Реферат Иностранные языки Английский язык

Реферат на тему Информационная безопасность

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
Нажимая на кнопку, я даю согласие
на обработку персональных данных
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction 3
1. The concept of information security 4
2. Information Security and the Internet 5
3. Methods of ensuring of information security 6
Conclusion 9
References 10





With the rapid development of computer technology and communication technology at home and abroad, the traditional telecommunications network is developing rapidly to the information network. Mankind has entered a new era of information. In the information society, the role of computer communication network in the political, military, financial, commercial, transportation, telecommunications, education and other aspects is increasing.
The society’s reliance on computer networks is increasing; especially the construction of information infrastructure, computer technology and communication technology combined with the formation of infrastructure construction has become a reflection of the most important features of information society. All kinds of complete information systems have been established, and some of the secrets and wealth of the human society are highly concentrated in the computer. But all of these information systems rely on the computer network to receive and process information, to achieve their mutual relations and the management of the target, control. Obtaining information and exchanging information by means of network has become one of the important characteristics of modern information society.
Network is gradually changing people’s way of work and life, become a theme of social development. With the openness of the network, sharing, the degree of interconnection, especially the emergence of the Internet, the importance of the network and the impact on society is also growing.
In just a few years, there have been many cases of crime against the use of computer networks, to the state, enterprises and individuals caused significant economic losses and harm. In the face of such a serious threat to computer networks and the importance of computer network security, we must take strong measures to ensure the safety of computer network.


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Informationization and networking is the trend of world economy and social development, and also is the key link to promote the national economy and social modernization. Data protecting is a matter of security and sovereignty, therefore, to improve and promote the technical level of computer network security has become a pressing matter of the moment. As a result, every company has to develop and implement a set of actions to count information security threats and prevent emergencies (for example, to ensure the physical protection of data from fire). These actions should minimize damage if such a situation occurs.




Фрагмент текста работы:


. The concept of information security
Information security is protection of information and supporting infrastructure from any accidental or malicious effects. The result of such intentions is damage to the information itself, its owners or supporting infrastructure.
In the modern world, the information environment has two components: information-technical (the world of technology, technology, etc. artificially created by a person) and information-psychological (the natural world of living nature, including a person himself).
As a standard security model, a model of three categories is often cited:
• Confidentiality — the state of information where access is carried out only by entities entitled to it;
• Integrity — to avoid unauthorized modification of information;
• Accessibility — avoidance of temporary or permanent hiding of information from users who have received access rights.
Actions that can damage the organization’s information security can be divided into several categories:
1. Actions performed by authorized users. This category includes: targeted theft or destruction of data on a workstation or server; damage to user data as a result of careless actions.
2. «Electronic» methods of influence carried out by hackers. Hackers are people who deal with computer crimes both professionally (including in the framework of competition), and simply out of curiosity. Such methods include: unauthorized entry into computer networks; DOS attacks.
3. Computer viruses. They represent a real danger to modern business, which makes extensive use of computer networks, the Internet and e-mail. A virus program that has penetrated into the corporate network can give attackers partial or complete control over the activities of the company.
4. Spam. In just a few years, spam has evolved from a minor annoying factor into one of the most serious security threats. Spam takes a lot of time to view and then delete messages, causing employees a sense of psychological discomfort. Often, important correspondence is deleted along with spam.
5. «Natural» threats. External factors may affect the company’s information security: improper storage, theft of computers and carriers, force majeure, etc.
Thus, in modern conditions, the availability of a developed information security system is becoming one of the most important conditions for competitiveness and even viability of any company.

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