Человеческий Ресурс HR Реферат Экономические науки

Реферат на тему Evolution of HR Management

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
Нажимая на кнопку, я даю согласие
на обработку персональных данных
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления






Introduction. 2

The formation of HR as the direction. 3

Four stages of HR manager development 6

Conclusions. 8

List of
references. 9






Modern business has already reached such a
degree of specialization in managerial work that the field of personnel
management of an enterprise has become an independent and highly demanded
professional field.
The profession "Personnel Manager" has appeared and the
need for such specialists is steadily growing.

The personnel management of a modern
organization includes a whole range of tasks: developing an organizational
structure, managing staff, creating a motivation system, maintaining a
corporate culture, training and developing personnel. The profession of HR
manager over the past few years has become fundamentally different.

Changes in the external environment, the
world around us — the main driver of internal changes, because any business
wants to meet external challenges, at least. It took 120 years to spread the
spindle outside Europe; the Internet has spread around the world in less than
10 years. Today, changes around us are happening every second, are we able to
track all the news, all the trends?
Of course not. We live in an era of suspense.

HR development can be implemented on the
basis of two areas — the formation of HR as the direction and development of
each individual manager.


Не хочешь рисковать и сдавать то, что уже сдавалось?!
Закажи оригинальную работу - это недорого!





Thus, HR goes through evolution in two directions. On
the one hand, we are talking about the fact that a new practice is being formed
that is due to changes in society. On the other hand, each manager goes through
personal evolution, which leads to personal formation. Summing up, it should be
emphasized that even in the most traditional (in all managerial senses)
businesses, in order to achieve significant effects (breakthrough results),
there can be a place for flexible management. These can be strategic units,
R&D centers, and internal development teams — separate areas requiring a
creative approach to work in the conditions of uncertainty.

Basic HR processes are either outsourced or automated.
As part of the HR cycle, serious performance models are used that link
financial and operational metrics and allow measuring the contribution of each
to achieving the main goals of the business.


Фрагмент текста работы:


The formation of HR as
the direction


The first wave brought up the
administrative component in the work of HR. They focused on creating working
conditions, providing human resources services and complying with regulatory
requirements. HR justified its "administrative and business utility".
To this day they continue to carry out administrative work, only today they
have the opportunity to attract outsourcing and various technological solutions
to help.

Personnel officers who were mainly engaged
in personnel accounting tasks and who reduced all HR to three problems:

How to make youth work?

What to do with a drinking employee?

How to retire an elderly leader?

The second wave is associated with the
emergence of innovative practices in the selection, training, building
communications, and others. Innovations affected recruiting, motivation,
succession planning, and other areas. Each of these HR practices has become
innovative in the sense of what and how to do.
These practices integrated with each

In the early 90s, the then still very
young Russian business environment solved only two personnel problems: the
problem of recruiting and the problem of business security.

In the early years of business development
in Russia, applicants were sure that a good job can only be found through
acquaintance. Searching for vacancies in newspapers, writing resumes,
interviews — all this was considered a western exotic. The idea of applying for
a job on a recommendation had a real basis: in business, everyone was a
beginner and the issue of personal connections came out on top. However, fairly
quickly it was concluded that the independence of employment. Largely due to
this very paradox, evolution has occurred, as a result of which the human
resources departments have grown into human resources departments.

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