, describe and analyze the major peculiarities of modern motivation theories and practices.
The present research was executed on the basis of the foreign and Russian scientific studies of P. Drucker, A.J. Dubrin, F. Herzberg, E.P Ilyin, D.L. Kurz, D.H. Pink and other scientists. In addition to it different Web-sites materials were widely used.

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The present research has permitted us to reach the following results:
The theories of leadership and motivation are closely connected each other. So that is why they were studied in their relationships under the framework of modern management.
Leadership is the most important component of a manager’s responsibilities and at the same time it involves the powers from different sources: leaders can take their power from their job positions, their experience and their personal qualities. Such charismatic leaders are of great importance for the process of leadership.
According to the scientific researches under the framework of modern management it can be possible to subdivide all the leaders’ qualities into three basic categories: 1) emphasy (ability to place oneself in another’s position), 2) self-awareness, and 3)objectivity in communication with other subordinates.
Nowadays leadership researches focus on different leadership styles and the types of leaders. According to the physiological contingency theory there are three basic styles of leaders:
1. Autocratic leaders, who make their own decisions without consulting his/her subordinates and co-workers;
2. Democratic leaders, who involve their subordinates in the process of making decisions and
3. Free-rein leaders, who provide minimal supervision and leave most decisions to their subordinates. There is no single leadership style as the best variant for every company in every situation.
Among all necessary features of a real leader (manager) we’ve stipulated HR ability as the most important one within a process motivating subordinates to earn profits for the company’s benefits.
Within a whole human history people tried to satisfy their needs. It was an American psychologist Abraham Maslow who developed a widely accepted hierarchy pyramid of human needs – the motivation theory that arranges human needs into a pyramid-shaped model with basic physiological needs at the bottom and self-actualizing needs at the top. Maslow’s need theory is considered to be a fundamental basis of practically all nowadays traditional and modern motivation theories and practices.
Needs motivate people to direct their behavior toward something that will satisfy those needs. Three major ways of such motivation are: 1) job enlargement 2) job enrichment and 3) job rotation.
There a lot of motivation theories and models nowadays in the world of business and different professional spheres:
— Herzberg’s two-factor model of motivation under the framework of which the hygiene (maintenance) factors refer to aspects of work that are not directly related to a task itself. Motivator factors, on the other hand, can produce high levels of motivation. These relate directly to the specific aspects of a job;
— expectancy and equity theories where the expectancy theory of motivation is a process that people use to evaluate the results and the degree of those results, while equity theory is an individual’s perception of fair and equitable treatment.
— goal-setting theory which states that employees should be motivated of specific, challenging goals and receiving feedback. Company’s goals usually help focus employee’s attention on the most important components of their jobs.
— Pink’s theory of motivation which is more suitable for the creative people, because it is not enough for them to use traditional “stick and carrot” motivation. They conduct their work, because they like it. The intrinsic motivators under the framework of this theory are divided into three major components: the first is autonomy, that is, self-direction; the second is mastery – the desire to become better at something that matters, and, finally, purpose – to do what we do in service of something larger than ourselves. There are some opponents of Pink’s motivation theory in Russian management, but even they think that under certain factors such system of motivation may become a reality in the nearest future.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1 The Theory of Leadership

