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Introduction 3
1. Background of China economic before the XX century 4
2. Specific features of the introduction of sanctions against China 5
3. Collaboration with Russia within the framework of sanctions 8
Conclusion 11
Literature review 12




The history of economic sanctions has more than 2.5 thousand years. States and their coalitions have always tried to influence their neighbors using indirect methods of influence. Theoretical substantiation of this practice was obtained in the works of Chinese ancient thinkers Sun Tzu and Wei Liao Tzu. The introduction of sanctions against China after the events on Beijing’s Tiananmen Square on June 3-4, 1989 was among the most significant events at the turn of the 1980s – 1990s.
Over the last 30 years, China has made a historical jump out of weakness towards becoming a modern and high developed society. There are still many challenges happen in the country, but one thing is easy to see: China is transforming itself from a poor, politically unstable country, which had shaken by various misadventures into a powerful state. Today it is capable of exerting significant influence not only on regional politics, but also on global politics.
The aim of the work is to consider strategic Communication of China under the Conditions of Sanctions and Trade War.
According to this aim, the following tasks are set in the work:
− to consider background of sanctions against China economic in the XX century;
− to investigate specific features of the introduction of sanctions against China;
− to consider collaboration with Russia within the framework of sanctions.

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Thus, China can give a tough response to US economic pressure, and these actions will cause real damage to the US economy. At the same time, Trump’s policy leads to the rapprochement of Beijing and Moscow, to the creation of an anti-sanction alliance. China plans to firmly defend its interests if the US increases pressure and continues to create barriers as part of its protectionist policies. At the same time, American pressure will push China toward closer interaction with Russia in all spheres, including politics, diplomacy, interaction on the UN platform, and military contacts. Trump objectively forces countries that are under his blow to look for new coping strategies together. Notwithstanding it is not about creating an anti-American alliance with Russia — the two sides are simply looking for an answer to the US challenges in order to prevent their economies from being strangled.
Today, Russian-Chinese relations are at the peak of their development. There exists a carefully constructed bilateral mechanism of annual visits between the leaders of the two countries that makes an expansion of all the way down to regional and municipal levels. The Russia-China relations and partnership in the politic and economic areas are based on veritable national interests of the two states. That is why collaboration with China is of a great importance for Russia’s international interests. China will respond to unfriendly USA measures with its measures that include first of all, currency sanctions. In this regard it is quite likely that the USA can retreat from implementing of sanction process against China.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1. Background of China economic before the XX century
There is a widespread opinion among economists that China’s success was largely predetermined by the fact that the Chinese Communist Party followed the path of experimentation in the economy, abandoning political reform. Such an approach simplifies reality.
Back in 1989 for the total isolation of China, the United States has taken a series of measures to curtail bilateral cooperation with China. They included the suspension of all contacts with China at a high level, the cessation of military exchanges, a moratorium on any deliveries of weapons and military equipment to China. In June-July 1989, the US Congress approved a program of economic sanctions against the PRC, which provided for the abandonment of many projects of trade and economic cooperation. At the same time, US President George W. Bush instructed US representatives in international financial organizations to seek a suspension of loans to China.
Nevertheless, the steady economic growth of China, which had already emerged at that time, as well as the losses incurred by the American campaign from sanctions, forced the US leadership to cancel them. By 1993, the United States finally abandoned the line on the alienation of China and headed for the normalization of relations. But today, with the coming to power of the Trump administration, the situation has turned again towards the imposition of anti-Chinese sanctions of an economic and political type.
It should be noted that the differences in the application of sanctions to China compared to, for example, the sanctions against Russia are obvious. Western sanctions against Russia are not caused by the suppression of protests, but by the actions of Moscow in the Crimea and eastern Ukraine. In this regard they are much more rigid and the isolation of Russia will clearly be longer. If the PRC understand the general strategy of continuing transformations with a focus on integration into the global market and staking on cheap labor as a clear competitive advantage, then for Russia the possible strategy is not clear. At the same time, concrete solutions implemented in China were non-standard, as they not only formed markets, but also opened up new sources of rent for elites. Russia today faces the same task of finding non-standard institutions that provide opportunities for economic development and create incentives for elites, which here are much less consolidated.

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