Теоретическая фонетика Реферат Иностранные языки

Реферат на тему 1. The historical development of phonetics as a science

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Introduction. 3

Chapter 1. The subject and tasks of
phonetics as a science. 6

Chapter 2. The history of phonetics
formation. 11

Conclusion. 19

List of literature references. 21




Oral or verbal communication
is not possible without pronouncing and listening to sounds, because it is from
them that the sound shell of words consists. In addition, for oral
communication, it is necessary to distinguish the pronunciation of words among
similar-sounding ones.

This in the phonetic system of
the language is due to the presence of means that serve to transmit and
distinguish significant units of speech: sentences, phrases, word forms and
words, which in turn can be divided into sounds.

Speech sounds have qualitative
differences, so they are used in the language to create differences between
words. It happens that words have a difference only in one sound, in the
presence of an additional sound compared to another word or sound order. Verbal
stress is designed to distinguish between words and word forms that are
identical in sound composition.

The importance of studying
phonetics, both practical and theoretical, cannot be overestimated. After all,
the phonetic-phonological tier is the basis of any living language, the basis
for general language knowledge: speech, sentences, words and parts of words
(morphemes) are primarily expressed in sounds.

Thus, we can say that without
studying phonetics, it becomes impossible to study the language as a whole,
because its lexical and grammatical structure depends entirely on
pronunciation. It can be noted that phonetics is often the first person’s
knowledge of an unfamiliar language. Later, what is heard is clothed in
writing, but live communication is possible primarily with the help of sounds.

In the field of practical
application, phonetics also has a wide range of applications. Thanks to the
study of phonetics, it becomes possible to create a written expression for
languages that currently do not have one, as well as to improve and rethink the
written component of languages that already have their own writing.

The basis of teaching writing
and reading is also primarily phonetics, including this is true for learning
foreign languages. Even in the education of the hard of hearing, phonetics
plays a crucial role. And if we touch upon modern technological progress, we
will notice that even it is to a considerable extent interdependent with
phonetics: numerous means of communication would lose their usefulness if
people could not express words with sounds, as well as robots programmed to
control with the help of speech commands.

The topic of studying
phonetics is relevant primarily because at this stage of the development of
technology, society and linguistics, it is becoming increasingly important.
Together with the development of mankind, the integration of cultures and the
improvement of technologies are taking place.

Without speech communication,
cooperation between individuals, the transfer of new and rethinking of old
knowledge is impossible. It is impossible to comprehend previously alien
manifestations of life. And, most importantly, without speech communication, it
is not possible to disseminate information, whether it is fundamental knowledge
or summaries of current news.

Oral speech is such a familiar
and everyday part of a person’s life that its importance is often
underestimated, and its undeniable advantages are taken for granted. Without a
deep study of it, it is sometimes very difficult to assess the full versatility
and complexity of oral speech and, accordingly, the phonetic language tier.

That is why this topic is very
important first of all for a philologist, because it allows you to reveal the
basic level of the language and achieve an understanding, first of all, of its

All language tiers and systems
are in interaction with phonetics. Therefore, in order to proceed to their
study, it is extremely important to uncover and study the topic of the phonetic
system of the language, its speech component and articulation, on which any
pronunciation necessary for communication and information transmission is
largely based.

The purpose of this work is to
study phonetics as an important component of language disciplines.

Tasks of the work:

— identification and study of
the basic concepts of phonetics;

— to study the connection of
phonetics with other sciences and the consideration of the articulatory
component of oral speech as its most important element with a description of
the articulatory apparatus and its functions;

— study of the history of the
formation of phonetics as a science.

Not all the problems posed to
this science have been solved at the moment. Thus, the consideration of this
discipline, its study and comprehension is an important step in the study of
the science of language in general and phonetics itself in particular.

Structurally, this work
consists of an introduction, two main parts, a conclusion and a list of the
literature used.

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Phonetics is the science of the sound structure of a language. It
is an independent branch of linguistics that studies the material side of
expressive units. Phonetics is divided into general and private.

In line with phonetics, the following stand out: phonetics proper
(in the narrow sense of the word) and phonology. The subject of the study of
phonetics proper is the field of pre-linguistics, which deals with the study of
the sound matter of language in the articulatory-acoustic aspect. The subject
of phonology study is the structural and functional laws of the sound system of
the language.

The place of phonetics in the language system cannot be called
unambiguous, it still remains controversial. Not all scientists distinguish
phonetics as an independent discipline. This paper presents an attempt to
identify the essence of the concept of phonetics by considering related
linguistic aspects and considering phonetics as an independent linguistic

The first stage in phonetic descriptions is characterized by an
intuitive phonological approach, which is associated with alphabetic (phonemic)
graphics, this is especially clearly seen in the descriptions of speech sounds
and their relationships in the works of ancient Greek and Latin authors. The
same position is found later in the creators of new alphabets and in the
improvement of spontaneously created scripts based on the Latin alphabet
(proposals for improving Icelandic, Czech, Polish letters, the Spanish alphabet
of Nebrich, proposals of French grammarians, etc.). Phonetic descriptions and
classifications of sounds took into account only phonemic units.

