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Поиск информации на тему Comparative analysis of modal verbs in English and German on the example of literature

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления




Глава 1. Теоретические
основы исследования модальных глаголов в английском и немецком языках

1.1. Модальность как
грамматическая категория

1.2. Характеристика
модальных глаголов в английском языке

1.3. Характеристика
модальных глаголов в немецком языке

Глава 2. Анализ специфики
употребления модальных глаголов в английском и немецком языках

2.1. Анализ использования
модальных глаголов в английском языке

2.2. Анализ использования
модальных глаголов в немецком языке


Список использованной
литературы Introduction

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the study of
modal verbs in English and German

1.1. Modality as a grammatical category

1.2. Characteristics of modal verbs in English

1.3. Characteristics of modal verbs in German

Chapter 2. Analysis of the specifics of the use of
modal verbs in English and German

1.2. Characteristics of modal verbs in English

1.3. Characteristics of modal verbs in German






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Фрагмент текста работы:


Relevance of the research topic. The term «modality» in linguistics has multiple
meanings. The concept of modality includes various phenomena, united by the
fact that all of them grammatically, intonationally and lexically express the
attitude of the speaker (writer) to the communicated or communicated to reality.
Modality is understood as a functional-semantic category that expresses
different types of attitude of an utterance to reality, as well as different
types of subjective qualifications of the communicated.

Differences in the use of modal verbs in different
languages should be attributed to the need to take into account the context of
culture and its influence, which is due to the pragmatic framework and norms
characteristic of their native environment. therefore, we consider the most
appropriate consideration of modal verbs of the English and German languages on
the material of the texts of fiction.

The relevance of the topic of this research is due to
the fact that despite the significant development of the features of modal
verbs, the issue of comparative analysis of modal verbs in English and German
remains not fully understood.

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