Реферат Иностранные языки Английский

Реферат на тему Allusion and allegory (definition , types). Allusion and allegory in English and Chinese proverbs .

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1. The concept of allegory and allusion 2
2. Classification of Chinese proverbs 3
3. Classification of English proverbs 9
4.Allusions and allegories in Chinese proverbs 15
Список литературы 21


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1. The concept of allegory and allusion
An allegory is a two-dimensional statement, the external content of which is associated with certain characteristics of the external, observable world, and the internal content is associated with norms of behavior or laws of the world order. Allegory is used in cases where the speaker considers it necessary to enable the addressee to make some minimal intellectual effort in order to come to certain conclusions. Having made such an effort, the addressee masters the prestigious style of communication, realizing that indirect communication is an expression of respect for him. The specificity of allegory, unlike a symbol, is that allegory allows only one reading, while a symbol is fundamentally ambiguous. These methods of indirectly expressing meaning have a different orientation: allegory is oriented at introducing a person to certain norms of society, it is aimed at collective knowledge, while a symbol in its artistic understanding is aimed at going beyond collective knowledge, to actualizing an individual creative understanding of the world.
Despite the fact that the mechanism of allegory is universal, there are ethnocultural models of the typical expression of teachings. These models reflect the centuries-old experience of mastering the world inherent in a particular language community. From the standpoint of linguoculturology, we can talk about ethnospecific conceptualization of reality. Very new is the new linguocultural model of ethnology, which involves the identification of ethnology — stylistic characteristics typical of the communicative practice of a particular people [Larina 2009]. This paper discusses the ethnological features of English and Chinese allegories and allusions based on proverbs and sayings.
Any work of art is a product of the creative invention of the writer. “Through fiction, the author summarizes the facts of reality, embodies his view of the world, demonstrates his creative energy” [Literature Theory 2009]. But, on the other hand, every fiction has its source in the objectively existing world around it: “Where a writer ceases to be a writer and becomes a fiction writer, there is no connection between him and society” [Russian writers 1955]. Thus, by analyzing and synthesizing life facts, the author creates a new reality, unique in its characters and events, but still prototypically reflecting the objective state of things.
However, writers often resort to existing concrete images or elements of reality, weaving them into the fabric of their fiction. Knowing the world around us, human consciousness constantly draws parallels with the already known, compares, categorizes facts and builds them into a certain hierarchy. The writer appeals to the reader’s associative fund, striving for a more evidence-based and vivid depiction of reality. According to the expression D.S. Likhacheva, “poetry and good prose are associative in nature. And philology interprets not only the meanings of words, but also the artistic meaning of the whole text ”[Likhachev 1989: 205]. Similar references to elements of reality in a literary text can be embodied in various forms: in the form of repeating plots and images, famous sayings, names of prominent personalities, and much more. Depending on the nature of the reference, the method and the volume of its representation in the text, there are such literary phenomena as quotation, allusion, reminiscence, remake, centon, travesty and some others. In our study, we focus on the stylistic method of allusion and its evaluative potential.
Etymologically, the term «allusion» goes back to lat. “alludere” (from “ludere” — “to play,” “to joke,” as well as “to hint”) [Khristenko 1992: 39]. In the modern sense, allusion is interpreted as “a stylistic figure that contains an explicit indication or a clear allusion to a certain literary, historical, mythological or political fact, enshrined in textual culture or in colloquial speech” [Wikipedia]. However, despite the high frequency of using this stylistic device, and a considerable number of works devoted to its study, there are many differences in its understanding by different authors.

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