Иностранный язык Реферат Иностранные языки

Реферат на тему Иностранный язык

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction 3
2.1.Description and characterization of the civil servant profession 7
2.2. Destinations, specialties and educational institutions in the field of training 8
3.1. Peculiarities of organization of civil service in Anglo-Saxon countries (United Kingdom, United States) 9
3.2. Organization of municipal service in foreign countries 13
List of reference 17




Today, many university graduates ask who to be and where to work, because today there is a demand for management specialists and entrepreneurs, civil servants, lawyers and attorneys. The main thing is to decide in which direction to go! 
Specialists in the field of Public Service are in demand today in almost all echelons of government in the field of state and municipal administration.
In my opinion, the most socially protected, promising and significant area of activity is the Civil Service. But I will not hide that at the same time one of the most responsible and difficult spheres. These are communication with citizens, knowledge and compliance with the law, and irregular working hours. 
However, there are significant advantages, such as decent wages, long vacations, growth prospects and other positive aspects. To enter the civil service you need to pass a competition to fill a vacant position. Public service will be suitable for those who do not have work experience, service. So will those who have already accumulated the luggage of knowledge and skills.
At present, the issue of the specifics of the civil servant’s work is relevant, because in 2017 a decree of the President of the Russian Federation approved new regulations on the formation of a personnel reserve of government agencies. Attention is paid to defining the main motives for choosing a civil servant profession, among which young people are distinguished by high wages, which consist not only of salary, but also of bonuses and bonuses, as well as the opportunity to participate in government projects and acquire irreplaceable experience and knowledge. An important factor that has influenced the significant growth of interest in this profession among the young generation is the prestige and stability of government agencies. Complexity of employment and high level of responsibility for their work act as a barrier on the career ladder of young specialists.

Не хочешь рисковать и сдавать то, что уже сдавалось?!
Закажи оригинальную работу - это недорого!

Фрагмент текста работы:



A civil servant is a professional in a particular field who works in the civil service, law enforcement or armed forces.
If a civil servant wants to build a successful career, it is crucial that he develops soft skills.  Focus on tasks, develop responsiveness, attention to details, good memory, as it is important to be noticed and put in a leadership position. 
Any graduate can find himself in the civil service as a specialist in: the Presidential Administration, the Government of the Russian Federation; the State Duma; the Federation Council; ministries or various federal agencies; local authorities; state corporations; law enforcement agencies (prosecutor’s office, FSB, court or police).
In recent years, young people have become increasingly interested in taking internships in government bodies, mayors’ offices and city administrations. For example, the Career Development Centre of Moscow State University (Moscow State University for the Humanities) selected students for internships at the Moscow Mayor’s Office, and the competition was attended by 70 people, with about 7,000 applications submitted [7]. 
The scientific community has also shown interest in studying the problem of society’s attitude towards civil servants [8], in drawing up an «ideal» and real portrait of an official [9, p.90], and in analyzing the perceptions and realities of young employees of state institutions about their work [2]. 
Research aimed at assessing the reputation of regional authorities (e.g. the research project «Reputation of Regional Authorities» in the Smolensk region) is quite common in various regions of Russia. All these actions to study and analyze the sphere of public administration are primarily aimed at creating possible options for improving the work of public structures and creating a positive image of a public servant in society.

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