Теоретическая грамматика Реферат Гуманитарные науки

Реферат на тему Expressive syntax of the English language

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1.1 The concept of expressive syntax. 4
1.2 Scientific approaches to defining means of expressive
syntax. 7
2.1 Expressive means based on the reduction of the
syntactic model 8
2.2 Expressive means based on the redundancy of the
syntactic pattern. 8
Expressive means based on a violation of the grammatically established word
order or the deliberate selection of some parts of the sentence. 11




Expressive syntax occupies one of the significant
places in the field of the implementation of expressiveness in texts of
different types, and the problem of studying expressive syntax is one of the
topical areas of modern linguistics. This is facilitated by the development of
the anthropocentric paradigm, including the appeal to the consideration of the
linguistic personality as the subject of speech, its functional and pragmatic
implementation in discourse and text, the understanding of the relationship
between the speaker and the addressee, as well as the linguistic mechanisms of
influence on the perceiver.

The objective
of this work is to systematize the means of expressive syntax in English.

The tasks of this work are:

 ­ to research the concept of expressive syntax;

 ­ to study scientific literature on expressive
syntax and analyze approaches to defining its means;

 ­ to identify and describe the main means of
expressive syntax;

 ­ to make conclusions based on the research.

This research is relevant because of the communicative
and anthropocentric orientation of modern linguistic research, as well as lack
of a comprehensive and systematic study of expressive syntax in modern English.
Expressive structures have wide pragmatic potential. In addition, the
boundaries of the concepts of expressiveness and expressive syntax and
stylistic syntax remain blurred and require further clarification.

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To conclude the abstract, purpose of the study was
reached and the tasks were completed.

Expressive syntax remains one of the most actively
studied linguistic problems. Interest in this sphere is explained by the
attention to the "linguistic personality" or to the description of
language as a means of detecting and at the same time influencing the
linguistic personality, its behavior and internal spiritual activity.
Expressive means appear in the text as those of pragmatics, revealing the author’s
speech strategy, and become one of the ways of speech influence on the reader
or listener. So, expressive syntax means have been proven to have high
pragmatic potential.

Expressive syntax makes speech more emotional, but it is
not identified with emotionality, but acts as a category of a higher language level.

While researching the concept of expressive syntax
different approaches were analyzed. As a result, by expressive syntax we
realize syntactic means of language that serve to emotionally or logically
enhance speech.

In this work, an attempt was made to identify and
systematize the most common means of expressive syntax.

Means of expressive syntax were described according to
two principles: the principle of syntactic economy and the principle of
syntactic redundancy.

The main means of expressive syntax were examined in
various discourses. Groups of syntactic means such as expressive means based on
the reduction of the syntactic model; expressive means based on the redundancy
of the syntactic pattern; expressive means based on a violation of a neutral syntactic
pattern were highlighted.

To the first group ellipsis, aposiopesis, nominative
sentences, and asyndeton

were included. In the second group different types of repetition,
enumeration, syntactic tautology, polysindeton, emphatic constructions,
parentheses were described. The third group included stylistic inversion,
detachment and parallelism.

The variety of expressive syntax means and their
interweaving with stylistic syntax warrant further study.


Фрагмент текста работы:



1.1 The concept of expressive syntax Language in its communicative function serves a person
not only to express thoughts, but also to express his subjective attitude to
what is being expressed — feelings, will, assessments, etc., because emotions,
will, assessments, desires are integral factors in a person’s cognition of
reality. The expressive function of language is, therefore, the
ability to express the emotional state of the speaker, his subjective attitude
to the designated objects and phenomena of reality. Expressive syntax is one of
the most important elements of expressiveness.

The importance of learning expressive syntax has been
emphasized by many eminent linguists. So, academician V.V. Vinogradov included
the problem of expressive (expressive, pictorial) shades "inherent in one
or another syntactic structure or one or another combination of syntactic
constructions" in the area of necessary stylistic research [7, p.78].

O. V. Aleksandrova stressed the need to distinguish between
the concepts of "expressive syntax" and "stylistic syntax".
According to O. V. Aleksandrova the term "expressive syntax" designates the
doctrine of the construction of expressive speech, the subject of which is the
linguistic foundations of expressive speech, while the term "stylistic
syntax" refers to the metalanguage of stylistics, because a stylistic
device is always the discovery of the potential expressive possibilities of
certain means of the common language [21, p.90].

Following H. A. Darbisheva, we consider it legitimate
to state that expressive syntax is a border area between the syntax itself and
stylistics [11]. It is not easy to draw a clear line between expressive
means of language and stylistic devices of language, although there are still
differences between them.

Syntax is the branch of language science studying the
relations between words, word combinations and larger kinds of utterance.
According to Galperin there’re four groups of syntactic expressive means and
stylistic devices:

1. Compositional patterns of syntactic arrangements
(stylistic conversion, detached constructions, parallel constructions,
chiasmus, repetition, enumeration, suspense, climax, antithesis);

2. Particular ways of combining parts of the
utterrance (asyndenton, polysyndenton, the gap-sentence link);

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