A new phonetic approach proper is outlined by individual even at
the end of the XVIII century, but clearly manifested in the XIX century, when,
in connection with comparative grammatical studies, an increasingly detailed
analysis and an accurate articulatory description of sounds were carried out,
without regard to their phonemic status (descriptions of Ellis, Brucke, Merkel,
the system of articulatory capabilities of the Techmer, etc.). In the 70s of
the XIX century. there is a desire to consider the systemic relations between
sound units and it is found that sound differences can have different linguistic
value, which is reflected in the transcription system of Sweet, in individual
statements of Passy and was especially clearly expressed by Jespersen, i.e. two
aspects of the description of sound units are outlined — functional
(phonological) and phonetic proper.

In the XX century, the appearance of the phoneme theory can be
considered as the beginning of the third stage in the history of phonetics, at
which the difference and connection between phonological and phonetic
description proper was clearly defined.


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Chapter 1. The subject and tasks of phonetics
as a science First of all, it is necessary to study the place of
phonetics among other linguistic disciplines. Regarding this, there are several
points of view in the field of linguistics, which ultimately come down to two
approaches. According to the first of them, phonetics is considered as one of
the components of grammar. And, accordingly, the second — as an independent
language discipline. It should be noted that the second approach is closer to
the real situation of this science, this can be justified if we turn to the
subjects of the study of the sciences of language. Language units, starting
with morphemes and ending with texts, have meanings, meaning. It is on the
study of these meanings that all language disciplines are built with the
exception of phonetics, the subject of study of which are phonemes and sounds
expressing them, which do not have their own meaning. Therefore, we can say
that other disciplines are engaged in analyzing the structure and meaning of linguistic
units (sentences, phrases, words and morphemes), without attaching much
importance to their material expression, whereas phonetics studies directly the
matter of language, its unfamiliar, one-sided units. It can also be mentioned
that phonetics existed long before the appearance of writing, because it
studies oral speech, which means that this science was primary and cannot be an
integral part of grammar or lexicology [1].

We can assume that phonetics originated in ancient
India, where 2300 years ago scientists tried to fix the correct pronunciation
of sacred texts in Sanskrit, arguing that the sounds of prayers should not be
distorted in the text. The Greeks also created the ancient alphabet, which was
a written system based on the pronunciation of sounds, today this system is
used to create transcription, for example, in English.

At a later time, the interest of linguists in the
sound layer of the language decreased. As an exception, rare works of
scientists of the past can be cited, but it should be noted that even in the
first half of the 19th century they could not distinguish letters and sounds
well enough, therefore, they did not have an exact definition of what can be
considered a sound.

It was only in the 19th century that the development
of phonetics as a science began. This was historically due to the need to
compile a grammar of Aboriginal languages for colonists, as well as with the
study of language groups in their historical development and formation.
Progress did not stand still, so the evolution of phonetics was promoted not
only by the inquisitiveness of the linguists of that time, but also by a number
of technical innovations. In particular, the laryngoscope, invented in 1829,
allowed scientists to study the structure of the human throat and to study the
work of the vocal cords in 1852, this study became the foundation for
articulatory phonetics. And finally, in 1877, a gramophone was created, which
made it possible to record and then listen to speech, so experimental phonetics
appeared (in Russia it began its development at the end of the 19th century,
and its heyday was in the 20s of the 20th century). In 1886, the first
International Phonetic Organization was established, which opened the journal
"Le Maitre Phonetique" dedicated to this science, so scientists had
the opportunity to publish their specialized works and read others’, exchanging
experience [8].

To date, phonetics is an independent linguistic
discipline that has its own subject of study and tasks.

Phonetics is the science of speech sounds, which are
elements of the sound system of a language (Greek: rhopz — sound). Phonetics is
a branch of linguistics that studies sounds in the flow of speech, their
compatibility and their positional changes.

Phonetics (Greek. Phfnetik (sound, sounding, phfpe
sound, voice) is a branch of linguistics that studies the sound units of a
language. The sound side is a necessary form of the existence of words, a
material expression, without which the existence of language is impossible. The
sound system of the language is a special tier in the structure of the
language, and therefore phonetics is an independent branch of linguistics,
which has its own special subject and tasks. In accordance with the structure
of the sound side of the language, phonetics studies sounds, syllables, various
types of stress (i.e. accentuation) and intonation. The sound side is a
combination of linear and nonlinear units. Sounds, syllables are linear units,
and accentuation and intonation are nonlinear units that are layered on linear

Phonetics solves the following tasks:

— establishment of the sound composition of the
language in a certain period of its development and formation;

— the study of a given language in a static state or
the study of its evolution and development of the sound side during a number of
epochs of the history of this language;

— determination of successive changes in speech sounds
and clarification of the causes of these changes;

— study of phonetic phenomena of a language in
comparison with phonetic phenomena of related languages;

— study of the sound structures of two or more
languages in order to find their common and individual features.

The place occupied by phonetics among other sections
of linguistics has been and remains a debatable issue. Some scientists even
tend to believe that it is not a linguistic discipline at all, but has more to
do with physiology, psychology, acoustics and other natural sciences.

But, nevertheless, such an opinion lends itself to a
comprehensive refutation. Firstly, if we consider phonetics from the point of
view of natural sciences, it can be noted that the properties of the phonetic
units studied by it are not similar to the properties of other physiological,
acoustic and psychological phenomena so much that it becomes necessary to
create a special apparatus for describing these units. Having analyzed the
works devoted to the research of physiology, acoustics and speech perception,
it can be argued that the corresponding characteristics of sound units cannot be
understood without taking into account their main function — acting as a
material carrier of the immaterial properties of any message, that is, as a
form of linguistic meaning.

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