Английский язык Реферат для аспирантуры Иностранные языки

Реферат для аспирантуры на тему Тема реферата: Интегрированные профессиональные компетенции будущих учителей

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Аннотация. 3

Annotation. 5

Introduction. 7

1.   Representation of competence in
foreign literature. 9

2.   The competence of a specialist in the
context of the integration of modern education  14

Conclusion. 21

List of
references. 23




In modern conditions of educational reforms, the
status of teachers and their educational functions are radically changing, and
the requirements for their professional competence and skills are increasing
accordingly. The European trend in the development of education and integration
processes taking place in modern society and in education highlights the need
for a full-fledged, socially active teaching staff with fundamental scientific
training, rich internal culture and a high level of pedagogical qualifications.

This is reflected in universal requirements, improving
the quality of educational services, transparency in the use of knowledge and
methods of monitoring their development at the level of the educational
process, etc. The orientation of the modernization of the education system in
the country towards a significant improvement in vocational education and the
training of future specialists, high-quality teacher training is considered one
of the most important national priorities.

In this context, the new paradigm of education
highlights a student-centered approach to teaching the future teacher, the
essence of which is to focus on the teacher’s personality, the formation of his
professional competence through the implementation of his own value system in
professional activities.

The professional competence of teachers influences the
development of modern society, as it can guarantee the optimal solution to
generational conflicts and contribute to the adaptation of young people to new
social conditions.

The modern world increasingly raises the issue of
education as the basis for professional growth and expansion of professional
knowledge. If earlier getting a diploma was the basis of a profession in the
mainstream of which a person developed his professional qualities, today the
issue of obtaining two or more educations, or getting an education in adulthood
does not seem to be something innovative.

A person is practically not limited in obtaining education;
as a result, today an important role is played by education by adults, which
becomes not only the basis of knowledge, but also the basis of competence.

In this regard, the professional activity of a teacher in a situation of
integration seems to be especially significant. Professional activity is the
activity of a person in his profession and specialty in a certain area and
industry. How a person is ready for his professional activity depends on his
success in work.

This question becomes the basis for the study of a large number of
specialists. This process began much earlier in the West, therefore, in this work;
an attempt is made to review the Western concepts of developing the
professional competence of future teachers in the context of integrated

The purpose of the work is to analyze the Western view of the formation of
professional competence in the context of integration. In accordance with the
set goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

1. Analyze the concept of competence in Western sources

2. To identify the basic requirements for teacher competence in modern
conditions of integration

The object of work is the integrated competencies of teachers. The subject
of work is the specifics of teachers’ professional competencies.

Structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters,
a conclusion and a list of references.

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The most important direction of policy in the field of
science and technology is the integration of higher education, science and
science-intensive production with the aim of priority development of scientific
research and innovative developments aimed at shaping the economy and society. Knowledge-based.
In this regard, the priority tasks for higher qualifications are the problems
of reproducing the human potential of science and higher education, maintaining
the continuity of generations, improving the system of training and
certification of highly qualified specialists, which should be addressed by the
joint activities of higher education, academic and industrial science. This
becomes especially important in the training integration system.

The effectiveness of classes should be judged by the
most important indicator — the result of educational activities. The correct
organization and conduct of the lesson significantly contribute to increasing
its effectiveness. Preparation for classes involves a well-thought-out and
implemented system of educational activities aimed at implementing the main
tasks of the lesson. The teacher must form the psychological attitude of the
students to serious work on mastering knowledge. Without constant and conscious
work in the classroom, regular work, without volitional efforts, the
effectiveness of the work is hardly achievable.

An important component of teacher mobility as a
pedagogical condition for improving his quality of education is knowledge of
the basics of labor law. Innovations in the pedagogical field are practically
not studied centrally today, providing teachers with their interpretation of
the process of self-education.

Thus, the communicative competence of a teacher, in
addition to basic teaching skills, requires knowledge of the subject itself,
special professional vocabulary and an understanding of the needs inherent in
the profession.

