Платная доработка на тему The rhythm of spoken English
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Table of contents
Introduction. 3
Chapter I. Spoken English and its
key features 5
1.1. The peculiarities of spoken English. 5
1.2. The key features of spoken English. 7
1.3. The rhythm of spoken English. 11
Chapter II. Spoken discourse in English newspapers 14
2.1. Fundamental principles of
writing for the media. 14
2.2. Stylistic features of a media
text 16
2.3. The article analysis. 24
Conclusion. 27
Works Cited. 29
language of culture, literature, mass media is a literary language. It is the
basis of any language, as it most optimally expresses thoughts and ideas. Along
with the literary language, there is also a spoken version of it. In contrast
to the more formal literary language, spoken English is the informal version
used in various everyday situations. The use of spoken English depends on the context
of communication and the goals of the communicative act.
If a
person does not know the specifics of spoken English, he/she will not be able
to completely understand English films, songs, and native speakers in
particular. The spoken language differs significantly from the language of
novels, English textbooks, etc. In a conversation, the topic is developed by at
least two interlocutors. When finishing a topic or changing it, a speaker can
use a long pause, but not necessarily. Usually, people find a way to initiate
the beginning of a new topic sentence, indicating this with an increase in speech
content and a higher voice tone. Thus, even in spontaneous speech, there are
prosodic markers for separating one part of the conversation from another. The
difference between monologue and dialogue (or polylogue) is that in the latter,
each participant speaks for a limited time. The temporal balance of the cues,
that is, the periods of speaking of each participant, depends on social
factors, including the situation, status, abilities, and pragmatic purpose of
each individual.
relevance of the paper lies in the growing need for learning a foreign
language, which in itself becomes a priority on the way to effective and
inclusive learning. The international importance of foreign language learning
is a major catalyst for solving the problems faced by teachers. Thus, learning
how to speak effectively is the key ingredient of fluency. Comprehending the
rhythm of spoken English can drastically improve communication skills and the
interaction between individuals.
The goal
of the paper is to identify the key features of the rhythm of spoken English.
The goal
of the paper determined the following research objectives:
explore spoken English and its peculiarities;
identify specific elements of spoken English and analyze theoretical and
practical concepts;
theorize the concept of the rhythm of spoken English.
object of the study of this paper is spoken English. The subject of the
research is to study thoroughly the rhythm of spoken English.
hypothesis: in the course of identifying various aspects that influence the
emergence of communication problems, certain optimal ways of solving these
problems can be identified. Scientific research methods used in the work:
analogy, classification, synthesis, generalization, deduction, comparative
analysis, study of relevant literature and documentation and empirical
purpose, objectives, object and subject of research determined the following
structure of the course work: introduction, two chapters, conclusion,
The Works
Cited page contains 22 sources.
English learners put too much emphasis on vocabulary and grammar while
forgetting rhythm – an equally important part of the language that can quickly
improve verbal and written communication skills. In the process of
communication, as well as in the process of teaching a foreign language,
considerable attention is paid to the grammatical and lexical component of the
language. An important component is the ability to formulate the statement
rhythmically in accordance with the phonetic rules of the target language. The
effectiveness of communication is achieved with the help of intonation, pause,
stress placement.
is the order in which sounds, words and notes are used in music, poetry and
dances. The rhythm of the English language depends on many factors, such as the
stress and intonation. Under the word “stress”, in turn, is meant a clearer
emphasis in the voice of a syllable or a whole word in comparison with other
parts of a word or sentence. Such a syllable or word is called “stressed,” and
it turns out to be more noticeable.
English spontaneous speech is described by linguists as monotonous, since the
pronunciation of rhythmic groups is uniform, non-striking groups are reduced,
pronounced together. The melody of English speech is smooth, since unstressed
syllables adjoin the stressed one melodiously. The rules for stress in the
spontaneous speech of native English speakers are fixed. In addition, the
importance of the semantic groups of the utterance can influence the rhythm of
the utterance.
order to research some certain rhythmic patterns of spoken English we analyzed
the article by Yolanda Medina. We noticed that the article contains specific
stress patters and intonation, which bring the sense of movement. We can
conclude that using compelling words and generalizations that everyone can
relate to helps the article become noticeable and motivational. We also
observed in the article the following features: consistency of the story, a
clear presentation of facts and events, the development of the thesis
statement, persuasive intonation, and the perfect rhythm. The author also
expresses her personal opinion and establishes the credibility, using personal pronouns
and providing the relevant evidence, respectively. Moreover, the article is well-structured
which makes it easier to read and analyze. The readers can feel the purpose of
the article and comprehend its meaning easily and thoroughly. Thus, it is
drastically important to learn the rhythm of spoken English in order to make a
speech/text clear and effective.
Фрагмент текста работы:
I. Spoken English and its key features
1.1. The
peculiarities of spoken English
distinctive feature of colloquial speech is its unpreparedness, spontaneity and
the obligatory presence of an interlocutor, whether it is direct communication
or talking on the phone. As a matter of fact, spoken English is full of jargon
and slang. Despite the arbitrariness of speech and the seeming lack of rules,
there are still certain norms in spoken English. For example, there is a
frequent omission of the subject in colloquial speech:
– Are you busy? Yes, reading the book.
Interrogative sentences
are built on the type of affirmative:
– Are you Tim’s friend?
The omission of the
auxiliary verb in interrogative sentences also takes place:
– Your mother look after this garden?
As a
matter of fact, spoken English is rich with abbreviations. There are not only
abbreviations of word-combinations and phrases, such as “she’s” and “shouldn’t,”
but also abbreviations of various words: phone from telephone, ‘cause from
because, exam from examination. Not to mention, Americans abbreviate whole
grammatical constructions. Instead of “I’m going to get you” – “I’m gonna getcha.”
The spoken English code is constantly accompanied by facial expressions and
gestures, and that occurs due to the speech styles (formal, casual, etc.). As a
result, spoken language is always more emotionally charged. Emotionality of
speech is resulted from the use of amplifying words. For example, the adverb that which has more emotional
expressiveness and displaces the more neutral “so” (mainly in negative
– It is not that simple. – It is not so easy.
– He is not that poor. – He’s not so poor.
Frequent use of double
negation can also be observed, which is considered to be a mistake when it
comes to literary language.