Реферат Иностранные языки Лексикология

Реферат на тему Aphorisms in modern English

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction. 3

I. Definition of the word “aphorism”. 4

II. Aphorisms in modern English. 6

Conclusion. 9

References. 10




The English language belongs
to the western group of languages of the Germanic branch, it is a part of the
Indo-European language family. The English language is the world official
international language, it is also the official language of the United Nations
Organization, as well as the national language of such countries as the United
Kingdom of Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand
and of a large part of the population of Canada. English is also defined as one
of the official languages of some states (for example, in India and fifteen
countries in Africa).

During the process of learning
English, it is very important to try to get acquainted with as much vocabulary
as possible, including its branches such as phraseological units and fixed expressions.
Such concept as aphorism is also important to pay attention on because it can
help to get acquainted with more lexis. This is a great way to not only extend
your vocabulary, but also the opportunity to better understand native speakers,
as well as during reading some books in the original language, English texts or
articles, without being afraid to miss the point of what was written, it will
also help to avoid semantic errors during translation.

The selected topic of this
report is of great interest to me both for general development, replenishing
the vocabulary and expanding knowledge in the process of learning English.

The aim of this work is to analyze
the concept of aphorisms and their role in modern English.

The subject of research is the
analysis of the concept of aphorisms in modern English.

The object of study are aphorisms
in the English language.

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The command of any foreign language ​​allows you to
read books in the original language, thereby getting acquainted with the
culture and customs of other nationalities. In the study of English language at
its initial stages, it is very important to start learning as much vocabulary
as possible to advance you level of language.

Undoubtedly, in-depth study of vocabulary is an
important part of the general philological training of future linguists,
translation experts, teachers of a foreign language, linguists of other
specialties. Knowledge of the lexical features of the English language creates
the basis for a more competent development in the professional sphere of future
specialists who will be able to apply these skills and knowledge acquired
during the study in practice.

Aphorisms have always attracted people’s attention,
but nowadays in the era of scientific and technological progress, its
significance in features increased. It is no coincidence that in some countries
aphoristics is actively developing, and in some places has reached its heyday.
Against the background of an almost absolute absence of literary works of the
past, a number of informative theoretical articles about aphorisms have been recently
published, also appear works of a linguistic nature. The problems of
aphoristics are considered at literary congresses; numerous dissertations are
devoted to them.

During the process of writing this report, the initially
set tasks were solved, such as: the concept of aphorisms was analysed, the
concept of aphorisms in modern English was considered and examples of aphorisms
were given.


Фрагмент текста работы:


I. Definition of the word “aphorism”


An aphorism is a concise, terse, laconic, or memorable expression of a
general truth or principle. [7] They are often handed down by tradition from
generation to generation. The concept is distinct from those of an adage,
brocard, chiasmus, epigram, maxim (legal or philosophical), principle, proverb,
and saying; some of these concepts are species of aphorism. [6]

The word was first used in the
Aphorisms of Hippocrates, a long series of propositions concerning the symptoms
and diagnosis of disease and the art of healing and medicine. [5] The often
cited first sentence of this work is:
This aphorism was later applied or adapted to physical science and then
morphed into multifarious aphorisms of philosophy, morality, and literature.
Currently an aphorism is generally understood to be a concise and eloquent
statement of truth.”

Aphorisms are distinct from axioms:
aphorisms generally originate from experience and custom, whereas axioms are
self-evident truths and therefore require no additional proof. Aphorisms have
been especially used in subjects to which no methodical or scientific treatment
was originally applied, such as agriculture, medicine, jurisprudence and
politics.” [5]
A famous example is: “Power
tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.

In other words, an aphorism is
an original finished thought spoken and recorded in a concise memorable text
form and subsequently repeated by other people. In the aphorism, the maximum
concentration of the direct message and the context in which the thought is
perceived by the surrounding listeners or the reader is reached. The concept of
aphorism and its perception may vary depending on the cultural and historical
background and scientific context, as well as on the position of the
researcher. Each author gives his clear definition of the aphoristic genre.

The expressiveness of aphorism
increases with a decrease in the number of words, more than a half of all
aphorisms consist of 3-5 words. Aphorisms are born both in the context of
scientific, philosophical, artistic works, and independently.

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