Реферат Иностранные языки Английский язык

Реферат на тему International Words

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction 3
I. Main part 4
1.The definition of international words 4
2.The origin of international words 6
3.Classification of international words 9
Conclusion 11
Bibliography 12




Language, according to Ferdinand de Saussure, is «an important part of the spiritual baggage of Nations and helps to characterize-a certain era, a certain society». The vocabulary of various national languages is expanding, primarily due to language contacts with other languages.
Problems of the influence of the other language and international words, their using, problem of formation and functioning of an art word were investigated by many linguists as V.V. Akulenko, K.G.M. Gottlieb, A. E. Knyazareva, A. I. Edlichko, J. Ferms, K. Groth,  E. Haugen  and others.
It should be noted, however, that a number of issues related to internationalism still remain unresolved. Thus, insufficient attention is paid to the spheres of functioning of international vocabulary, and the problem of interlanguage lexical-semantic relations of internationalisms in national versions of the English language remains almost without coverage. Since General semantics is one of the most important criteria for certain words to belong to internationalisms, there is scant material available today on the content side of internationalisms. 
The aim of the research is to study the international words in linquistic.  To achieve the set aim we determine the following tasks:
• to consider  the notion of international words;
• to identify the ways of origin;
• to determine the classification of international words  in English.
The object of investigation is international words in English. The subject matter of investigation is the comparative analysis of international words.
The following methods have been used in the study: continuous sampling, contextual and component analysis.
The paper consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography.
In the introduction we present the subject matter and the aim of the research and its structure.

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Internationalism – or international word in linguistics is a loanword that occurs in several languages with the same or at least similar meaning and etymology. These words exist in «several different languages as a result of simultaneous or successive borrowings from the ultimate source».
Most words as well as international words in English are ambiguous with different interpretations; words can mean different things in different contexts, especially concerning technical terms.
Even in middle ages, Greek and Latin, as well as other languages, became a source of internationalism. To the internationalisms should include not only elements from Greek and Latin origin, but also from Italian, German, Spanish, and, more recently, English.
The time of the second scientific and technical revolution is determined by the end of the XVIII – beginning of the XIX century. This period is associated with the active development of medicine, physics and the entire world science in general.
The sphere of use of words-internationalisms is very diverse: political terms (communism); literary terms (biography, author, act, genre, drama); educational and technical terminology (faculty, office, certificate, etc.)
There are two trends in the formation of lexical stock of various national languages. One of them reinforces the national elements of the vocabulary; the second one highlights the international lexical fund, i.e., «an international word stock.»  «International word» or «internationalism» is a word which was borrowed from other languages. Therefore, international vocabulary fund is created and includes terms of various areas of human activity: politics, philosophy, science, art and etc. 
These words exist in «several different languages as a result of simultaneous or successive borrowings from the ultimate source». Pronunciation and orthography are similar so that the word is understandable between the different languages. 


Фрагмент текста работы:


I. Main part
1.The definition of international words

Internationalization of public life has received accelerated development under the influence of scientific and technological revolution, the evolution of society in economic, social and cultural terms, reinforces the need for the study of international vocabulary. The question of internationalism in linguistics never lost its relevance, especially in a view of the increasing role of international words in various areas of language activity associated with the processes of contact and comparison of languages. Within the huge number of borrowed words in any language, we can select a group of words, called internationalisms. Internationalization is a special phenomenon among various forms of cross-language communities on the planet. Such signs significantly bring together languages and play an important role in information exchange processes.
International words are a common element of several world languages, acquired by them due to genetic commonality or mutual cultural influences. These are words that have, as a result of mutual influences or random coincidences, a similar form and some identical meanings in different languages. 
One of the first linguists to pay attention to the existence of some similar words in European languages was Antoine Meillet, a French linguist of the early 20th century, one of the most influential comparative linguists of his time. 
In different historical times, the most significant contribution to the Fund of international vocabulary was made by different peoples. «If initially internationalisms arose on the basis of Latin or Greek, then the language of the country that was ahead in a certain area-social, scientific, technical, cultural-became the ”giver language”» [4].
Since ancient times, scientists have been interested in the phenomenon of the separation of common languages as a result of their contact at different language levels. The beginning of the description of international language units was laid in the XIX century. At that time, internationalization was seen as a phenomenon that characterizes European languages and correlates with such a concept as «Europeanisms».

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