Теоретическая грамматика английского языка Реферат Иностранные языки

Реферат на тему Double negation in English grammar/Двойное отрицание в английской грамматике

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In modern works of fiction, popular science literature, texts of the media ,in English, even in the speeches of famous people, there are more and more examples of the use of double negation in speech.
The study of double negation in English seems relevant, since a clear understanding of its functions and the correct use of the forms of negation are important for effective speech communication. The category of double negation is one of the most difficult in the process of speech interaction for students of English. In addition, it is important to learn to recognize such forms in the text and be able to formulate sentences taking into account not only the grammatical and lexical features of the English language, but also the pragmatic factor. In this paper, double negation is considered as a logical, semantic and grammatical category and the specificity of its use in the English language is revealed.
The relevance of the study of this topic lies in the fact that the category of double negation in the English language is a multifaceted phenomenon that requires constant understanding, changing along with the development of the language. Despite a great number of works and studies conducted by linguistic scientists, the problem of double negation requires further study.
The aim of this work is to systematize scientific approaches to understanding the category of double negation and to review all possible linguistic ways of expressing double negation in modern English.
The objectives of the study are:
¬ to. consider different approaches to understanding ‘double negation’;
¬ to identify the main means of expressing the category of double negation in the English language;
¬ to define types of double negation meanings in English.
In this essay, an attempt was made to analyze and generalize the theoretical material of the late XXth and early XXIst centuries regarding the category of double negation in the modern English language.

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Though it was former believed that the use of double negation is inherent in uneducated people, as an educated person will speak according to the rules, at present, this statement is quite controversial. Cases of double negation are found everywhere: in songs, films, in the statements of politicians and just in ordinary conversation. Moreover, examples of double negation in English can be found in fiction.
Thus, there is a variety of opinions about the goals and functions of using double negation in syntactic constructions. In different contextual conditions, expressions with the interaction of two negatives have different purposes. In the water case, they are used to form an underestimated value in the statement, in the other case they act as a stylistic device for the logical enhancement or presentation of speech of greater expressiveness, and in the third case, double negation is used in constructions where negative particles neutralize each other and give the expression the least intensity.
Further study of the structures of the understated and emphasized statements formed by the interaction of negatives in the double-negation construct is an integral aspect of the study of the stylistic functioning of the negation category in the English language and is of undoubted interest. A detailed and comprehensive description of sentences containing double negation and the statements they make is essential for characterizing a linguistic personality in its behavioral aspect, and this study is a step towards further study of this problem.


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In Russian and foreign English grammars there is no single classification of the ways of expressing negation. Some authors include, in the section describing this category, adverbs such as seldom, rarely, etc. and consider their valency [5, p. 173]. Other authors believe that the proposal is negative if the negation directly relates to one of the main members, and sentences with a negative addition like “I said nothing” are considered affirmative [12, p. 233]. A fairly detailed description of the negation we find in the work of the famous linguist O. Jespersen «Philosophy of Grammar», which considers this category from the standpoint of logic and its nexus theory [11, p. 373-389]. According to such linguists as O. Jespersen and A.A. Potebnya, negation is a communicative operation that rejects or corrects the opinion of the addressee, that is, negation is a speech act, the goal which is not in the communication of new information, but in refuting the opinion of the addressee [12, с. 27].
The basis of the linguistic understanding of negation is the philosophical and logical category of negation. The proximity of the logical and linguistic understanding of negation is explained by the recognition that negation is one of the fundamental thinking operations reflected in language.
In linguistics, denial is an expression using lexical, morphological, syntactic and other means implying that the connection established between the elements of a statement does not really exist. A number of grammarians recognize that in English the negation in a sentence can be expressed: in the subject, in the predicate, in addition, in the circumstance of time (less often than in place) and the whole sentence [7, с. 288-292].
The division of sentences into positive and negative relies on the relationship between objects and their attributes in the real world, which are expressed using syntactic relationships between members of sentences.
According to the strict rules of traditional English grammar, the usage of two or more negative elements in the English language is prohibited by the norms of the language. However, a study of the works of various linguists devoted to the study of double negation in English suggests that this phenomenon is directly related to the ethnic culture of the British themselves. So, according to EI Belyaeva, observance of the tact principle in informal communication is an important linguistic and social characteristic of the English speech behavior, which is noted not only by linguists, but also writers and journalists [8].
The American linguist W.J. Ball, having the same opinion, indicates that the expression «uncategorized» is inherent in the spoken English. The expression of restraint, “uncategorized” is a compromise between good manners and truthfulness. At the same time, he notes that “double negation is one of the means of expressing a restrained assessment. It only seems that it functions according to the algebraic principle: -1 and -1 = +1 and therefore it makes little sense. In fact, it is used to express some degree of “isolation” or some measure of implied (subtext) [1, p. 201-202].
The term double negation is understood to mean either the presence of two negative forms in the composition of one utterance, or doubly expressed negation in one sentence [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ru].

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