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  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления




article: Why Business Reporting Is Important For Business Success. Advantages
of Report Writing in Business | Benefit of Report Writing                           

бизнес-отчетность важна для успеха бизнеса. Преимущества составления отчета                                                                                                       

4.Glossary                                                                                                14

5.References                                                                                            16


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Закажи оригинальную работу - это недорого!

Фрагмент текста работы:


The headline of the article is «Why Business
Reporting Is Important For Business Success. Advantages of Report Writing in
Business | Benefit of Report Writing

The first part of article was published on https://www.unleashedsoftware.com/blog/why-business-reporting-is-important-for-business-success; the second
part was published on

The article is devoted to the disclosure of the
subject matter of business accounting as an important type of professional
accounting activity.

The purpose of business accounting is to generate
information about the processes of creating value over time within the business
model of the organization. Business accounting should become a mechanism for
information support and a motivational element for confirming the correctness
of decisions made by financial capital providers when allocating resources and
reflecting the results of value creation in integrated reporting.

Considerable attention is paid to the techniques,
which should be in mind, at the time of writing a memo. Moreover, in this
article the author provides an examples of two types of memo: formal and

From my point of view this article is helpful and
valuable because memo is one of the most universal and common type of
transferring messages, which is often used in business communication.

The author outlines that memo should contain an
information that is typically is written by employers to employee and this
format of memo is named
«upward moving memo».

However, there is another type of memo which is called
moving memo
» that means that the message goes from the superiors to
the subordinates. Generally speaking, there are there are three essential
elements in memo: tone, content and techniques.

To sum up, by following the authors recommendations on
writing a memo you can enhance the quality of your memo.

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