In this regard, the teacher must have not only
inalienable general requirements, such as professionalism, knowledge of the
goals, objectives and interests of students, the ability to develop new
teaching materials and use modern teaching technologies.

It is necessary to prepare for what is necessary:

— to show interest in the professional field;

— have basic professional knowledge;

— determine priorities when choosing activities;

 — get
acquainted with the set of skills required for professional activity;

— to realize the need for cooperation with the
teachers of the profile department;

— to determine the volumes of the acquired language
speech material.

It should be noted that with modern trends, the
synthesis and integration of scientific ideas about interdisciplinary
communication play an important role in teaching a foreign language and can be
used as a means of motivating speech activity in a foreign language. Competence
always manifests itself in activity. The professional competence of a teacher
is manifested when solving professional problems in a specific context.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1. Representation
of competence in foreign literature In the pedagogical literature,
professional competence is considered as an integral property that manifests
itself in professionalism and ensures the unity of the theoretical and
practical commitment of the teacher to professional activity. According to T.
Clark, the concept of "competence" means a set of knowledge and
skills necessary for effective professional activity, the ability to analyze
and predict the effects of professional activity, use information [1].  Theoretical knowledge and practical skills, experience,
professional and personal qualities are combined in professional competence. It
includes critical thinking, a need for self-improvement, a penchant for
creativity and a love of the profession. Professional competence can be
characterized as a person’s ability to successfully implement (solve) various
tasks within the framework of his competence.

Similarly to this interpretation is
the definition of professional competence made by J. Dearden, who defines
professional competence as the ability of an employee to effectively and
accurately perform his functions in normal and extreme conditions, to
successfully acquire new knowledge and quickly adapt to changing conditions [2].

B. Frederickson connects professional
competence with individual properties and qualities [3], and
V. Krichevsky characterizes it by a set of features (knowledge for successful
activities, awareness of the importance of the tasks set for a future career, a
set of operational skills, proficiency in algorithms for professional problem
solving, and the ability to creatively approach their solution).

Based on the analysis of scientific
literature, it can be stated that the general phenomenology of the teacher’s
professional competence is reflected in a large number of psychological and pedagogical
studies, but in modern psychological and pedagogical science, the problem of
the teacher’s professional competence does not have an unambiguous solution.

 Indeed, N. Jones and N. Saville consider the
teacher’s professional competence as "the unity of theoretical and
practical commitment to the implementation of educational activities and
characterizes the teacher’s professionalism"[4], and
the basic structure of a teacher’s competencies is the numerous pedagogical
skills that characterize him.

H. Khalifa and S. Doherty consider
the teacher’s professional competence as his awareness, personal property,
allowing the teacher to effectively solve educational tasks aimed at shaping
the personality of another person. Other researchers interpret the teacher’s
professional competence as an integral characteristic of the ability to solve
professional problems using knowledge of professional and life experience,
values and inclinations[5].

The concept of "pedagogical
competence" refers to the categories of pedagogy and is characterized by
the presence of knowledge for achieving success, understanding of their
importance for practice, a set of operational skills, and possession of
algorithms for solving professional problems, the ability to act creatively.
Sometimes pedagogical competence is identified with the professionalism of a
teacher, which means that this concept contains some aggregate characteristics
that reflect physiological, mental and personal changes occurring in
educational activities.

We adhere to the idea that it
synthesizes cognitive, visual-practical and personal experience, i.e. a complex
entity that contains a set of knowledge, skills, characteristics and personal
qualities and provides variability, optimality and efficiency of building the educational
process. [1] Clark, T.
Key Challenges and Pedagogical Implications: International Teacher
Perspectives. Cambridge. 2018 [2] Dearden,
J. English as a Medium of Instruction – a growing global phenomenon, London:
British Council. 2014 [3]
Frederickson, B L Positive emotions broaden and build, Advances in Experimental
Psychology 47, 2013. – Р.
1-54. [4] Jones, N
and Saville, N Learning Oriented Assessment: A Systemic Approach, Studies in
Language Testing volume., 2016 [5]
Kiczkowiak, M Native English-speaking teachers: always the right choice? Voices
Magazine, available online., 2014

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