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Реферат на тему Cold War

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  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
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Introduction 3
Chapter 1. The Beginning of the Cold War 4
1.1. The Origins of the Cold War 5
1.2. The creation of military blocs 7
Chapter 2. The military operations of the Cold War. 10
2.1. Arms race 10
2.2. Cold War Hotspots 13
Conclusion 17
References 20








This work is dedicated to the Cold War. The topic is chosen due to the long struggle between the USA and the USSR. The events of the Cold War are the most important thing that happened in the 20th century. The whole world watched with interest and fear the confrontation of two monsters. At the same time, this topic is very difficult to consider, since for a long time many facts of behind-the-scenes intrigues in the camps of both opponents would not be known.
However, now enough information can be obtained from various memoirs or special articles. Under the heading “Peace in the second half of the 20th century” a lot can be written, however, this work focuses on the “Cold War”. When did the war begin? When did it end? Who won it? — I tried to answer all these and other questions in this paper. In my work, I would like to most fully and clearly state all aspects of the Cold War. The purpose of this work is to show the situation in the world after the Second World War, during the Cold War and the modern situation on our planet.
The aim of the paper is to find out the phenomena of the Cold War.
The task of the paper is to solve all the problems of the fifty-year standoff between the two superpowers. Everything that happened at that time, all the vicissitudes of the struggle between the capitalist bloc and the socialist bloc, and the results of the Cold War — all this is described in this work.





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A small detente in the confrontation occurred in the 70s. Its prerequisite was the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. The participating countries consulted for two years, and in 1975 in Helsinki these countries signed the Final Act of the meeting. From the side of the USSR it was held together by Leonid Brezhnev. This document legitimized the post-war division of Europe, which the USSR sought. In exchange for this concession to the West, the Soviet Union pledged to respect human rights.
Shortly before that, in July 1975, the famous Soviet-American joint flight on the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft took place. In the USSR, they stopped jamming Western radio programs. It seemed that the era of the Cold War was forever a thing of the past. However, in December 1979, Soviet troops entered Afghanistan — another period of the Cold War began. Relations between West and East reached a freezing point when, by decision of the Soviet leadership, a South Korean plane with civilian passengers on board was shot down, which ended up in the airspace of the USSR. After this event, US President Ronald Reagan called the USSR «the evil empire and the center of evil.» Only by 1987, relations between East and West again began to gradually improve.
In 1988-89, with the beginning of perestroika, dramatic changes took place in Soviet politics. In November 1989, the Berlin Wall ceased to exist. On July 1, 1991, the Warsaw Treaty was dissolved. The socialist camp broke up. In a number of countries — its former members — there were democratic revolutions that were not only not condemned, but supported by the USSR. The Soviet Union also refused to expand its influence in third world countries. A similar sharp turn in Soviet foreign policy in the West is associated with the name of the President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev.
Goodbye to the bipolar world
The latest Cold War event is the dismantling of the Berlin Wall. That is, we can talk about its results. But this is perhaps the most difficult. Probably, the results of the Cold War will be summed up by history, its true results will be visible in decades. Now we are not objective. On the one hand, there are many people who believe that the Cold War did not end, but moved on to the next phase; on the other hand, many tend to view its outcome as the beginning of a new confrontation. What is wrong with the Cold War? First of all, probably, balancing on the brink of war.
Of course, the parties did not fight, but they prepared so thoroughly for it that it seemed that it could begin at any moment. All events and phenomena in the world, in the world were regarded as good and bad, what was beneficial to one of the parties (in this they differed little from each other) was good, everything else was bad. Entire generations of people grew up with a deformed psyche, which was expressed in an inadequate perception of the world. But this war brought with it many positive results. Well, firstly, because it was not hot, i.e. in a sufficiently long period, despite the very strong contradictions, the parties were able to find out the relationship without resorting to the force of arms; secondly, for the first time, it forced the opposing parties to negotiate and introduce certain rules of the game into the confrontation itself (a whole system of agreements to limit the arms race is proof of this); the arms race, as a phenomenon, had an unconditional minus sign.
It carried away enormous material resources, but like any phenomenon, it had a flip side. In this case, we can talk about the “golden age” of the natural sciences, without whose rapid development it would be impossible to think of any arms race. And finally, she emphasized that the main component that determined the victory of one of the parties is universal values, which neither the fantastic development of technology, nor the sophisticated ideological influence could outweigh.
Joseph Nye, a professor at Harvard University (USA), speaking at the conference “From Fulton to Malta: How the Cold War Started and Ended” (Gorbachev Foundation, March 2005), pointed out lessons to be learned from the Cold War: bloodshed as a means of resolving global or regional conflicts is not inevitable; the presence of nuclear weapons and an understanding of what the world can become after a nuclear conflict played a significant deterrent role; the course of conflict development is closely linked with the personal qualities of specific leaders (Stalin and Harry Truman, Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan); military power is significant, but not decisive (the United States did not achieve its goals in Vietnam, and the USSR in Afghanistan); in the era of nationalism and the third industrial (informational) revolution, it is impossible to control the hostile population of the occupied country; in these conditions, the economic power of the state and the ability of the economic system to adapt to the requirements of our time, the ability to continuous innovation, acquire a much larger role; the use of soft forms plays a significant role.






Фрагмент текста работы:


Chapter 1. The Beginning of the Cold War

The establishment at the end of World War II of Soviet control over the countries of Eastern Europe, in particular the creation of a pro-Soviet government in Poland, as opposed to the Polish immigrant government in London, led the ruling circles of Great Britain and the United States to perceive the USSR as a threat. Soviet authors argued that the foreign policy of American imperialism, aimed at fomenting confrontation, was connected with the interests of the US monopoly circles and aimed at maintaining and strengthening the capitalist system [3].
In April 1945, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordered the preparation of a plan of war against the USSR. The assignment was preceded by the conclusions that Churchill presented in his memoirs. Churchill in March 1946 in Fulton in the USA gave a speech in relation to the USSR, and stated that relations between the USSR on the one hand and the USA and Great Britain on the other hand should be built on the military superiority of English-speaking countries. Churchill, first of all, decided to strengthen relations with the United States, since they had a monopoly on nuclear weapons. This statement exacerbated the confrontation between the USSR and the West. In 1945, the USSR presented territorial claims to Turkey and demanded a change in the status of the Black Sea straits, including recognition of the USSR’s right to establish a naval base in the Dardanelles. [4] In 1946, Greek rebels, led by communists and fueled by arms supplies from Albania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, where the communists were already in power, intensified. At the London meeting of foreign ministers of the USSR, he demanded that he be granted the right to protectorate over Tripolitania (Libya) in order to secure his presence in the Mediterranean.
By 1947, the civil war in Greece ended in the defeat of the Communists. In 1949, the military-political bloc of NATO was formed, which included the United States and most countries of Western Europe. Some Western politicians began to advocate the pacification of the USSR. Most clearly expressed this position, US Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace. He considered the claims of the USSR justified and suggested going to a kind of division of the world, recognizing the USSR’s right to dominate in several regions of Europe and Asia. Churchill held a different point of view. [5]





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