According to the American scientist Andrew Dubrin, “management is the process of achieving organizational goals through people and other resources.” [5, p. 3] In this connection “manager is a person responsible for the work performance of group members (organization or team). So, the manager’s major responsibility is to combine human and technical resources in the best way possible to achieve the company’s goal – earning the profit. A manager has the formal authority to commit organizational labor resources, even if the approval of others is required.” [5, p. 3] Taking into consideration such definitions a real manager can be considered as a leader who is acting on the basis of the theory and practices of modern leadership.
Leadership may be the most important and at the same time visible component of manger’s responsibilities. According to David Kurtz’s theory it can be defined as “the act of causing and/or motivating the subordinates to perform some activities formed in order to achieve specific organizational objectives.” [6, p. 8] Leadership involves the use of power – “the ability of a person to influence the behavior of his/her subordinates.” [3, p. 116] Such power may be resulted from different sources. Leaders can take their power from their job position in the company. For example, being the managers, they are responsible for coordinating their subordinates’ works. In some other cases, their powers come from their experience and practice: first-level supervisors who once were experienced floormen at the oil and gas site are likely to be respected by their crew of floormen in future. Other leaders take their powers from their personal qualities. Such charismatic leaders are of great importance for the process of leadership. Because of the importance of effective organizational leadership, there are a lot of researches subject to the major characteristics of a good leader.
Once the great American statesman and philosopher Benjamin Franklin said: “All humankind is divided into three categories: those who are immovable, those who are movable, and those who can move by himself/herself.” [3, p. 203]
According to the scientific researches under the framework of the abovementioned B. Franklin’s statement it can be possible to subdivide all the leaders’ qualities into three basic categories: emphasy (ability to place oneself in another’s position), self-awareness, and objectivity in communication with other subordinates. Nowadays leadership researches focus on different leadership styles that are understood under the framework of A.J. Dubrin, D.L. Kurtz and D.H. Pink’s theories, as “the way a leader uses his/her powers to direct others decisions and work performance” [6, p. 203] on the basis of a physiological contingency theory. It states that management should adapt its leadership style in accordance with concrete professional situations. According to this theory there are three basic styles of leadership:
“1. Autocratic leaders who make their own decisions without consulting his/her co-workers. The autocratic leader achieves a decision, notifies it to subordinates, and requires implementing it within their working process (for example, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and other political leaders);
2. Democratic leaders who involve their subordinates in the process of making decisions. A democratic sales manager, for example, allows sales staff to participate in setting sales prices and quotas, while an autocratic manager simply assigns prices for each employee” [6, p. 203] and
“3. Free-rein leaders who provide minimal supervision and leave most decisions to their subordinates.” [4, p. 147]
There is no single leadership style as the best variant for every company in every situation. In a crisis, for example, an autocratic leadership might save the firm, and sometimes the welfare and even human’s lives. “This was the case when US Airways flight was forced to nose-dive into the Hudson River. The right and quick, autocratic decisions made by Capt. Ch. Sullenberger, – the first pilot of the flight – resulted in the survival of people on board the plane.” [6, p. 206] The recognizing which style is the best for the employees and customers is most likely to choose the best leaders for its needs.
Under the combination of the basic leadership styles we’ve classified four major features of a real leader (manager) who may be either formal or informal leader of an organization or a team – “a group of employees with complementary skills who are committed to common purpose, approach, and set of performance goals”: [4, p. 315]
1. The ability of a decision making which shall be understood under the framework of the present research as “a process of recognizing that the problem exists, identifying it, evaluating alternatives, selecting the alternative, and following up (by getting feedback).” [3, p. 25] Whether the decision under discussion is a programmed or non-programmed or unique one (such as a decision to construct a new manufacturing facility), the step-by-step method should be necessary for the effective results;
2. Risk accepting. “Risk is an uncertainly about loss or injury.” [3, p. 27] The company’s list of risks may include the risk of fire, water damage, burglary, physical deteriorations, accidents, nonpayment by customers and many others. In any case a leader should be ready to accept any types of risks: either pure or speculative ones. A leader should also know the main methods of dealing with risks, including risks avoiding, reducing, self-insuring and shifting them to insurance companies;
3. Time management or “the effective allocation of one’s time among different tasks is a key element of leaders’ success today.” [3, p. 37] The main purpose of leaders (managers) is an ability to concentrate themselves on the most important tasks under the framework of Pareto principle in time management: “You can achieve 80 percent of your goals in an only 20 percent of your time if you work on the critical tasks and avoid small ones for the outcome” [3, p. 38] and
4. Human or labor resource ability which can be defined under the framework of the present research as “1) the process of hiring, training and motivating qualified personnel to perform the deeds necessary to achieve a company’s goals; and 2) developing professional skills and “warm” organizational climate in order to get maximal workers’ efficiency.” [3, p. 46] Working with personal is the main responsibility of HR management and should be considered as the backbone of any commercial and/or production global projects based on internationalization integration and international cooperation. The former Chief Executive of the Sakhalin-2 megaproject Ian Craig said in this connection: “Our project is a result of huge efforts by 25 thousand people here of 45 different nationalities: Gasprom (Russia) with its tremendous onshore oil and gas experience; Shell (UK) with its technology, and Mizui and Mizubishi (Japan) with a huge knowledge of the world LNG markets. And all these magnificent efforts would never be successful without our managers who were the real leaders of our project directing our staff to meet a success.” [9]
HR ability may be the most important leader’s feature within a process of motivating employees to earn profits for the company’s benefits. But we shouldn’t forget that labor resource ability is generally based on the fundamental theory of satisfaction of the human needs and wants that play a role of great motivators within a process of company’s activities and achievement of its goals.

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