Реферат на тему Доклад на тему «Discourse»
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Список литературы по ГОСТу
Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
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Фрагмент текста работы:
A discourse is
a flow of speech, a language in its constant movement, absorbing all the
diversity of the historical era, individual and social characteristics of both
the communicant and the communicative situation in which communication takes
place. The discourse reflects the mentality and culture, both national,
universal, and individual, private[1].
A discourse is
an instance of language use whose type can be classified on the basis of such
factors as grammatical and lexical choices and their distribution in
— main versus supportive materials
— theme
— style, and
— the framework of knowledge and expectations within
which the addressee interprets the
Varieties of
1. Expository discourse is a discourse that explains or
describes a topic.
It does not
primarily present contingent events or focus on a performer of actions, but
rather tends to present the following kinds of propositions:
— Existential
— Stative
— Equative
— Information is logically oriented around a theme.
— Third person pronoun forms are used.
— Texts are not oriented around a specific agent.
— Problem
— Solution
— Supporting argumentation
— Evaluation of the solution
— Explanations of cultural norms
— Explanations of legal matters
— Explanations of the teachings of the forefathers
2. Hortatory discourse is a discourse that is an attempt
to persuade the addressee to fulfill
commands that are given in the discourse.
A hortatory
discourse typically consists of:
— one or more commands that are logically related to
each other, and
— expressions offering motivation in support of the
respective commands.
— Guidelines for newlyweds
— A political speech
— Warnings to children
— A sermon
3. A narrative discourse is a discourse that is an
account of events, usually in the past, that employs verbs of speech, motion,
and action to describe a series of events that are contingent one on another,
and that typically focuses on one or more performers of actions.
— Folk stories
Stories about
real or imagined ancestors, often containing supernatural elements
— Historical events [1] Khurmatullin A. K. The concept of
discourse in modern linguistics. Scientific notes of the Kazan University.
Humanities Series, vol. 151, No. 6, 2009, pp. 31-37. [2]
(accessed: 27.04.2021).